....the River of Lights event during December at the ABQ Botanical Garden, sponsored by PNM...the fact that religions have not gained substantial membership event...people did not turn to them for comfort as expected...Chandra Levy is still missing...12/25/01: another bomb scare shut down LAX for 3 hours; it actually was a holiday present...in contrast, dogs visit the UCLA medical center in Westwood, CA to provide the patients some holiday cheer!...by Christmas, Harry Potter has earned $268 million...by 1/6/02, it had exceeded $300 million...at the same time, an Alamogordo, NM pastor preaches that these books should be burned; on 12/30/01 these and Star Wars books were thrown into a bonfire...but, the pastor has never seen the movies or read the books; the opposition states that the priest is encouraging children not to read and use their imagination!...the places to be on New Year's Eve are NYC & Las Vegas...for $250 a person can be 55-stories above Las Vegas when 2002 arrives...

...the end was near; all three major auto companies stopped their 0% interest near the start of 2002...Chrysler stopped on 1/8/02; Ford, 1/14/02 (go here for more details) & GM, 1/2/02...but on 1/3/02: GM said there would be a $2002 savings on any leased or purchased 2002 model...now foreign car makers are picking up the slack...
...Yemen (above flag) will allow US forces to hunt for Taliban soldiers in their country...12/31/01: Bahrain & Jordan will add forces & a warship to combat terrorism...Germany provided the Christmas dinner for our troops...rumor has it that bin Laden died in Tora Bora from a lung condition a few weeks ago...another rumor states that he left Afghanistan in December by boat...1/4/02: one Green Beret Special Forces soldier, Nathan Chapman, lost his life near the Afghanistan border...his killer was a 14-year old boy...
...Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres will meet with Arafat aide to resume negotiations...3 people killed, both Palestines & Israelites, on the West Bank...Palestine attacked Israel because of the Arafat travel ban to Bethlehem during the holy season...Peres also said he believed Palestinians and Israelis can now resume peace talks after 15 months of violence, and that the worst is behind them...the Pope is angry with people who use God as their reason and hide behind him to justify their violence, including Israel, whom he specifically mentions...1/4/02: Israel claims it captured a boat bringing weapons to the Palestines...
...1/19/02: Israeli missles destroy Palestine HQ of Liberation and cause the Voice of Palestine radio broadcast to go down for an hour...this is in revenge for the 6 people murdered, including a 12-year old girl, and 20 injured at a Bet Mitzvar ceremony...
...Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted man, said on a video broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite television on 12/27/01 that the September 11 suicide attacks were intended to stop U.S. support for Israel...he told the United States that it would soon collapse, whether he lived or died, as Muslims around the world had awakened to its tyranny...the tape was recently made since he spoke of a mosque the US bombed on 12/11/01, during the time of Ramadan...used the terms blessed attack & blessed terror...his war is against all non-Muslims and international infedels...in 1996, bin Laden tried to form an alliance with Iran & Sadam Hussein...the tape was sent from Pakistan...he is showing signs of fatigue and age, although he is only 44 years old...he is shown with a cane which may indicate a foot wound, and he suffers from high blood pressure & diabetes...US reaction: this is propaganda!...reviewing the tape to determine his health status & to pinpoint his location...dozens of intelligence reports are received from many source...difficult to determine which one(s), if any, are reliable...curious about arm movements he makes during the telecast: is it a secret signal, pain in his body, or nothing...also suspected of having kidney problems...would Pakistan turn him over to the US? again, conflicting viewpoints...Afghanistan does not understand what is wrong with growing opium as a cash crop...it produces 73% of the world's opium crop...1/20/02: a half billion dollar opium shipment seized at the border of Iran & Pakistan...camels are used to transport the crop...there are plenty of stockpiles, with another batch to be harvested in spring...
...300 million pieces of the new Euro currency were issued throughout the EOC...they are equivalent to 88 US cents...three countries will retain their own money...they are Great Britain, Denmark & Sweden...the Euro flag is blue and gold, it will be displayed in all Euro countries by the end of February...but, special coins will be generated for her Majesty's 50th anniversary as queen of England, which is in 2003...
...12/31/01: the crystal ball that fell from Times Square contained the names of every victim & every country in which at least one person died as a result of the September eleventh events...
...Bush (on bin Laden): Glad that damn smile is off his face! and I have no idea where he is, but he is not in charge of Afghanistan!, emphasizing a strong commitment to the long war on terrorism...we are still at war here at home!...the war could go on beyond 2002!...the president also said he will not raise taxes...another report indicates that a radical Islamic group in Pakistan assisted bin Laden in fleeing Afghanistan, and was paid well by him...some say they saw bin Laden about 2 weeks ago (mid-December), but would not say where...12/31/01: Omar & bin Laden may be in Baghran, a city NW of Kandahar...some sources say that Omar has shaved his beard & has fled the country on a motorcycle...while other reliable sources think that bin Laden is not in Afghanistan, US officials do not know exactly where he is, and the trail is getting cold...the 101st Airborne replaced the Marines in guarding Kandahar...the peacekeepers may expand their protective area beyond Kabul...15 French soldiers have been added to this international group, which will consist of soldiers from 17 nations...US B-52 bomber struck the city of Qualaye Niazi, killing 150 and wounding 10 civilians...
...President George Warner Bush has been given the nickname wartime president; 80% of the people polled say he is a decisive leader...he has weekly meetings with his staff, and retains humanity with his Texas wit and mannerisms...1/3/02: his picture was added to those of former Texas governors, honoring his 6-years that he served in that position...the portarit, valued at $10,000, will be displayed in Austin, TX...he has proposed a $15 billion increase in domestic security spending for 2003...1/20/02: Bush complete first year in office, still scoring high marks from most Americans...
...1/3/02: a 6.0 earthquake struck the border area of Afghanistan & Pakistan...something to think about; the Taliban withdrew over $100 million from the Central Bank of Afghanistan in Kabul, one week before the US announced its intention to freeze terrorists' accounts around the world!...2 senior members of the al-Qaeda, the leaders of justice & industry, were captured; with them were laptops, possibly containing important information about their activities...if captured Taliban or al-Qaeda soldiers vow to recognize the new Afghan government, they are released per that country's laws...1/10/02: now this procedure is said to have been an error made on the part of the new Afghan government; in the future, captured al-Qaeda or Taliban terrorists will be turned over to the US...speculations are being curtailed regrading bin Laden's location, although thought to be in a hostile, forbidden area in NW Pakistan...1/14/02: the new Afghan government is requiring Kabul citizens to obtain ID cards and register their weapons...US forces attacked Zawr Kili near Khowst...the new Afghanistan government needs $100 million to pay its workers; Japan contributed $500 million to the country... but the country will need $15 billion to rebuild itself to its former status...
...Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted man, said on a video broadcast by al-Jazeera satellite television on 12/27/01 that the September 11 suicide attacks were intended to stop U.S. support for Israel...he told the United States that it would soon collapse, whether he lived or died, as Muslims around the world had awakened to its tyranny...the tape was recently made since he spoke of a mosque the US bombed on 12/11/01, during the time of Ramadan...used the terms blessed attack & blessed terror...his war is against all non-Muslims and international infedels...in 1996, bin Laden tried to form an alliance with Iran & Sadam Hussein...the tape was sent from Pakistan...he is showing signs of fatigue and age, although he is only 44 years old...he is shown with a cane which may indicate a foot wound, and he suffers from high blood pressure & diabetes...US reaction: this is propaganda!...reviewing the tape to determine his health status & to pinpoint his location...dozens of intelligence reports are received from many source...difficult to determine which one(s), if any, are reliable...curious about arm movements he makes during the telecast: is it a secret signal, pain in his body, or nothing...also suspected of having kidney problems...would Pakistan turn him over to the US? again, conflicting viewpoints...Afghanistan does not understand what is wrong with growing opium as a cash crop...it produces 73% of the world's opium crop...1/20/02: a half billion dollar opium shipment seized at the border of Iran & Pakistan...camels are used to transport the crop...there are plenty of stockpiles, with another batch to be harvested in spring...
...300 million pieces of the new Euro currency were issued throughout the EOC...they are equivalent to 88 US cents...three countries will retain their own money...they are Great Britain, Denmark & Sweden...the Euro flag is blue and gold, it will be displayed in all Euro countries by the end of February...but, special coins will be generated for her Majesty's 50th anniversary as queen of England, which is in 2003...
...12/31/01: the crystal ball that fell from Times Square contained the names of every victim & every country in which at least one person died as a result of the September eleventh events...
...Bush (on bin Laden): Glad that damn smile is off his face! and I have no idea where he is, but he is not in charge of Afghanistan!, emphasizing a strong commitment to the long war on terrorism...we are still at war here at home!...the war could go on beyond 2002!...the president also said he will not raise taxes...another report indicates that a radical Islamic group in Pakistan assisted bin Laden in fleeing Afghanistan, and was paid well by him...some say they saw bin Laden about 2 weeks ago (mid-December), but would not say where...12/31/01: Omar & bin Laden may be in Baghran, a city NW of Kandahar...some sources say that Omar has shaved his beard & has fled the country on a motorcycle...while other reliable sources think that bin Laden is not in Afghanistan, US officials do not know exactly where he is, and the trail is getting cold...the 101st Airborne replaced the Marines in guarding Kandahar...the peacekeepers may expand their protective area beyond Kabul...15 French soldiers have been added to this international group, which will consist of soldiers from 17 nations...US B-52 bomber struck the city of Qualaye Niazi, killing 150 and wounding 10 civilians...
...President George Warner Bush has been given the nickname wartime president; 80% of the people polled say he is a decisive leader...he has weekly meetings with his staff, and retains humanity with his Texas wit and mannerisms...1/3/02: his picture was added to those of former Texas governors, honoring his 6-years that he served in that position...the portarit, valued at $10,000, will be displayed in Austin, TX...he has proposed a $15 billion increase in domestic security spending for 2003...1/20/02: Bush complete first year in office, still scoring high marks from most Americans...
...1/3/02: a 6.0 earthquake struck the border area of Afghanistan & Pakistan...something to think about; the Taliban withdrew over $100 million from the Central Bank of Afghanistan in Kabul, one week before the US announced its intention to freeze terrorists' accounts around the world!...2 senior members of the al-Qaeda, the leaders of justice & industry, were captured; with them were laptops, possibly containing important information about their activities...if captured Taliban or al-Qaeda soldiers vow to recognize the new Afghan government, they are released per that country's laws...1/10/02: now this procedure is said to have been an error made on the part of the new Afghan government; in the future, captured al-Qaeda or Taliban terrorists will be turned over to the US...speculations are being curtailed regrading bin Laden's location, although thought to be in a hostile, forbidden area in NW Pakistan...1/14/02: the new Afghan government is requiring Kabul citizens to obtain ID cards and register their weapons...US forces attacked Zawr Kili near Khowst...the new Afghanistan government needs $100 million to pay its workers; Japan contributed $500 million to the country... but the country will need $15 billion to rebuild itself to its former status...
1 comment:
My Gmail search tells me that you have on your blog someplace the comment that "...if you know that Gary Condit was responsible for the death of Chandra Levy, share it with the Police..."
I've got a whole website, http://www.rickhyatt.freeservers.com that does just that in detail.
What you should ask yourself is, why don't the police nor politicians do anything about this horrible corruption that is worse than an SS Concentration Camp?
The answer is not simple, yet obvious: In 1977, I witnessed the Condit's dispose of a person they believed to be a "Sexual Embarrassment" to the CIA Dir. of Ops. They thusly believed that they had the political and police protection they could use to infiltrate the US Congress with, by providing this "Service" to the high-ranking corrupt, and they have. (See why the US Congress are NOT the agents of the US People, but...)
My story is cover-up, for there is guess what, Congressional Funding to "Get me the help I must need..." For such wild stories.
Yet the photos on my site are real, and I've had them in my possession for over 30 years. So are the facts.
Now comes the Oktober Surprise... Monitor my site and you will soon see what I mean.,
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