Thursday, October 30, 2008

Silence as a dangerous weapon...

...8/1/03: another tape was played on Arab was dated 7/27/03, and was the voice of Saddam Husein...his message; Oust US forces!...the informant who revealed where Saddam's sons were located has been paid the $30 million in one lump sum payment...we are being told that finding WMD will take time...Democrats are upset...this was their basis of supporting the war...the gay priest wishing to become a bishop waits for the vote to be taken during the first weekend in August...8/4/03: delays due to an E-mail received in which the sender charges the priest with improperly "touching" a straight man, and creating a web site that features porn...and so the investigation begins...US Catholics are more lenient to same-sex marriages than the Vatican...President Bush had his routine physical @Bethesda Naval he is on a month-long vacation at his ranch in Crawford, TX...there is a black pastor who is paying whites of various ethnic classes to attend mass at his church...the rate is based on the day of the week...N Korea has dropped the demand for 1 on 1 talks with the US...talks will take place between Russia, China, Japan, the US and N & S Korea...but N Korea says any meeting with the UN on this subject would be a prelude to war...the Liberian president will begin his exile in Nigeria as of 8/11/03...52 soldiers have died in Iraq since Bush declared that the war was over!...

...8/1/03: where did July go?...this was a bad head day!...and the case of the criss crossed communications!...I went to bed @ 7:30...there was another truck rollover, this time in San Ysidro...Mayor Chavez has not been wearing glasses at recent interviews...a controlled burn took place of marajuana, cocaine & meth...going up in smoke...what does it take to get rain to fall in ABQ?...there are showers in Tucson...for the fourth day in a row, 29 Palms, CA has flooded roads, thanks to our heavy monsoon rains...maybe the high pressure will slide over TX this week...there are T'storms near Tulsa...severe storms in E NM...8/2/03: Bismarck, ND had the coolest temp of the US major cities; 52 degrees!...8 million copies of Hilary Clinton's book have been sold...UNM has its first Hispaniac president, Louis Caldera...

...8/2/03: had a very good meal at the 66 Diner...this place returns you to the 50s'...and we got a coaster for a sounvenir...I had green chili cheese burger w/fries (that were not greasy at all!)...Brad had a Frito Pie, much better than the one at the Knoxville World's Fair...Brad made great guacomole...enjoyed The Bourne Identity w/Matt Damon...and there is a Fab 5 entering today's world in the series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy...a My Fair Lady makeover that includes revamping the place of residence!...amusing & amazing!...

...Susan Lucci is married for the 10th time on All My Children...Liza Minelli, in real life, is divorced for the ? time...

If a marriage is a union between a man & a woman, then is a union a marriage between 2 men &/or 2 women?

...8/2/03: Captain stayed the night in my bathroom...when I saw him in the morning, he was resting on the rug...water pipes broke @Candelaria & Pennsylvania NE due to construction in that area...3 others were due to the hot weather...the heat weakens the concrete & asphalt, causing it to collapse, strike the pipes and cause the water to erupt...the Congress is still talking about a Constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages...through history, it is only signified the bond between a man & a woman, for the purpose of creating a family...oh, really? says who?....why is a law needed, and why is it a priority item in a time of economic confusion?...aren't we Americans smart enough to define & determine what "marriage" means to us?...

...8/2/03: and I cried again!...a lot... general, people appear more crazier this past week...

...the Diamonique ring...CZ in another disguise?...

...8/3/02: a chance of T'storms in N NM...a little rain in ABQ...lightning struck 3 people in Sheep Springs, killing one of them...the temp of a lightning bolt is 50,000 degrees...lightning can travel through the ground...NM is #1 in the number of lightning fatalities...the week may bring isolated T'storms throughout the state...maybe monsoons by the end of the week...flash flood warning for the Durango area...severe forest fires & drought plague Europe...Glacier NATL Park reopened for day trips...8/3/03: another night for Captain in the bathroom...saw Cher farewell concert again...

...people with diminished mental capacities cannot be executed in NM...this may mean a prison term for the sex offender who raped & killed a 16-year old...

...still no decision on what to do about aid or not to aid, that is the military question!...US naval forces are heading to its coast...8/4/03: 6 W African nations send over 3,000 peacekeepers to Liberia...

...a grape glut in CA...2 Buck Chuck wine selling between $2 - $4 per are mixed...

...the two sides of news article...on the good side: the Shiprock area is getting new homes through a federal grant...on the bad side, however, the only road to this complex is closed, and will remain that way for the forseeable future...

The ruling on an item in the closet: if it has not been worn for 1 year, throw it away or give it away!

...over 12,000 hectare burned in British Columbia...firefighters from Ontario are battling the blaze...the military is providing assistance, also...

...Pirates of the Carribean remains in 3rd place, earning over $19 million...the Jo-Lo/Ben Affleck movie, Gigli, is a made less than $4 million on its opening weekend...the movie cost $54 million to make...

...8/3/03: car collapses into sinkhole @Harper & Barnhart...both car & driver are rescued...Captain's prison includes a little rug for him to relax or sleep or both...5 AM and 54% humidity...

...the deputy of Osama bin Laden says the war has just begun and that the US will pay dearly if the prisoners in Gitmo Bay are mistreated...Colin Powell will step down at the beginning of the next President's term of office...

...N Korea peace (or war) talks to be held in Beijing...

...the top of the stainless steel rack was cut so that it fit in the kitchen corridor...Captain's food is now located in front of the water heater closet...Captain & catnip make a great are purrfect together!...tug o' war between the Yankees & Red Sox for 1st place & wild card position...Brad was irritated when I touched him in a sensative part of his body, causing him to wake up...15 yr. old, unrestrained, was ejected from his car due to an auto accident...he landed on a fence 60 feet from the incident...8/4/03: huge PM dust devils in the W Mesa area...gas price is $1.43, up 2 cents...

...Hope works @1650...8/2/03: Darlene Lujan, manager, took test for Coding license in the same room as Cassandra...Patrick is learning gambling techniques, such as counting cards...and now, women's football @UNM..

...8/4/03: Brad created a fantastic Bouillabaisse (fish soup, consisting of red snapper, lobster tail, crab claws, mussels & shrimp) the middle of the bowl was garlic bread topped with a rouille...Brad added 2 cans of diced tomatos & hot green chiles...8/5/03: we dined on Brad's Oriental Extravanganza, an original creation, which was great!...loaded with broccoli, mushrooms, carrots, garlic, noodles & more...

...the search for a mini-stereo begins!...8/4/03: a sad day...Mike Tyson spends $400 million, and now has no money...but he does have big homes, big cars, big cats & big legal fees...twin pandas may be born in captivity at the San Diego Zoo...there may be a paternity suit...the father has returned to China...

...8/5/03: suicide bombing kills 13 at a Jakarta Hilton...took place during lunch...140+ injuries...102 soldier have come down with a pneumonia type illness. 2 have has struck the troops in Iraq & surrounding caused by lightning destroys a Jim Bean production plant...

...Kobe Bryant will no longer represent McDonald's, Sprite, Nutella & possibly Nike...this means a loss of income for him to the tune of $15 million...

...more rain on the East Coast...8/5/03: here, hot, some clouds, but no ironic scene of people smoking outside & in front of the Cancer Center...Brad finally found bran when shopping @Wild Oats...anchor stores in malls used to generate 50% of the, it's only 20%...stores like Home Depot & Wal-Mart are getting 75% of the customers who shop...the "all in one location" store is preferred...

...8/5/03: Colin Powell denies allegations of him leaving his position...there is no substance to that report...the best Democratic candidate for the 2004 election is Hilary Clinton...if Bush's popularity keeps declining...exact copies of Saddam's fingerprints can be found on the monumental arch in Baghdad...Iran is much closer to developing nuclear weapons than Iraq...we live in a land of labels...

...the allegations have been made, but so has the decision...and V Gene Alexander, 56, is the first "openly" gay bishop for the Episcopal Church for the NH dioscese...the divorced clergyman has been with his partner for more than 10 years...many feathers have been ruffled by this action...time will tell if there will be a ripple effect...

8/6/03: this is a new technique I’m trying…writing on Microsoft Word, and pasting it in the web page…here goes…

8/5/03: stocks drop almost 150 points, and are teetering at 9000…

8/6/03: Brad can’t sleep, so he gets up with me @4:30 (how nice, in slightly dripping sarcasm) and works on his recipe book…a small amount of troops land in Liberia for logistic support (?)…can soldiers do that?...they will also protect the peacekeeper...the al Qaeda may be responsible for the Hilton bombing in Jakarta…the country was aware that they might be targeted, and beefed up security…but, obviously, not enough…the Arab nations reject the new Iraqi GOVT…to spend $318 million, Mike Tyson would have had to have spent over $48,000/day…he had a 61 room mansion (to name just 1)…with 18 bedrooms (1 had 5 TVs’), 7 bath rooms, a gym & a disco (to name but a few)…he spent $110 million on cars…and plenty on lawyers…so if he sells the properties & the cars, he would not have to declare bankruptcy…I think!...

8/6/03: in Colfax CNTY, a woman is the 2nd person in the state to be diagnosed with W Nile Virus…she is recovering from the illness…4 people have died in CO from the disease…there is no vax for humans...Europe is baking as 100° temps bake the Swiss & the English, and everything in least 10 people have died across the continent…the high pressure over NM may not budge for another month…Horrors!...and there is talk of a dry winter…but we did see a little rain in our area after supper…

8/6/03: sadness sets in as I realize that, by WED, I already know if I will have to remain inside due to another hot weekend…thus, another sad day…the leather strap on my carryall broke…at the start of the day…again…and the solution this time is a padlock…yeah!...lock it up!...I think my search for a mini-stereo is almost over...

8/5/03: a college professor slits daughter’s throat to end her child’s suffering from a terminal illness…

8/6/03: not all INGENIX edits were closed for the month…calls from Hope & Sandra, finger pointing at us…could it possibly be the fault of their new employee, Dorothy?...of course not!...whom we met today…I had a panic attack last about 1 hour in the morning…said to me by Dr. Anaya, Are you helping me make lots of money?...

8/6/03: in KY, the Daniel Boone Highway will be renamed for Hal Rogers, the REP congressman who helped the state get federal dollars ($13 million of them) to eliminate toll roads…gas has risen to $1.49, up 6 cents…currently we are fished out of fish soup…the Arnold is running for GOV of CA...slater we will reheat it on the B-B-Q…well…here we go!...copy…and…paste!...well, it a point...just, no attributes...oh,'s better than nothing...

...and we continue our journey
through my web stream; or decide it is time to leave...

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