Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"There can be only one!"

...10/16/02: met Dr. Bradshaw in 3-E who said "good morning"; we exchanged pleasantries...she also asked Dr. Anaya how to reduce the amount of writing on each patient...the main tips are: state how long you saw the patient...refer back to your resident's notes...Dr. Bradshaw also has a templete, which includes her ID number, an area for exam results, diagnosis & instructions or prognosis...another meeting, this time with Dr. Wong, regarding dialysis treatment & observation which spans hours due to the severity & complexity of the disease...then updated billing charts to include new ICD codes, effective 10/1/02...10/16/02: Geri's daughter was sick during the night, but felt better & wanted to go to school, so she did...10/17/02: Mike sick with same symptoms, better by morning of 10/18/02...

...10/17/02: Judy (Medicine) showed us where our Friday INGENIX training will take is located in the old Health Science Center HR Bldg...Judy does not want to train Jolin because of her lower position & grade...Judy is 8; Geri, 9...10/18/02: Dr. Bradshaw is amazed how early I start my Rounds (usually around 7:15)...Jolin, Cassandra, Lisa & myself make arrive on time when we walk the route on our own...the INGENIX session was dry & dusty in terms of the room, the presentation & the teacher (again, the boss who is like D. Cadden)...everything was said in a monotonic chant...10/17/02: gave Cassandra a chocolate brownie...10/18/02: she gave me a home baked brownie of considerable size!...Rosanne let us out 1 hour earlier...Rosanne will also be having a total hip replacement surgery in November; she will be out at least 1 month! of now, Geri will code & review one pile of billing sheets from the clinic, and I will enter the rest in the APC database, with a maximum of 10 at one time!...

...there is a cabaret (which translates as strip joint) across the street from 1650 UNIV...the patrons use the UPA parking lot, plus toss beer cans & urinate in the bushes...a noise reduction law is being strictly enforced in the downtown area...if it can be heard inside another building, it's too loud...the streets will get wider, new traffic lights & street signs will appear to make the Downtown area more condusive to business & growth...Rte 528 in Rio Rancho will be expanded to 8 lines to handle the suburban sprawl & congestion...ABQ is one of the top 10 cities in the country that have expanded in size without causing congestion or gridlock...

...10/18/02: Metro DC residents are being advised to be extra cautious when doing their daily ctivities...many Halloween activities have been cancelled, and parents are urged not to allow their children to go door to door trick or treating...the candy companies do not want to hear that!...the Guardian Angels have begun pumping gas in Alexandria; the group will offer their services in other suburan areas...10/19/02: at 8PM EST the Beltway Sniper struck further south...the place was a Ponderosa restaurant near Ashland, VA...this is where King's Dominion is located, and is about 10 miles north of Richmond...the victim was a tourist, and was shot in front of his wife...he has internal bleeding, and a piece of evidence (bullet) inside his body...the victim's otherwise healthy body may be the deciding factor in his survival...some witnesses said they heard a shot coming from a wooded area near the restaurant, but nobody reported seeing the shooter....he was taken to the Medical College of VA at VCU...Hanover County police shut down all major roads in the area until 11 PM EST...this is the first time the killer struck on a weekend, something that the UN Hosp staff mentioned would be the next time he would strike...they must have heard something during the week to make that statement...the killer had a pattern of weekday attacks...

...there is a white van located at Dulles with shell casings...this may provide evidence for the police...

...the sniper left a note at this last was able to remove the bullet; as of 10/21/02 AM, the victim was still alive...there have now been 12 shootings with 9 fatalities, involving 2 states & DC, 6 counties & over 4 million people...the northern VA area had relocated their school football games to have been played in Ashland!...

...10/18/02: President Bush signed into law the legislation giving him the power to send military forces into Iraq...ABQ is the only airport city with weather delays today...N Korea admits to secretly building nuclear weapons...should they be considered a terrorist nation?...there's more; Pakistan has provided weapons & has not been proved that Russia & China have also helped N Korea increase its this a terrorist act?...2 bombs exploding in a Philippine shopping center this week; 1 went off last week...these may also be terrorist acts...and still the United States sees Iraq & its biological weapons as the country posing the greatest threat to our own...what is it that someone knows about that country & its leader that the general populace does not?...the president visits Alamogordo for a political fundraiser...

" attack on the United States is imminent!"

...the woman who was videotaped beating her child has been accused of stealing fabric from a store...

...the Rev. Billy Graham is 83...Paul Newman is 78, and starring in Our Town on Broadway...10/18/02: the space shuttle Atlantis lands in FL...10/17/02: light showers in the PM...10/18/02: not as cool as expected...very little rain during the day...lightning at night & some rain, but not too much...10/19/02: a quiet weather pattern...from the Owl Cafe (another good meal) to Best Buy to Target to a nap!...the rock group Queen has the next star added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame...Mayor Chavitz paid back all the PAC money he used to pay off personal debts...the amount is $35,000...the mayor says he has done nothing wrong...the money was used for legitimate city business...but critics state that he misused ABQ PAC funds & has violated the city charter...there are 3 ethics complaints against him...Mayor Chavitz forgot the first rule of politics: Never get caught! late 2003, the Laguna Pueblo Casino will open, providing 1,000 jobs...10/20/02: 42 degrees at 7:30 AM...for lunch it was barbecued pork with cole slaw in a bar, all created by Brad (except the bun!)...Brad may volunteer or work part time at the Truman Clinic...the return receipt card arrived, verifying that PBP received our pension plan documents...let's see when the checks arrive...10/22/02: fried turkey pastrami & cheese on a oven-toasted bun...a check to help pay the insurance premium arrived...met with Dysmorphology to discuss APC & their new forms...10/23/02: Brad cooked a wonderful tuna noodle casserole...saw Kiet Do from KOAT-TV broadcasting live from downtown...

...10/21/02: I am scared waiting for my day in court...the morning was busy, although their were only 6 occupied beds per area in both GPU & was good to be on my way...the building is not where we thought it was, but on the 400 block of Gold...I was going to the Office of the Trustee at 421 Gold AVE was very tight...I was sent to the wrong tie became tangled with my ID badge (due to nerves)...the correct location was beside the inspection station...sat and waited, they called us in (there were 6 cases; guess who was last!) lawyer arrived before the hearing (others did not) & we talked in private...the three rules are: answer all questions, do not volunteer information & if there are any questions about the proceeding, speak to the lawyer when it is took no more than 5 minutes, but my nerves were wrecked!...I was questioned on the art objects & their value, which exceeded $1500...

"It is over!"

...the West Nile Virus has spread to Socorro & DeBaca counties in NM, brining the number to 13 counties in this state that have been infected...there have been 40 states that have reported cases of the disease...

...10/23/02: Nancy told Brad of a job at the Best CO on Coors...he completed an on-line application...he could also apply for a Coder position at UPA since a person in Medicine quit...Cassandra started keeping a production total...a letter was sent to Rosanne & the head of the PEDS area (Dr. Katz); the door was unlocked prior to its normal opening of 8:00 AM...per Geri & Cassandra, never buy at the Best Buy on Eubank...poor customer service skills...

..10/22/02: 6 AM, and again another sniper attack...back inside the Beltway @Beltsville RD & CONN Ave in Montgomery CNTY...person was shot in the chest...he died while in surgery at Suburban Hospital...this is the same location as 5 previous attacks...the note from the 10/19/02 attack asks for money ($10 million) & what will happen if the demands are not is almost 3 weeks since these shootings began...parents fear for their children, and are driving them to school...the words of a killer are seen below...

"Your children are not safe anywhere at any time."

...the killer may have written that statement, but he is not known for being predictable, since he shot a student in MD 2 weeks ago...schools have been closed in both the Richmond & DC area...I-270 in MD was also shut down yesterday...the sniper may be Arabic or Hispanic due to his accent & sentence structure...10/23/02: the trail may lead to Tacoma, far will the fear spread?...will there be copycat snipers?...

...10/22/02: around 4 PM, it poured!...for a few minutes, the sky opened up & the roads got flooded...and rain leaked through the roof over the kitchen area!...he same thing happened in the other penthouse apartments...when the rain stopped, so did the drips...for now...snow is possible in the Sandias though the weekend...10/23/02: Brad spoke to Nancy, who says the repairs made during the summer are under warranty...and it rained in the early morning, as Mike was waiting for a bus at 5th & Central...a canopy at a deli provided the means to escape the rained again during the afternoon, and some good storms with lots of rain rumbled across the city during the early evening...Mike hit his knee with the weights while exercising; OW!...10/24/02: more rain, as thunder & lightning start the day with a bang!...snow at altitudes over 8,000 feet in the Sangre de Christo MTNS is quite possible...more expected during weekend...

"The case of the Disappearing Dryer Sheets!"

...the US has released some of the prisoners at Guantanamo is believed that those people had no part in the 9/11, or any other attacks on our country...ABC-TV showed how easy it was for the hijackers to obtain visas without fully completing the necessary forms to obtain visas & passports...soon, anyone will be able to be insurance policies to protect against carjackings, kidnaps & stalkings...

...10/24/02: 2 suspects have been arrested in Frederick CNTY, MD and are being detained at Montgomery CNTY...this has to do with a firearms offense, not related to the sniper of the men had lived in Tacoma, WA where a human figure target was found...if this is a totally separate incident, why mention it in conjunction with the DC killings? the end of the day we are told that the older man was the sniper...the evidence is found in their vehicle, which is a blue car...we also learn about their lives prior to these events...and, they were caught by police acting on a this country crazy? ...a person has created a Virginia is for Snipers T-shirt...the person (a truck driver) who called in the tip that resulted in the arrest will probably become a national hero!...and the people of the DC Metro area can breath a sigh of relief until Halloween, or a sound similar to a gun shot...

...10/28/02: President George W. Bush will make another trip to New Mexico...he will be in Alamogordo to campaign for candidate Steve Pearce...

...10/24/02: Cassandra, Geri & I met Dr. Anderson (woman), who will be mostly in the Clinic...we showed Ted our backlog & explained the problems we face with Dictation...he said that Transcription has a mandatory 2 hour a day overtime until their on-hand count is considerably lowered...we are maintain a reasonable turnaround time for charges...then suddenly Hem/Onc billing sheets from early October appeared out of nowhere...Geri has to learn to stop interrupting & incorrectly finishing other people's sentences, which was the case between her & I while talking with a new employee...10/25/02: Rosanne out...since both doctors & months change this week, Cassandra & I will do the Rounds at the end of October...
...10/25/02: cool & dry...Brad changed the design of the living & dining areas; it is very open in some parts of the room, while being cozy & snug in others...Hurricane Kenna hit Mexico with 140 mph crossed the country and continued into the Gulf of dropped 9+ inches of rain on Texas, which has enough enough rain in the past month...and there is snow in the peaks of Taos & Angel Fire, which coninued through the people were wiping ice from their windshields...

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