...I do not understand how people can spit so frequently in a dry climate...a 727, lost 5/25/03, still cannot be found...it left Angola, and vanished...another possible 9/11 attack?...other options: it could have crashed in the African jungles, it could have gone down for the insurance money, or it could be used as a drug carrier...the plane could fly & be undetected on radar...its original destination is not known!...how "intelligent" is our so-called agencies?...the rise in natural gas prices...Greenspan says...maybe...
...6/11/03: double tornados were sighted near Lincoln, NE...the good news is that they did not cause any damage...it will be warm & dry for the next few days in ABQ...the Candy Lady no longer exists on Menaul; her Old Town store is still doing good business...
...6/11/03: the Dow is upwardly mobile, closing up 128+ points to end @9183!...the Stock Market is at its highest level in 11 months...Captain slept in my office overnight, in order to allow us to get some rest...he kept meowing on the half hour...he was humble when let out of "cell" which contained 2 leather chairs, lots of pillows & a comfortable carpet...
...the era of Sammy Sosa's greatness is over...his powerhouse days don't occur as often as they did in previous years...the same is true of Tiger Woods...each has had his 30 minutes of fame...
...if a widow of veteran remarries, she cannot be buried in a military cemetary with her first husband...
...6/11/03: in the AM I felt down for unknown reasons...so did Brad...I wanted to find a cave-like place to hide & rest...that changed when Brad visited me on his way to grocery shopping...that was an enjoyable visit...at work, PSAC is packed with patients...outside I saw a man with turquoise cowboy boots...Eric, my counselor, will be in Mexico for a 1 week sabbatical...at UPA, I met Darrel (a brother), also on a lunch walk...WY, MT & MS allow people to drink alcohol while driving...the tickets for Universal Studios are expensive...in CA, a $47 ticket will allow you 2 days to see the park...in FL, 1 day is $51...pity a typical family...
...Arlene wrote my name on a batch sheet and gave it to another Data Entry person...she is quieter now that Hope has left...6/12/03: but she is entering EPSDT charges differently than before...I asked her how we can avoid getting edits, and she looked at me in silence...she provided me no assistance in this matter...so I thought of a possible solution...UH codes vs CPT...tomorrow I will see if it worked...our charges are being entered @1650 UNIV...
...6/11/03: Brad made homemade pesto sauce, which he topped on pasta...another wonderful meal!...6/12/03: leftovers were great, too!...
...it's suicide bombers vs helicopters...it's prairie dogs that are spreading monkey pox...it's a ban on sales of these animals...it's a theory that human to human contact can spread the illness...it's an unmanned Russian cargo ship that docked with the INTL Space Station...it's DEC or JAN when our next shuttle may fly...it's possible a more major problem has been discovered; pipelike objects that detach after liftoff may have damaged the shuttle...it's a sad day to have lost both Gregory Peck @87 & David Brinkley @82...it's true that the oldest Concorde landed @Dulles to become part of the Smithsonian collection...it's the first time since 1958 that the NY Yankees had no hits during their game with the Houston Astros...it's official that Sammy Sosa has a 7-game suspension, and that he can practice but not play...it's hockey playoffs followed by basketball playoffs...it's not true, per Mayor Chavez, that ABQ has the worst drinking water in comparison to 17 other large US cities, with a high concentration of arsenic & radon...it's sad that the House defeated a proposal that would add families earning $10,500 to $27,000 to receive tax credits for their children...it's amazing that terrorists will disguise as woman or plan bombs or timers in cell phones...it's prescription drug coverage for Medicare recipients?...it's what Bush wants...it's what Congress will try to create...this is it!...
"A cape? Why would he wear a cape?"
...the Central bus will be rerouted during PrideFest on 6/14/03...
...6/12/03: at 11:50, John appeared in my work area, saying that there was a training session...I disagreed...but if you reread Rosanne's multi-part E-mail, there was a meeting scheduled in the PEDS Clinic @noon...so we went...there were Drs. Cordova, Knott, Archuleta, Bradshaw, Negrette, Hardekopf, Connors, Hoffman, Anderson & Anaya...John talked, we shuddered at his incorrect statements...the topic of 24-hour turnaround was mentioned...Dr. Webster will be leaving...2 positions for PEDS doctors are open...@1:30 I had lunch...Cassandra will be out on 6/13 & 6/16/03...with everything that has happened in her life during the past 3 weeks, she deserves it!...
...6/12/03: Natalia's prognosis has improved, per a conversation I heard while in PICU between her family & the surgical team...the girl is a fighter and she expresses it by not wanting to be covered in bandages or monitoring devices...she is also upset that she cannot go to the "potty", since she was just finished her toilet training...the father's family is trying to raise the bail money...if he leaves jail, he will probably also leave the country...if he remains here, he may face a 20-year sentence...6/13/03: Natalia has been moved to PSAC (good news!)...there are no guest restrictions; her family were in the room...she has another surgery on 6/17/03...the social workers have spoken to her mother, who may be facing charges...yet the mother keeps asking about her husband, who is a US citizen...the social worker stated that the mother should not be concerned about him; Natalia & her new baby could be taken away from both of them!...
...in July, bus routes will be readjusted...good-bye to #14 (the UNM-Airport loop)...it will combine with #16 (Broadway) & #18 (UNIV-Gibson)...the time will increase between midday Menaul buses...the number of trips on many commuter buses will decrease...there is no shade at the NE corner of Lomas & Eubank...
...6/12/03: Dr. Cordova brought up the subject again of getting current CPT manual...neither UPA or the hospital want to spend the money, claiming that the on-line system replaced the books...but doctors sometimes need to look up a dx, and they are not near a PC...after 6 months, the debate still continues...
...6/13/03: severe storms in NE NM...high, thin clouds over the Sandias..ABQ police respond to 33,000 false alarms per year...the Czechs vote to join the EU...the Fall Guy, the 1980s' Lee Majors show, is about to become a movie...Battlestar Gallactica, the 1970s' sci-fi series, will be a miniseries in DEC on Sci-Fi...moths invade the KOAT studio!...how times change!...the KOAT Focus on Iraq: At a Glance is sometimes only 1 page...the movie Chicago has been re-released to theaters with an additional musical number...there are many people whose sex cannot easily be determined due to: lack of facial hair, unisex hair style & clothes, and the neutral tones or lilt in their voice...
...the Oldsmobile Toronado & UFO (you had to have been there)...the kid who dropped coins on the bus...he picked up a dime...a family indicated that the boy had not picked up a penny...the boy disregarded their statement...so one of the children picked it up & kept the coin for himself...
...6/13/03: saw Margaret twice at work...Rosanne let me use Annual Leave, so I left @3:15...she also showed me the revised Clinic form...
...Iranians protest across their country, crying out for democracy...the term Jihad is used...Colin Powell still pushes for peace between Israel & Palestine...peace talks continue, and so does the fighting...
...6/11/03: 2 years since we moved to ABQ...
...6/14/03: Flag Day! & Pride Day in ABQ!...KOAT did not cover the event!...that is a surprise...
...6/14/03: at 1:30 AM, a rollover @Central & 13th SW (referred to as Downtown ABQ)...3 blocks of Central closed due to police investigation...the female driver died at the hospital...former Deputy State Fair Manager, with a DWI offense, had been appointed by the GOV to the Commission on Higher Learning...this person had contributed $7700 to the Richardson 2002 campaign...13 years ago, he killed a woman as the result of a MVA...this is a third degree felony...and this fact was known by the GOV...NM law bans the holding of a public office under these conditions unless a pardon was rendered, which it was not...on 6/30/03, he will resign from his position...of the 300 appointments by GOV Richardson, 6 had either arrest records or failed to pay some type of fine penalty...a father molested his 2 sons, ages 4 & 5, took pictures then buried the photos in their back yard...his bail has been set at $200,000...the ABQ sex offender law has been declared unconstitutional...6/14/03: enjoyed a Super Supreme pizza from Pizza Hut...
...modern man may have lived in Africa 160,000 years ago...workers from Los Alamos Labs are helping with this archeological dig...
...there are more than 40 senators who are millionaires...the number is equally split along party lines...talks on N Korea were held in Hawaii between the US, Japan & S Korea...47 soldiers have died in Iraq since the war "ended"...
...Stargate began its 7th season...it began on 7/27/97...remember Juan Valdez & 100% Columbian Coffee...or 20-mule team Borax on Death Valley Days...or Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66...
...I have no goals (Eric asked me about this) or dreams or hopes...just the desire for both of us to be healthy & financially stable...
...6/14/03: watched Good Will Hunting, starring & written by Matt Damon & Ben Afflick...6/15/03: Father's Day!...Gulf moisture will flow into the state, providing the chance of T'storms during the week...since 5/30/03, 8,000+ acres have burned in the Gila NAT'L Forest...6" of water can sweep a person off their feet...2 feet of water can move a car...Baltimore is now under 10 feet of water in their streets...a FedEx truck floats away in Charlestown, WV...the desire to read comics has returned!...
...6/15/03: Brad made beef stroganoff with a baked potato & salad...but I got upset because I could not find Captain...and Brad's was unhappy because he gets full very quickly...and the silence at the dinner table was deafening...so we cleaned up the dishes, and he went downstairs to nap...and I went to my office to be miserable...I also walked to Walgreen's & forgot my hat...I avoided being in direct sunlight for a long period of time...for a small period of time, I considered OD on pills, but I remembered how sick some of our patients were...and, things change; we were back on track come Monday morning...
...6/15/03: evening lightning (no rain or thunder) circled ABQ...6/16/03: 72 degrees @4 AM...in the PM, storms over the Sandias!...we are living in strange times...there is no job growth...employers want their current employees to do more...mortgage rates are the lowest in history...the DOW rose 201 points to end @9318...NASDAQ gained 40 points, topping @1666...
...now we have Operation: Desert Scorpion in post-war Iraq...Iranian students want democratic reforms...Congress may approve a $50 million aid package for them (what about us, and the poor who are denied tax credits for their children...the US also fears that Iran could have nuclear weapons in 2 years...there have been 70 cases of monkeypox in 6 states...started when a Gambia rat infected a prairie dog...
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