Thursday, October 30, 2008

Silent Running!

...7/27/03: the Red Sox swept the complete series against the Yankees, the first time this year! men age, tattoos will expand or sag and the pretty women will definitely become out of shape!...

...downtown Santa Fe hotel room rates are higher than San Francisco, New Orleans & 5 other major US cities...

...7/27/03: Bob Hope, dead @ 100 from pneumonia...flags will be raised to half-staff on the day of his funeral, 7/30/03...

...7/28/03: Rosanne out all day...23 D/C + 23 CACU rooms + 8 PICU rooms = lots of work & long Rounds!...a boy who was buried in a sandpile for 6-10 minutes, died this weekend...he "died" but was revived...I am curious to find out what happened...the Hem/Onc form will contain both I/P & O/P CPT codes...Cassandra spent the weekend camping in Ruidoso...they arrived late and could not get into the they passed Miguel to their relatives, and slept inside the truck...comfortable, I might add...except for the rain!...they rose at dawn [they had no other choice!], and spent part of the day fishing...a bear cub wandered close to their location...they did not go outside for until the danger was gone...their tent was set up as they slept on cots SAT evening...then they returned home on Sunday...Cassandra could use more sleep...Patrick has to be at work by 4 AM...which means he gets up @2:30 AM...and is wiped out by 2 PM...the Sandia Casino is installing new slot machines...Natalia is able to do cartwheels...

...7/29/03: definitely a day from (or of) hell!...let's see...Hope & Arlene are feuding...Hope told their boss that Arlene wasn't doing enough they are both drooling over the same man...which makes Hope polite (sort of) to useither that, or it's a good clone!...and Hope wants to transfer to 1650 UNIV...for now, they deliver their corrections at separate times and want us not to combine their work into 1 pile...fine by us!...the battle continues between Rosanne & Pat, who says that she can have a meeting with anyone at anytime & decides whom she wants to attend...Pat does not need to substantiate her actions, since she is the big the AM, she has one response to a question, the PM, it's the complete opposite...well, Dr. Heideman knows about Pat not wanting to include a modifier for multiple services in the hopes that the insurance company would pay the full amount for 2 identical procedures performed during the same the record, he called her an's fraud, and Hem/Onc would get the blame...Rosanne wants Cassandra to call Compliance and report this incident...we shall way! soon as Pat heard why she was being investigated, there would only be 2 possible people who could have report her...and both of us would like to keep our jobs!...Pat thinks we should monitor I/P Hem/Onc services...which we have been doing since FEB, 2003!...Pat contradicted Cassandra by saying I/P & O/P services could appear on 1 billing sheet...evryone asks for Doris' opinion, but not Jackie (Clinic), MGR of Data Entry!...

...Finding Nemo is now the highest grosing cartoon, beating the 1994 hit, the Lion King, which made over $312 million!...

...7/24/03: a month old baby girl lost the will to live...she was the product of a mother who took any & all illegal substances throughout her maternity...the child was born with Hep C, which is fatal and there is no curre...7/28/03: a 12-year old boy passed away...all his body functions were was better this way, because there was no chance of recovery...good-bye, CJ!...

...7/29/03: the Liberian president may not resign!...

...7/29/03: someone took our entire stock of Newborn Nursery forms...which we had just reordered on 7/24/03...

...Tiger Woods, sponsored by Nike, uses Titleist golf clubs!...

...7/28/03: Dr. McKinnel chewed us out about procedures never done by Hem/Onc doctors...after he left I found an example of Dr. Winter doing a "never" (I/P admit visit done in the hospital, not in the ER or Clinic)...7/29/03: idea from Dr. Heideman...form with part goes to us...the other to the Clinic...he wants as few people as possible handling their billing sheets...

...this one is good! on-line web site has been created to predict when a war will occur or a government will be overthrown...players will bet on these events...the FED GOVT hopes 10,000 people will sign up for the "game"...Congress is appauled!...

...another good one!...11 TX State Senators are in ABQ to protest the redistricting of their May, they fled to OK...1 security guard protects them, and does not work O/ law, they must return home in 30 days...we shall see...

...GOV Richardson will chair the DNC in Boston at their 2004 NATL Convention to choose a PRES candidate...the Pope is playing politician...he is trying to convince lawmakers to pass laws banning same-sex marriages...not bad, for someone in ill health...

...7/30/03: 1 Red Sox player...2 Grand Slams in 1 game!...Fantastic!... Saudi Arabia associated with the men who planned & carried out the 9/11 attacks?...not allowed to see implicating documents...there is a chance of suicide plane attacks on buildings in US East Coast cities, in the UK & Italy until 10/31/03...teams of 5 will take over a jet during landing or take-off...another Saddam broadcast from Cairo, stating that he knows of his sons' deaths & mentions them by name...he is willing to sacrifice 100 sons for the jihad cause!...his sons died as martyrs!...their coffins, draped with the Iraqi flag, will be buried in Tikrit...cost estimates of the war...undeterminable?...there will be no reduction in the number of air ($100 million) was found to pay for these jobs...

...can we hope for monsoon activity in AUG?...on Good Morning, America there were several areas in the country to get great last minute travel was a tour through NM, starting in ABQ!...other locations were the Great Smokies...and Savannah, GA...and Washington, DC...July, 2003 will be the warmest days & nights in recorded history...the average temp was 83.8 degrees...the average high, 96.7...the average low, 71...there were 8 days with 100+ degree heat...the highest temp was 104 ...7/30/03: a few showers during the AM...the air smelled like rain...the day remained cloudy...and the temps mainly were in the 70s'...but it reached 86 degrees...and started dropping by 4 PM...dry weekend ahead!...

...these are the facts...APS Superintendant + 49 + Single + recent promotion + PM at the gym + step-relatives + with criminal records + party in Moriarity + alcohol in his blood above the legal limit + driving (?) at 80 mph + rollover + car lands on driver (Sup) + dead at the scene + minor injuries to passengers = something is not right with this picture!...who was driving the car? + driving around for hours? + going to a place to eat + 2 Long Island Iced Teas + Nachos + on the road for "hours"...

...7/30/03: 2 football players, in complete uniform, collapse in training due to heat exhaustion...

...Gay-TV?...the newest trend?...will it be accepted, or suffer the same fate as same-sex marriages?...

...7/29/03: a Hazmat truck blocked the entrance to the newest campus construction site off Vassar...two homes were also "taped off"...but, nothing was either heard or published about the event...Dr. Anderson & her discharge not & Never mind!...Cassandra could not get her car alarm set when she arrived @work...then she spilled a large glass of water on her desk, her chair & her clothes...napkins & towels to the rescue! spite of the mess, we had to laugh!...

...7/31/03: first human case in NM of the West Nile Virus is a woman in Valencia CNTY...

...7/30/03: the end of an era...the last VW "Bug" was built in 1949, this car sold for $800...someone has to show the American public that the economy is getting better...point me in the right direction to see how it is improving, and I will take a look...many white collar jobs are going to Asia (i.e., India) & E Europe, where labor is quite cheap...7/31/03: 2 of Saddam's daughters are in Jordan...Bush admits responsibility for the claim in his State of the Union message regarding Iraq seeking uranium from Africa...

...very good & very hot green chili harvest from Hatch...7/29/03: Brad made a green goddess salad dressing w/anchovies...he poured it on a salad made with home grown tomatoes & basil...7/30/03: he fried bread & topped the slices with anchovies!...delicious!...he also created a new look for the kitchen by moving the stainless steel cart from under the counter to a side wall in the kitchen corridor...Captain approves & uses his litter box in its new location...Brad used fabric from NC to cover the space under the counter...

...7/31/03: one last chance before interest & mortgage rates go up...US 666 is officially US 491! runs 194 miles from Gallup through CO to Monticello, kills his 2 children over a custody dispute...they are taken away from their NH home, and shot in OH...then he continues his drive across America...woman who claimed to be the daughter that vanished from an IN family in 1986 has been arrested...she said the calls were from VA; in reality, she lived in MO...this person does have a criminal background...she has also been an FBI informant...she does not think what she did was wrong, so she may do this again to another family...

...7/30 & 7/31/03: made it home early, in part due to the Central driver who says nothing to everyone, and goes at a reasonable speed...

...7/30/03: a half million people saw the Rolling Stones concert in Toronto...

...truck carrying liquid nitrogen rolled over on US 550...road was closed, houses were evacuated...rain containing ash from forest fires is falling into the water of the Nambe Pueblo...Spruce Pine fire has burned 10,000 acres in the Gila NATL Forest...

...Bill Clinton is in Santa Fe to raise money for his presidential library (number 12 in the nation) to be built in Little Rock...NM is kind to Democrats in terms of contributions...7/30/03: Mike & Dr. C Johnson recalled the early days of TV...7/31/03: forgot Census sheets, had to walk from CACU to my desk, and back again to start my work...Coding workshop from 11 - 3...2004 ICD & CPT changes & Heart Failure were the topics...I learned more about modifiers...Cassandra got a new filing cabinet...Margaret, my housekeeping friend at UNMH, gave me a pile of purple latex gloves...

...7/29/03: traffic light repaired @2nd & Copper...street lights are still on @6 AM on Central!...7/31/03: for about 10 seconds, there was pure silence (i.e., no cars) while I waited for the AM Central bus...

...7/31/03: E-mailed Rosanne for time off on 8/1/03...reason: Cassandra will be out all day on 8/8/03...received response that Rosanne would not be able to answer any mail due to the workshop...she opened at @3:30...tried calling her...the "workshop" message said she would not be at her office until 4 PM...8/1/03: E-mailed her in the AM for her answer...she opened the morning message...then nothing...I called her @11, asking for a reply (at this point I didn't care if it was no!)...Brad did not know what to do...should he go to the market or accessthe 11 he called me...I didn't know what to 12:20, I told him I wa eating lunch, and he shouldn't wait any longer...12:40, and Rosanne calls...she opens all her E-mail, then reads it per priority...I can leave on Friday PMs' if I want to do so...then Cassandra said there was no need for a person to be here all the time...this is because I said I felt someone should be here during the day, to prevent an outsider from I took forever to get my hair cut...then went to for my comics...that ride also took the end of the day I had a splitting headache...

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