Wednesday, October 22, 2008

…10/21-08: hard to buy a drop of rain

51º in ABQ; 83% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Special K ‘Bliss’; Brad’s dental visit; new Duke City High School opens in SW ABQ: for now, hold 500 freshmen; time to freeze pay raises; 70% of NM voters may cast ballots in PRES election; man fighting for his life after being hit by drunk driver; woman & teen hold up a SUBWAY at gunpoint on San Mateo near Osuna; man killed near Coors & Quail; Cody East attack case continues; thirteen people have committed homicide while on probation; blind woman is reunited with her Chihuahua; inmates & homeless sorting through recycled trash; correction: prisoner caught had escaped from Socorro jail, not Clovis; tattoo parlors have to get new health licenses in NM; no political advertising in NM polling places, this include T-shirts; statewide ban of caffeinated energy drinks?; fog in Ruidoso & Tucumcari; next round of NM stimulus checks will be 11/7/08, for numbers 3, 4 & 5; Deming couple arrested, four children taken into state custody, after police find feces inside their home, and no running water; Navajo Nation braces for decline in revenue; KAFB school in lockdown due to domestic dispute; no one could access Sandia High after a weapon was found on the premises; 2P, and no call from Brad…and a few minutes later, he phoned, saw the new Menaul route; lower utility bill; gas is $2.58 per gallon; Santa Fe, one of the top places, in terms of tourism; are youngsters linked to store holdups?; NM GOV is in FL to aid Obama;

the reason of the tie; remain silent at work; Meangel has been readmitted; Code Purple at 6:30A; Rupert being rebooted at noon; Debbie also works for the state of NM: she has received a memo from the NM GOV, stating that any project that has not shown a profit during the last three years should be terminated; finished Rounds by 9:30A; located Dr. Caffey; patient named Miles Long, another with the last name of Dike; eight year old boy may have both legs amputated below the knees, because he was unrestrained during a collision; twelve PICU patients; PI security problems, had to use the ‘other doors’; telephone cord, pulling a ‘bulletin board’ = chocolate mil across my work area: Evelyn helped me clean the royal, sweet mess; starting February, 2009 we will be rotating PEDS duties; helping each other when one person is out; Code Purple all day; is this a way to get rid of Jenny?…worked with Anita; I spoke to no one about last night’s game; is this my fault: don’t trust MGR, who will say anything…will I be brought before another tribunal, it’s possible; MGR trying to control doctors?; ended last week full, started this week full; time for a new cleaning clothing, and roll of toilet paper, for my nose; I have fallen three times, thanks to these people; paper cut along my thumb; patient lives in Tonalea, will follow-up with Tuba City doctor; I am the Coder no one should like; every week, another stress factor; Evelyn has problems with people who are part of previous marriages;

nighttime temps in the teens across America; Freeze & frost across NM, parts of SC; rain: Central Plains; Pittsburgh, TX – OK panhandle; Syracuse, Denver [some snow?], Buffalo, PA Pike, NY Thruway; temps from 30s to 80s; wet snow in higher elevation across N New England, and NY; some lows in the 10s; snow across WY; ABQ temp [72º] mentioned on ABC AM News;

tigers love water; horse gets head stuck in tree; women prefer PC to men; Bengal cats as pets?; keep a little grey; Obama’s grandmother has had a relapse; Michelle will take his place this weekend; IL SEN lead getting smaller; Obama tax plan will save families money; some voting machines not working; good time for a second stimulus package for the AVG American…now!; what is wrong with ‘spread the wealth’ wrong?; double-decker plane lands in Los Angeles; credit cardholders spending less, finding it hard to make payments; Delta crib recalls; no one likes coins replacing paper currency; Obama said his grandmother helped raise him; how to keep a home, a white woman who feared black men his parents & grandparents on both sides have all died; in Foxboro, 41 – 7, Patriots won; does Bush support another stimulus package, to help McCain win?; Palin wants to ban gay marriages by constitutional amendment; a drug to battle COPD, or emphysema could cause hear attacks; a Beatles IPod?; cell phones improve family life?; another arrest in NV kidnapping case; send an E-mail thirty years in the future; NM makes the CNN News, regarding person turned away from voting, because they wore an Obama T-shirt; GA woman tried to set her house on fire, elderly mother & children were inside; PA woman not allowed to live in environmentally controlled habitat, per township laws; is the DOW going down, ends the day 231 points in the red; McCain plays ‘ Beat the Clock’, and he is running out of money; Obama has a 47% lead in first time voters who support him; another Biden faux pas: experience helps America; in time of personal crisis, Obama is showing humanity; bad attempt at humor in letter for MA college alumni, the word ‘Blah’ repeated 137 times; return receipt had the ‘N’ word printed on it; gas dropped to $2.889 per gallon; NATL City Bank will layoff 4K workers; 27 states are in a recession; the next PRES will be tested with a global financial crisis within six months of taking office; in spite of low prices, people staying away from gas stations; ‘this candidate can’t be trusted’…but then, neither can this ad; thirty banks received ‘suspicious’ letters with ‘suspicious’ powder, all sent from TX; McCain’s Freudian slip is showing; why is McCain the better candidate to handle the economy?; Palin says parts of the US are more patriotic than others?; as of now, forty-one states have reported job losses; is Ripley, WV forcing people to vote [R]?: voting machines were recalibrated, plus people told when making their choice, to press on top of the entire candidate’s box; ‘Attack of the Fifty Foot Palin’;

Yeti track at 25K feet in Nepal?; more al Qaeda attacks by the US in PAK; credit crisis is easing, causing foreign markets to rise; gold is $771.20 per ounce; China facing layoffs from global economy crunch: 50% of their toy factories have closed, and some have not paid their workers; OPEC says oil is ‘oversupplied’, has reached $75.69, fell to $69.77 per barrel: three other countries also agree with OPEC to cutback oil production; Iraqi oil executive killed; YAHOO cutting 1,500 workers; AFG suicide bomber is from PAK, faces death by firing squad; United Airlines pilot relieved of duty, after he was found flying drunk on an intercontinental flight; India launches lunar module;

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