...3/9/02: there are final preparations made to an event honoring those who died six months ago for various but unnecessary reasons in NYC, western PA and the nation's capital...the company who is providing the memorial illumination also has created the light show at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas...the coverage began at 6:30 AM EST on 3/11/02...hundreds of dignitaries gathered in DC, led by President Bush in a moment of silence...it was relatively a quiet event...I finally found a picture to use in my web page (see below)...
And so it begins...again!
...3/9/02: this is a glimpse into death...the death of a building, the death of a city...the death of a plane...the death of a lifestyle...the death of emotions...the death of a day in September in the first year, decade & century of the third milennium...the death of life as we know (or knew) it...the death of the good times, or the good days...the death of dreams...the death of optimism...the death of prosperity...the death of a country...and the death of many, many people; some who died, some who are dying, some who wish they were dead...
...but before these events took place, New Mexico experienced a very windy day on 3/8/02...an unfortunate result of these conditions: 7 people died, 17 were injured and 14 vehicles (including 3 big rigs and a school bus) were involved in a pileup on I-40 near Santa Rosa...what started as a brush fire ended as the worse accident in the state's history...the fire traveled across the interstate, damaged the asphalt, burned picture ID's and license plates, plus caused a traffic jam that lasted through the night...3/13/02: a 125 vehicle pileup occured on I-75 near the TN/GA border...one of the people who died was from NM...winds reached 56 mph in ABQ...40-50 mph winds are heading toward the east Coast, from Virginia to Maine...more windy weather is heading the NM way... from 3/08-3/12/02, gas has increased by 10 cents!...3/10/02: person shot at 1 AM on Gold between Second & Third, culprit escaped in a blue Monte Carlo...temperatures were warm during the weekend, getting warmer until midweek, then a return to normalcy...3/12/02, and the temp reached 71 degrees...3/13/02: a record high of 79 degrees, then the winds pick up and the temperature keeps dropping until the weekend...and there is still one East Coast person who maintains frequent contact with us; but never answers any question that is asked in an E-mail, but definitely states the high & low points of life in DC...from the past, Mike Franzblau helped write programs for instruments that operated the Hubbel telescope...enough said!...
...3/11/02: by midday Ann had not shown up, no one has indicated if she has contacted anyone here...??? mystery, where is Ann, who worked in this area during the weekend of 3/9/02, since Ann's calendar is off the wall, and a bag with crumbs is at my PC?, plus crumbs on my workspace??...one answer: the tacks will not hold the calendar to the wall...at the end of the day, no Ann & no word about anything...oh, well, there's always tomorrow...3/12/02: Ann is back, but will be in & out the next several days...her father is ignoring her mother, not allowing her to touch him...plus he is getting angry all the time...one of Ann's cousins will try to talk to him...3/10/02: Ann was sick on Sunday evening...(4/2/02: things have changed; he has shown affection to her)...Ann did take her mother to the Hollywood Speedway north of ABQ, something they both enjoy...it also took both their minds off recent events, and they are enjoying life together now, before chemotherapy prevents her mother from doing anything...
...3/13/02: Ann's mother now has lung cancer...Ann found out that she herself has breast cancer...3/14/02: Ann left at 8:30 to take her mother to the doctor...the only hard part for me is to determine if Ann's phone or the one in the office to my left is ringing, they both have a muffled sound...Ann did not return that day...her mother was being denied treatment unless the entire visit charge was paid in full...the cancer center wanted to wait until April to start treatment...a few phone calls by Ann, plus talking to Rosanne, and that problem was solved, with only the co-pay needed and a visit scheduled for...the next day...3/15/02: Ann came in, found that she won $100 in the New Mexico lottery...then she found out that her parents were being denied any financial assistance due to exceeding the limit by $300, and so she left at 10, then again at noon...
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome ...We don't need another hero!
...America would just as soon kill someone, either with kindness or curses, preferably the latter...we are a country who brags about the good things it does (why do we need to tell anybody, they should already know!), then turns around and likes to see things suffer, and be at the mercy of someone else who knows or cares nothing about the situation (see more below)...3/15/02: Ann took her parents to the Isleta Casino to enjoy her winnings...3/18/02: in order to be eligible for benefits, Ann's parents will have to divorce!...Ann was in a good mood, in spite of a bad headache...she went to lunch with her mother...Ann's mother is only 44 years old!...family members, friends & neighbors are giving her money to help pay for medical expenses...
...3/19/02: more things for Ann & her mother to do; she sat and read in our area until they had to leave...you can definitely see the caring & bond between them...3/21/02: more tests & paperwork that took most of the morning to complete...they left at 12 for the rest of the day, and did the same on 3/22/02...during the morning, her mother had a tube placed inside her, but not completely subdermal, which she was first told would happen...she is very scared of needles...so Ann also learned how to clean the device...on 3/26/02, Ann helped her mother through chemo, and talked the whole day about everything...in the morning Ann mentioned how nervous she was, which made her hungry...she cleaned her work area, arranged her filing cabinets, and she stayed past 4 PM...on 3/27/02, Ann's first treatment for her breast cancer...3/28/02: Ann not at work because of more tests (biopsies) done to her, plus the day before her husband cut his finger almost to the tendon with a saw, and they spent the evening at the E/R...and her mother was not feeling well...Ann's husband went to work on Thursday...3/29/02: Ann was a no-show, leaving a voice mail of her absence...
...at this point I have to correct Ann's mistakes on INGENIX...fortunately, she has been absent enough that there are few errors (more or less, based on the time delay of the Data Entry area)...at least Mike is trained enough to handle many of the area' s activities...yet it is hard to keep up with everything, especially at the end of the month and soon after the doctors changed shifts in the PEDS area (work jargon)...but Anne's unplanned absences erode the trust I have in her...one wonders how Rosanne feels...4/1/02: Ann returns, and discoveres that nothing can help her mother; she is beyond the stage of therapy...Ann herself only has a benign mass in her breast...surgery is not necessary...
...4/2/02: the bottom line is this...with chemotherapy, Ann's mother could live 2 more years; without, 4 months...4/4/02: Ann left at 2 PM, said she was having a seizure, due to the stress & lack of sleep...
...New Mexico mourns for a soldier killed during Operation: Anaconda...Jason Cunningham was from Carlsbad, and will be buried at Arlington Cemetery on 3/14/02...8 soldiers have died, 50 have been injured...500 opposition forces have been killed, 200 have been captured...President Bush held back tears when telling the parents of their children's deaths...because of additional help from Pakistan & Afghanistan, it is becoming hard to tell who is the enemy...winter weather has curtailed the war, it is as bad as it gets...3/16/02: troops from Holloman AFB in Alamagordo, NM returned after spending 5 months in what was supposed to be a 90-day mission in the Middle East...they arrived in El Paso, TX...the conflict changed names again to Operation: Mountain Lion (how butch!)...
...Jeri has given up on her diet...she is also trying to sell her barbecue, and the price keeps going down...3/12/02: there was a car accident in WA state in which a driver used a dummy, who was killed, to allow access into an HOV lane...let us pause for a moment in memory of this dummy...the days of Equus & Bachelor's Mill...and Wild Oats, which is now a chain of chic supermarkets in ABQ...2 doctors in Hematology are named Frost & Winter...3/13/02: a meeting to show the staff the new on-line review forms, except the people who were presenting the info could not make the PC or projector correctly work...there may be a student who will be working in our area for one or two half-days...one of my fellow employees is from the same area of the same city Mike was born & raised, New Bedford, MA...24 pages of this web site were created prior to Sept. 11...more than 30 have been written after those events, containing facts, photos & feelings...3/14/02: it was 53 degrees at 5:45 AM, with a wind & blowing dust warning for today...the Ford Thunderbird was the 2002 Car of the Year; in 2001, it was the PT Cruiser...the fire danger is very high, and will remain that way through the weekend...brush fires have already started near Aztec, Farmington, the Mescalero Apache area & Los Chavez (see more)...both the East and the West have gone through one of the drier winters in history...a mother ate dirt during her pregnancy; now the child has lead intoxication...
...a tribute to those who are no longer with us, we remember you in these towers of light...

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