...this page may contain many ideas, since I will be writing down things that have happened after I started work again...one thing, UNM allows domestic partners to be included in health insurance plans...however, PBP was not listed as plans that provide coverage for UNM patients, all the other fee-for-service plans were listed...Darth Vader is 1650 University Blvd., where some training takes place...I started on an 8-5, shift, then changed to 7:30-4:30 the next day, thanks to the buses being early...the phones display the extension dialed and the length of the call, plus the day and time...I am learning a new system that no one knows completely, the person who knew the most is the person I replaced...of course, no documentation exists...1/23/02: there was a winter storm warning for eastern NM, followed by a wind advisory for an area including ABQ, for gusts from 25-35 mph...another good bus line is Montgomery and Carlisle route (#5)...we used that route to return home on 1/21/02 and drove past the Channel 7 (KOAT-TV) station...K-mart has filed for bankruptcy...Biotech has an AIDS test than can determine the results within 48 hours...John Walker, the American Taliban, will be tried in Alexandria, VA...I miss muffins...
...why in movie or televsision land?...do computers go from page to page in nanoseconds, and everything accessed needs hundreds of keystrokes...does the person who needs to get in or start a car never have the keys, or becomes clumsy at the wrong time, or cannot lock the door in time or drops them on the ground or fumbles for the right key until it's too late...the console panel of all spaceships have so many functions in so many colors that people have to press dozens of buttons to perform a single function...or, none of them are ever used; they just glow as a pretty, colorful effect...
...1/22/02: Lay resigned from ENRON...1/23/02: Congressional hearings start dealing with ENRON, more people are worried about their retirement funds...the Houston Astros' ballpark will retain the name ENRON Field, whose payments are up to date...travel is dangerous on I-40 from Grants to Gallup, and near Cline's Corner...also US 64 north of Espanola...the hardest part of going to work is leaving Brad...very few men worked on the fourth floor, which made it easy to go to the rest room...without an ID card, I had walked in a circle to my work area since the exit door locks once you leave...however, the work area has furniture that is ergonomically built...the skin rash on my hands is disappearing slowly...doctor visit rescheduled to early March (thanks to Brad's call)...cannot access IDX tutorial because of my location; it can be viewed at 1650, but not in the Health Science Building (go figure!)...rewrote the lists of faculty numbers for the OB/GYN & Family Practice areas...as of 1/25/02, I work in Pediatrics (otherwise known as Peds)...I report to Rosanne Perea (a sister), and am on the third floor in a room without windows, in a set-up similar to my days at PBP...my previous manager was Darlene Lujan, who was being moved out of her office on 1/25/02 to points unknown...for a while, she will be sharing an office in the basement with the anesthesia manager...
...1/25/02: first day in Pediatrics, not as dreary as yesterday, probably due to a better emotional state and all the lights were on...will be at the end of a cubbyhole corridor, the entire area shaped like a maze...I was trained by Geri (female) & Anne (who owns a race car)...finally a day I did not feel like crying, especially when I saw Brad at the bus stop!...the time span for the next bus to arrive gets longer as the night progresses...
My official job title is "Medical Coding Analyst" .
...1/25/02: Gateway laid off 400 workers in the Rio Rancho location due to poor sales & market share; 19 Country Stores will close around the country...K-mart, also experiencing backruptcy, has 18 stores in NM, one still being built at Indian School & Carlisle...1600 people are employed at these location...in total, 2200 people will be laid off in 2002, in addition to the 5000 laid off in 2001...but the Bank of America will be reloacting more their company ABQ...four tourists from Nebraska were killed by a drunk driver traveling east on westbound I-40 near the Laguna Pueblo...the assailant sustained lesser injuries and has been charged with involuntary manslaughter; he is recovering at UNMH with broken bones (see more)...allowing the medical use of marijuana passed the Council Review of NM...the people in ABQ start worrying about snow when the forecast predicts 1-3 inches (just like in the East Coast!)...the Coach Killer from MA received a 6-10 year sentence...two Tempe, AZ students were suspended for showing affection at school (a hug)...we forget 80% of what we learn during a day...ABQ may lay off police, transportation & public works employees in order for Mayor Chavez to balance the city's buudget...as of 1/26/02, 143 people and/or positions will be let go, eliminated or not filled...the fifth Taliban in a video found last week has been identified...1-3 drinks a day could prevent dementia or Alzheimer's diseasee...everyone at work uses skin cream...
...I now have my Red Lobo (based on your SSN) & a blue UNM Hospital ID cards, needing paperwork completed to obtain the second one...however, I got lost looking for the right location in the Student Union Building..I now have 4 pictue IDs', plus a key to enter Pediatrics., which I have been told is my permanent location...I attended a Telecommunications class only to find out the my phone did not have voice mail clearance yet...every day various pediatrics wards or units are visited, some on a daily basis, others on an on/off routine...it's a good walk around the third floor and it helps me learn more about the locations of various departments & units...at this rate, I will be working in Geriatrics by summer...Roseann is a good boss if you are a good worker...one should not spend a lot of time on the phone or on the Internet...on 1/25/02, I misplaced my SunTran card, was dropped off at New York Ave., ran home, found the card on my desk, ran to get the bus, and arrived at work nearly on time, but Anne called Roseann to say I had made it...my class schedule has been juggled again...and I actually did some real work...I entered the ICD code(s) based on descriptions for newborn & subacute units...then Geri taught the way to determine the level of a visit based on various health, history and diagnostic factors...this is analytical work; it's an art, not a science...read charts, determined if reports should be removed based on the date of discharge...there is a lot to learn at this point...on the top of one roof is Pete's Playground, named after a child who passed away while at UNM Hospital...first rule to remember: an attending physician has to provide notes when a medical student or resident performs any type of service...simultaneous suffering...
...but it is still scary to interact with another group of people whom I do not know and the rules to remember and the routes to various areas or buildings (including the underground corridors) and I am waiting for the time to laugh!...being with people in the lunch room can be scary, as well as being alone...but, people are very friendly...the lunch room has 2 refrigerators and 3 microwaves (one does not work)...the bathrooms are very clean...
"The New England Patriots are going to the Super Bowl!"

...painting the walls & ceilings of all the rooms (6) on Second ST cost $180 in paint, and we supplied the labor...the townhouse opposite us paid $1200 for a painter to do just three rooms...there was a time when METROrail rides were free on the Fourth of July...Phyllis' work schedule is being reduced the week of 1/28/02...she worries about money, but can still E-mail me on a day that she overslept...1/25/02: a retired ENRON VP committed suicide in his Houston home...1/27/02: the interim leader of Afghanistan arrived in DC, where temperatures reached 60 degrees during that weekend...in NM, the highs will be in the 70s' in the south, and the 50s' & 60s' in the ABQ area with warm winds...there are still questions about the conditions at Camp X-ray, these men can leave when the war ends unless they are convicetd of war crimes...the Pentagon thinks the detainees are planning a riot...
...the 2002 New Mexico state budget will be $3.9 million...included is a casino slot tax which will be used by cities to improve their roads...a recent poll found that 2 out of 3 people feel that the Bush administration is lying or covering up what they know about the ENRON bankruptcy

...1/28/02: the St. Louis Rams are favored to win the Super Bowl...my way of answering the phone: "Coding, this is Mike!" (for now)...went with Jeri to do the rounds, then returned to do the analytical work for outpatient treatment...during the night, if Brad or I wake up to visit the bathroom, we have to feed Captain, no matter when or how many times...since Brad did not clean his litter box, Captain urinated in the gym (revenge of a cat)...there may have been controversial meetings between the Bush administration & ENRON...the State of the Union address, on 1/29/02, will emphasize national security & tone down other topics...a tanker spilled hot asphalt over I-70 in CO, shutting down the interstate for 11 hours; the truck driver was drunk...1/29/02: the Dow is down; TOYSRUS is closing 64 stores, laying off 1900 people...Jeb Bush's daughter arrested in prescription fraud...1/30/02 & 1/31/02: the Dow is up...
...I cannot be driven by a UNMH shuttle bus to 801 University SE, where I have a seminar, because they do not go south on University!...if I wanted to go to Truman Clinic (an AIDS center), I would have to be the only passenger due to insurance reasons?!...but I enjoy watching doctors in jeans, sneakers or clogs...while eating in the second floor lobby, I had a little boy walk up to me and say 'Hi!'...I have got to learn how to decipher doctors' handwriting!...Ernie Linehan is retiring as of 2/1/02...I encountered medical notes in Spanish; they were easy to translate...but it still doesn't take too much to make me cry!...
1 comment:
Have you tried boys stuff at all? I hear they are a good place to shop for Christmas gifts and ideas.
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