Sunday, October 19, 2008


...1/10/02: President George W. Bush is warning Iran not to try to de-stabilize Afghanistan -- or shelter fleeing al-Qaida terrorists.

He said America will apply the doctrine either you're with us or against us -- and any nation thwarting U.S. efforts will be held accountable.
The president's blunt words came as administration officials worry about reports that the Iranian government is trying to challenge the authority of the interim government in Kabul, Afghanistan. There also are fears gunmen fleeing Afghanistan will find safe harbor in Iran.
Bush said there were positive signals from the Iranians early on. And he said he still hopes to win the Iranian government's cooperation building a stable Afghanistan and battling terror. But if the Iranian government frustrates U.S. efforts, Bush said the U.S.-led coalition will -- in his words -- deal with them diplomatically, initially.

...1/13/02: Afghanistan has learned that Iran is arresting suspected Taliban or al-Qaeda followers.

...1/11/02: sources reveal a possible assasination plot to kill Jeb Bush, the president's brother and other prominent FL hard evidence can be found to substantiate this times have changed!; sports announcers and weatherman are no longer wearing ties, but pullovers & a sports or suit jacket; others are wearing denim shirts with a tie, many newsmen do not wear a jacket while at the news desk...more Americans fear an attack by terrorists than by long-range missles...1/9/02: ground breaking took place at To'hajillee for a new casino, whose structure will emphasize their culture...1/12/02: Cyrus Vance dies at 84 due to Alzhaimer's disease...the US declassified plans for germ warfare; so they can be yours for $15!...repairs have begun on the Pentagon...Creed has the number 1 album for seven weeks in a row!...Pierce Bronson & Halle Berry will star in the twentieth James Bond movie...K-mart may file for bankruptcy as its stocks plunge in value...Ebay sales went up 9% in the fourth quarter of is also raising its fees & commisions...NORTEL lost $2 billion during the fourth quarter in 2001, and a $27 billion loss for the entire year; the same was true for IBM, HP & Microsoft, who lost $26 million...the new Windows XP & XBOX boosted sales, but the company was plagued by a court fees which ate 13% of the profits...Microsoft sales are down 22% from a year ago...only DELL has reported an increase in sales for 2001...the security will be tighter in PA to protect Punxsutawney Phil on Ground Hog Day...

1/13/02: President Bush faints while watching a football game; doctors say he is OK...dehydration was a possible factor...for Bush, 55, the main consequences appear to be a scrape on his left cheek the size of a half dollar and a bruise on his lower lip from falling onto the floor from a couch...he also broke his reading glasses, all this because of a pretzel...My mother always said, chew before you swallow...

Olympic Torch

The Olympic Torch will be making its way through the land of enchantment on Saturday, January 12th. 44 New Mexicans will carry the 5 lb. torch through the state. The flame will first arrive in Vaughn by train. Then it will make its way to Santa Fe where the torch bearers will then carry it. That's also where you can catch the torch at a Mid-day celebration around 1:30 p.m at the Downtown Plaza. Then the torch will make its way to Albuquerque where it will actually ride in a hot air balloon. A public celebration will take place at Balloon Fiesta Park between 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. The celebration will include a performance by Clydesdale horses, a mariachi children's group, native american dancers and a color guard. Then the torch will make its way to Civic Plaza where another celebration will get started at 5:00 p.m. with lots of family activities. So, there are plenty of places to see the torch on its route through New Mexico.

...1/13/02: CNN had a story called The Enemy Within; it refers to Osama bin Laden, should it refer to Ken Lay!? (see more) does one define an enemy?...

...1/14/02: gas has increased 3 cents in the last 3 weeks, but is still 34 cents cheaper than 1 year ago...nevertheless, there has been a 4.2% drop in sales at gas stations...according to Greenspan, the country will have a slow recovery from the recession...a company's stock prices may rise, but this may have nothing to do with the stability of the business itself...

...obvious to the merest intelligence!

...this will be the last legislative session that the current governor will attempt to pass radical laws plus address the budget...but it is a Democratic controlled legislature versus a Republican governor...there has been lower gas & oil revenue plus the recession that has led to flat revenue...another topic will be school vouches...the State of the State address will be given on 1/15/02...this should be a lively 30-day NM legislative session...Governor Johnson wants a $30 million tax cut to entice businesses & people...32,000 cars/day pass through the New Mexico/Mexico border, improved security devices are being proposed...

...1/17/94: 6.2 earthquake struck the Northridge area of Los Angeles...1/17/02: Red Sox team bought for $660 million...

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