if the UK finds bin Laden, they will turn him over to the US on the grounds that he will not face execution...1,000 al-Qaeda & Taliban held up in a maze of tunnels & caves; US troops have taken command of 4 tunnel complexes (more below)...helicopter crash kills 45 Northern Alliance soldiers...a high concentration of Muslims (Islams) live in Detroit & its suburbs...
...Karzai, an urbane former deputy foreign minister whose Popolzai tribe is among the most powerful in southern Afghanistan, was thrust into national leadership when Afghan factions at a U.N. sponsored conference in Germany chose him to head a 30-member administration to govern the country for six months starting 12/22/01. For weeks, Karzai has been in southern Afghanistan trying to organize his Pashtun ethnic group against the Taliban. Twice he escaped death - once when U.S. helicopters rescued him from approaching Taliban and again last week when he was slightly injured in a misguided U.S. airstrike that killed three American soldiers and six anti-Taliban fighters...he believes that the new government has some flaws, but he supports it...there are Afghans who were exiled in Rome; they will be meeting with Karzai soon...after 5 years in power, it is the end of Taliban rule...organzied democratic elections will take place in two years...Karzai is grateful for help from the US, and states there will be no protection for Omar or bin Laden...there is a countrywide disarmament; these people can return to their villages, even if they were Taliban soldiers...in February of 2002, Karzai will meet with President Bush in Washington, DC...
...Surprise! the US Army has been making anthrax biological weapons at the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah; some were sent to Ft. Detrick, MD on 09/04/01!...there is a company in OH that assisted in making these weapons...this was known by the CIA...and the FBI is trying to prove that home grown anthrax was sent to the 2 US Senators...the entire staff in UT & OH were vaccinated for anthax!...
...never-ending battles...6 Palestines are killed, while Israeli tanks and helicopters fight terrorists, destroying mosques in Gaza City, and cutting electricity to Ramallah & Jenin...when Israel broke ties with Palestine, this was seen as a declaration of war...the US has refused to condemn the terrorist attacks in the Middle East, even as 5 Palestines were killed when a man exploded a bomb that was attached to himself...the US envoy is returning home from negotiations in the Middle East to consult with the president & his advisors on Israel & Palestine tensions...12/17/01: Arafat asks for peace from his people; they should cease their attacks, which include suicide bombings...Palestinians do not think Israel will stop attacking them...Arafat also wants to return to peace negotioations with Israel, and arrest anyone who attempts to harm Israelites...Israel states that Arafat should crack down on the Jihad & Hamas in Palestine...12/19/01: both countries renew contact with each other...50% unemployement in Bethlehem, tourism is nil and business are doing whatever they can to attract customers...12/23/01: Israel bans Arafat from Bethlehem holiday services; this action is condemned by the Pope...
...Marines have a diplomatic presence in Kabul...12/11/01: Taliban forces want to surrender...12/12/01: B-1 bomber crashes into Indian Ocean, all 4 crewman eject to safety...12/14/01: 2 US special forces soldiers injured trying to take the last al-Qaeda stronghold...the al-Qaeda are presumed to be running out of food and have suffered many defeats, but they will not give up easily...the Marines have secured and are carefully patrolling all buildings...12/15/01: some al-Qaeda turn over their guns to the Alliance...the al-Qaeda are at the breaking point, being constantly bombed...50 of its leaders supposedly have fled to Pakistan; 300-1,000 of its troops are trapped in Tora Bora...by 12/16/01: one group of al-Qaeda have surrendered...10,000 Afghans from Pakistan, 3,000 from Iran and others from Iraq are returning to Afghanistan...the US flag will appear at the US embassy in Kabul; it was raised again on 12/17/01, the first time since 01/30/89...an ambassador will be chosen soon...3 Marines injured, 25 al-Qaeda captured, 200 soldiers killed by the Northern Alliance...the Marine stepped on a landmine at the south end of the Kandahar airport...12/18/01: another soldier injured by a landmine...this area will be the location for a POW prison...in Kandahar, plans have been found to blow up buildings in London...the main task is to rebuild the city of Kandahar...the Dallas Cowboys' cheerleaders traveled to Afghanistan to boost morale...
...12/14/01: tribal fighters took a cave that had recently been the base of bin Laden, and an eastern Alliance chief says that his men have cornered the remaining al-Qaeda forces...per Afghan press, bin Laden left Tora Bora days ago, the US believes he is on the run in Afghanistan or hiding among the casualties of war...sources say that events may go into motion if bin Laden is captured or killed...the US has sent additional special forces...the Afghans have claimed victory over the al-Qaeda, the US does not agree...2,000 al-Qaeda fighters are fleeing; they want to be captured by Afghan troops, not American forces...al-Qaeda forces found in the mountains west of Tora Bora, but their leaders, whom the US believe are also in those mountains, need to be brought to justice...it is assumed they are also heading to Pakistan...the US is holding 5 al-Qaeda fighters on a US ship...new laser guided high temperature high pressure bombs are being used...B-15 bombers will drop these on suspected locations of the remaining al-Qaeda...20 additional soldiers, making a grand total of 37, were captured near the Afghan/Pakistan border & questioned at Camp Rhino...
...the last 3 days of Ramadan consist of feast, food and buying clothes...fasting from sunrise to sunset occurs during 27 days of this holy period...Pakistan police were asked to join in the traditional Muslim meal, served during this religious event...song, dance & music are also part of this celebration...
...first Speed? a stolen bus created a large traffic jam & a police change on the LA freeways...second speed? President Bush says people should quit drugs, which are financing terrorists...there has been a steady increase of teen drug usage from 1990-2000...third speed? E-mail will increase by 45% in 2002...
...Defense Secretary Rumsfeld will meet with the new Afghan leader, making this his third visit to that country...Rumsfeld states the the US has a plan in place ready to be activated when bin Laden is captured...currently, where bin Laden is remains a mystery!...we begin a different phase of the war...
...12/16/01: video, now radio? people thought they heard bin Laden on a short range radio, some think it's a ruse...others are reasonably certain it was his voice...why? it is too hard to mimic a voice over a radio broadcast and still retain clarity; supposedly no one has the technology to achieve that...
...War...or Peace?...unconfirmed reports in the morning of 12/18/01 indicate that 2 US transport planes encountered enemy fire from ground to air missles...neither was hit...military sources state that it was only fireworks and flares celebrating the end of Ramadan...
...for the Afghans, searching for Omar is not as important as capturing soldiers...they are searching cave by cave, but winter storms are hampering their search...the Afghans believe that the Taliban & al-Qaeda will be captured over time, even if they flee to Pakistan...the bombing has lessened in order to find bin Laden...questioning prisoners regarding his current whereabouts...Kandahar is on a high state of alert for potential attacks...
...Iraq/Saddam Hussein wants the Arab countries to meet in Mecca to discuss the Israel/Palestine conflict...Iraq may be the next terrorist country to attack; if so, Hussein says that his men will fight to the death! (heard that before?)...
...Karzai, an urbane former deputy foreign minister whose Popolzai tribe is among the most powerful in southern Afghanistan, was thrust into national leadership when Afghan factions at a U.N. sponsored conference in Germany chose him to head a 30-member administration to govern the country for six months starting 12/22/01. For weeks, Karzai has been in southern Afghanistan trying to organize his Pashtun ethnic group against the Taliban. Twice he escaped death - once when U.S. helicopters rescued him from approaching Taliban and again last week when he was slightly injured in a misguided U.S. airstrike that killed three American soldiers and six anti-Taliban fighters...he believes that the new government has some flaws, but he supports it...there are Afghans who were exiled in Rome; they will be meeting with Karzai soon...after 5 years in power, it is the end of Taliban rule...organzied democratic elections will take place in two years...Karzai is grateful for help from the US, and states there will be no protection for Omar or bin Laden...there is a countrywide disarmament; these people can return to their villages, even if they were Taliban soldiers...in February of 2002, Karzai will meet with President Bush in Washington, DC...
...Surprise! the US Army has been making anthrax biological weapons at the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah; some were sent to Ft. Detrick, MD on 09/04/01!...there is a company in OH that assisted in making these weapons...this was known by the CIA...and the FBI is trying to prove that home grown anthrax was sent to the 2 US Senators...the entire staff in UT & OH were vaccinated for anthax!...
...never-ending battles...6 Palestines are killed, while Israeli tanks and helicopters fight terrorists, destroying mosques in Gaza City, and cutting electricity to Ramallah & Jenin...when Israel broke ties with Palestine, this was seen as a declaration of war...the US has refused to condemn the terrorist attacks in the Middle East, even as 5 Palestines were killed when a man exploded a bomb that was attached to himself...the US envoy is returning home from negotiations in the Middle East to consult with the president & his advisors on Israel & Palestine tensions...12/17/01: Arafat asks for peace from his people; they should cease their attacks, which include suicide bombings...Palestinians do not think Israel will stop attacking them...Arafat also wants to return to peace negotioations with Israel, and arrest anyone who attempts to harm Israelites...Israel states that Arafat should crack down on the Jihad & Hamas in Palestine...12/19/01: both countries renew contact with each other...50% unemployement in Bethlehem, tourism is nil and business are doing whatever they can to attract customers...12/23/01: Israel bans Arafat from Bethlehem holiday services; this action is condemned by the Pope...
...Marines have a diplomatic presence in Kabul...12/11/01: Taliban forces want to surrender...12/12/01: B-1 bomber crashes into Indian Ocean, all 4 crewman eject to safety...12/14/01: 2 US special forces soldiers injured trying to take the last al-Qaeda stronghold...the al-Qaeda are presumed to be running out of food and have suffered many defeats, but they will not give up easily...the Marines have secured and are carefully patrolling all buildings...12/15/01: some al-Qaeda turn over their guns to the Alliance...the al-Qaeda are at the breaking point, being constantly bombed...50 of its leaders supposedly have fled to Pakistan; 300-1,000 of its troops are trapped in Tora Bora...by 12/16/01: one group of al-Qaeda have surrendered...10,000 Afghans from Pakistan, 3,000 from Iran and others from Iraq are returning to Afghanistan...the US flag will appear at the US embassy in Kabul; it was raised again on 12/17/01, the first time since 01/30/89...an ambassador will be chosen soon...3 Marines injured, 25 al-Qaeda captured, 200 soldiers killed by the Northern Alliance...the Marine stepped on a landmine at the south end of the Kandahar airport...12/18/01: another soldier injured by a landmine...this area will be the location for a POW prison...in Kandahar, plans have been found to blow up buildings in London...the main task is to rebuild the city of Kandahar...the Dallas Cowboys' cheerleaders traveled to Afghanistan to boost morale...
...12/14/01: tribal fighters took a cave that had recently been the base of bin Laden, and an eastern Alliance chief says that his men have cornered the remaining al-Qaeda forces...per Afghan press, bin Laden left Tora Bora days ago, the US believes he is on the run in Afghanistan or hiding among the casualties of war...sources say that events may go into motion if bin Laden is captured or killed...the US has sent additional special forces...the Afghans have claimed victory over the al-Qaeda, the US does not agree...2,000 al-Qaeda fighters are fleeing; they want to be captured by Afghan troops, not American forces...al-Qaeda forces found in the mountains west of Tora Bora, but their leaders, whom the US believe are also in those mountains, need to be brought to justice...it is assumed they are also heading to Pakistan...the US is holding 5 al-Qaeda fighters on a US ship...new laser guided high temperature high pressure bombs are being used...B-15 bombers will drop these on suspected locations of the remaining al-Qaeda...20 additional soldiers, making a grand total of 37, were captured near the Afghan/Pakistan border & questioned at Camp Rhino...
...the last 3 days of Ramadan consist of feast, food and buying clothes...fasting from sunrise to sunset occurs during 27 days of this holy period...Pakistan police were asked to join in the traditional Muslim meal, served during this religious event...song, dance & music are also part of this celebration...
...first Speed? a stolen bus created a large traffic jam & a police change on the LA freeways...second speed? President Bush says people should quit drugs, which are financing terrorists...there has been a steady increase of teen drug usage from 1990-2000...third speed? E-mail will increase by 45% in 2002...
...Defense Secretary Rumsfeld will meet with the new Afghan leader, making this his third visit to that country...Rumsfeld states the the US has a plan in place ready to be activated when bin Laden is captured...currently, where bin Laden is remains a mystery!...we begin a different phase of the war...
...12/16/01: video, now radio? people thought they heard bin Laden on a short range radio, some think it's a ruse...others are reasonably certain it was his voice...why? it is too hard to mimic a voice over a radio broadcast and still retain clarity; supposedly no one has the technology to achieve that...
...War...or Peace?...unconfirmed reports in the morning of 12/18/01 indicate that 2 US transport planes encountered enemy fire from ground to air missles...neither was hit...military sources state that it was only fireworks and flares celebrating the end of Ramadan...
...for the Afghans, searching for Omar is not as important as capturing soldiers...they are searching cave by cave, but winter storms are hampering their search...the Afghans believe that the Taliban & al-Qaeda will be captured over time, even if they flee to Pakistan...the bombing has lessened in order to find bin Laden...questioning prisoners regarding his current whereabouts...Kandahar is on a high state of alert for potential attacks...
...Iraq/Saddam Hussein wants the Arab countries to meet in Mecca to discuss the Israel/Palestine conflict...Iraq may be the next terrorist country to attack; if so, Hussein says that his men will fight to the death! (heard that before?)...
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