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…4/7-09: keeping cyber safe
38º in ABQ; 23% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Easter Ride on the Silverton & Durango RR; stabbing & shooting NE ABQ: one in a park, the other in a supermarket; repeal the repeal of the death penalty in NM; were prominent people clients of a prostitution ring, such as district court judges, working out of the Ice House in the Duke City?; all roosters that were part of the fighting ring were euthanized; Farmington City Airport MGR quits; Brad goes to TARGET; Isotope association with the Dodges means more baseball ticket sales than last year, no price increases from last year, box seats are sold out, with a waiting list of more than 100 people; Nancy has ‘black evidence’ from our washer on her calendar; someone will take a look at the appliance this week: for now, we can clean clothes in APT 215; NM has 220 very high UV Index days; take down the curtain rod, and install a washer-dryer combo; 7% humidity at 5P;
we are already ‘stressed out’; no consistency among areas on how to do things, such as delete codes; let’s try again for a blood draw; our Coders require a Group 4 form four each instance; training by Kay in the PM; give us your tired, your poor…your opinion?; when everything has to be done a certain way…and always has been; methinks someone wants to make me angry; what’s “OK” for “me” is “OK” for “all”; I will always maintain doing a good job; I succeeded in getting blood drawn; Jenny has moved to Psych; Code Purple at 6:30A, and all day; finished quick Rounds about 7:30A; has my MGR contacted Bruce?; the ‘Wall of Rules’; putting something into Group 4, and ‘deleting’ a duplicate or bundled service are two different things: providers will receive twice the RVU of the procedure; suspicious package has shut down the third floor elevators between the HSC, and the old UNMH: by noon, the crisis has ended; KOAT on UNMH hill; now, forward a daily log of deleted charges; the class went by fast; people want to take off the day after Easter; hard to find the time to eat; the shuttle lift got stuck, so I arrived slightly late, sat next to Kay; JoAnn & I are the two PEDS Coders; they tell you the facts…after the fact; people ask if they can sit next to me on the bus;
MI snowstorm cuts power; windy New England; snow from WV to ME, especially in PA & NY; San Fran rain; cold temps in N FL, Central TX, Knoxville, Asheville, ATL; temps from 30s – 80s; ten inches of snow for parts of OH; hot in Phoenix; TX under critical wildfire danger;
the lowest number of auto fatalities since 1961; ‘mortgage modification scams’; the Empire State BLDG is going ‘green’; SEGWAY vehicles that talk to each other; jets track rogue plane
that crosses from Ontario, Canada into US skies; seven hours in the air, Cessna landed on MO highway, unknown motive, flown by a pilot born in Turkey; violated NORAD airspace; powerful & lightweight; missing CA girl found dead, she was located in a pond, inside a suitcase; Stanford says ‘baloney’ about the bilking charges, his mansion, yacht & jets have been taken from him;: he will fight for justice; VT GOV vetoes same-sex marriage bill; luxury for the Yankees, basics for the Mets; there is life after detecting cancer; teens setting themselves & houses on fire using an aerosol spray; obesity more common in minorities; salmonella found at CA pistachio factory; eliminate F-22 fighters; CVS & other pharmacies joining with GOOGLE Health to displace prescription records; ‘wiggle your health’; I/P HOSP bills: double charged, misplace decimal points, bill for parts, and the entire piece of equipment, can double a patient’s amount owed, when getting better should be their prime concern; is Blockbuster closing?; 20% of young children are obese; VT has become the fourth state to allow same-sex marriages; four dead bodies found in NW AL home; the economy…for better, or worse; the DOW dropped again; SEN Ted Kennedy threw the first baseball
at the Red Sox opener; 450 quakes have shaken CA during the past month; 911 operator did not inform Pittsburgh police that the suspect had weapons; ‘carbon pollution loophole’; Michelle Obama, immortalized in wax; the GM ‘two wheeler’, the $6K Puma, the ‘ultra small vehicle’; “my parents tell me I’m part troll”; mortgage scams, the ‘crime of the moment’, make more money than dealing drugs; pilot wanted to jets to shoot him down, because he was afraid of committing suicide; new motion detectors for the S part of the 800 mile San Andreas fault, near the Sultan Sea; will DC be the next ‘state’ to allow same-sex marriages?;
on this day in 1906, Mt. Vesuvius erupted; bad joke about showing British jockey’s teeth, or was it the horse’s that reporter wanted to view; ‘twenty seconds of hell’ in Italy; 100K are now without lodging, 280 aftershocks have been felt; Obama tried to repair religious & political relations with Turkey; Chinese ‘doctor’ has not cut his hair for sixty years, nine feet long; 6.8 quake off the coast of Russia; sex spray to boost your potential; a Volvo that stops by
itself; mixed foreign markets; Obama toured Turkey; his trip was an investment for the future; film captures N Korean rocket in flight; after stealing a cell phone and seven pounds [$5], two boys, age ten & eleven, were charged with attempted murder on two other youngsters in N England; Barack made ‘unscheduled’ trip to Iraq, spent five hours thanking the troops; after 25 years, starting with ‘West End Girls’, the Pet Shop Boys are still making music; oil has fallen to $49.75 per barrel; gold is $883.30 per ounce; woman survived 42 hours under the quake rubble, a 5.6 aftershock was reported, initial tremor moved the ground 1½ feet; gunman killed two people in German courthouse; the Black Caucus met with Fidel Castro; another nine were killed in Baghdad;
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