explanation of PDI requests; MGR not feeling well?; finished Rounds by 7:30A; Code Purple at 6:30A; two seventeen year old girls admitted due to bites, animal vs. human; Meangel was readmitted; two children at UNMH following car crash in N NM that killed their father; worked on Family Practice PDI requests; Jenny has not done a PDI:
Red Flag Warnings & Poor Air Quality across New England & NY; Boston in the 90s, NYC, Philly, DC; Alligator Alley closed; T’s storms: OH Valley, Houston, KY, TN; Cleveland, Detroit, INDY showers; high surf & rip currents along the N & E coasts of FL; temps from 30s to 90s; MT blizzards, with snowfall totals being measured in feet; Louisiana storms, MA warmer than AZ; 

there is always the possibility that people are immunized against the current swine flu, either by being vaccinated this year, or by their own immune defenses; ‘nitrogen enriched cleaning system’; return of the motorized barstool, coming to an OH bar near you; crew member suing the freighter CO for $75K, claiming they put his life in jeopardy; UGA professor & killer may be headed to the Netherlands; a cause for alert, not for alarm; fifty people infected in the US with swine flu, add NJ to the list; swine flu vaccine being sent to infected states; people do not want to be around crowds; the US still needs an HHS SECY; common flu drugs have to be taken forty-eight hours after people know they are infected; NYC mayor is angry, PRES is furious at the Air Force One photo-op; Manhattan office workers evacuated themselves from high-rises: stunt called ‘felony stupidity’; artists inspired by Obama; a ‘heightened state of alert’; HOSP stock prices are on the rise; Oldsmobile model was discontinued years ago; Chrysler could be liquidated; two Hollywood talent agencies are merging; millions have traveled back & forth, to & from MX; equal educational standards for all fifty states; Nationwide allows free applications for IPhones after an accident; the CDC is turning to Twitter to keep people informed of the swine flu; hand sanitizers doing good business; face masks are not needed, yet; Capitol Hill meets to discuss the disease; missing Eagle Scout from MA found on NH trails; Cincinnati has its own superhero, Shadowhare, he joins Aclyptico in PA, Wall Creeper in CO, Master Legend in FL: Captain Jackson, Queen of Hearts & Crimefighter Girl in MI and Mr. Extreme in CA; by midday, 64 US cases of the disease reported; Arlen Specter is now a [D]; 31 months in a row of declining house prices; add two more states reporting the disease: IN & FL; end of the ‘muscle car era’; deputy US marshal accused of selling info to the mob; at least two people killed by bus crash near Soledad, CA on HGWY 101; Specter cannot win another election in PA as an [R], time to ‘purify the party’; stunt called ‘plane crazy’; $1.5 billion to battle the disease, create a vaccine; Smithfield Farms Pig Plant, based in VA, has a factory in MX; calling for ‘aggressive surveillance’; ‘mistakes on a plane’; First Family settled in easily; the White House: the finest prison in the world’; the DOW was slightly down; Unity Temple is an ‘endangered’ historic place’; 

UK man with one eye & one arm got a hole in one; even ABC reporters wearing masks; focus on poor people, or the disease is mutating; add Australia to new flu cases; the next week could ‘plateau’ or ‘increase’; foreign markets falling; decline in newspaper sales; closer to calling this disease a pandemic; person fired, claiming to be sick, but seen on FaceBook; oil is $49.24 per barrel; gold is $894 an ounce; a huge chunk of Antarctic ice has broken from the continent, forming icebergs; add Russia to the list of swine flu countries;
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