Pittsburgh showers; baseball size hail fell on TX; N FL downpours, GA, SC; tornado threat for TN & Louisiana; Charlotte showers; Tampa T’storms; Orlando rain, and in KY, WV, OH; temps from 30s to 80s; MN snow; per Weather Channel, Wind Advisory; warm across SE US; interstates are reopening in the N Plains; more snow in UT & CO; late March had a record number of twisters; the Red River has lowered, but may rise again after the next snowstorm;
NY political race is too close to tell; ‘Pin the Blame on the Boss’, Pink Slip Race are games in the Unemployed Olympics, held in NYC; too late for Chrysler to merge, and sell small Fiat vehicles; will GM go ‘belly-up’, in or out of court, the
company has to shrink?; awful March auto sales; largest FED tax on cigarettes starts today; cherry blossoms blooming in DC; optimists live longer?; jobless rates increase in all major cities; Southwest Airlines grounds sixty jets; the man who detained football player from seeing his dying relative has resigned from the police force; FORD sales slump; Kroger mayo being recalled in OH, IN & KY; Madoff no longer owns a yacht; Walgreen’s will office free Clinic Visits for jobless victims until the end of 2009; the Simpson’s is the longest running comedy on TV; your PC may spread spam; consumer confidence slightly rising; 3M CO cutting another 1,200 jobs; the DOW is up; too much sugar is used by the US; Natalie Cole is in need of a kidney; after 72 year, the soap opera ‘Guiding Light’ is coming to a close; stimulus money appearing in our paychecks…why not one check, with one lump sum?; the $300 computerized recipe box;

man running naked with a pole vault, Obamas meet the Queen, one of the rare world leaders to do so; French leader may walk out of talks if more economic regulations aren’t put in place; increase in insurgent attacks in Iraq, more jihads; mixed foreign markets; the transatlantic transformation; downtown London is under siege; does Michelle tone down her fashion, until teatime; PRES will meet with Russian & Chinese leaders; goal to reduce the number of warheads; British businessmen have to be taught how to ‘dress down’; access Internet from TV; PRES limo accompanies the First Family; the formal, informal tea with the QE 2; Michelle wore an ivory coat; gold is $926.90 an ounce; oil is $47.55 per barrel; copter crash in the North Sea off Scotland kills eight, with eight more missing; N Korea getting ready to launch missile; the PRES gave the Queen an IPod,

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