44º in ABQ; 29% humidity at 6A…GAQ, ‘rocket business to another level'; on Good Friday, many walk the path to the 200 year old historical church Chimayo; ‘Memphis Mob’ gang members arrested in ‘Operation: Falling Star’; layoffs at NMSO; SECY of Energy in NM, visiting Sandia Labs; doctor & wife have not filed taxes for twelve years, covered their earnings by creating false identities; the missing black sock; Duke City cement plant wants to remain open all the time, increasing the noise factor in its neighborhood; child abuse victim may need its arm amputated; Olde Towne, it’s where ABQ started; even Nancy doesn’t fully understand NM, while she is waiting for her late paycheck; fatal Four Corners rollover; washer black spots a mystery to repairman, who arrived after 6P, will contact his company HQ; sixteen year old NM girl missing since March; an eye on the trees, an eye on the trail while hiking in the Foothills, or you may be struck by wood; structure & 1,300 acres burned in Roosevelt CNTY; chance of rain & snow across NM; cheap fun: Rio Grande Zoo; thirty-four states have an Hispanic Affairs DEPT, NM GOV says ‘NO’, considered an ‘unfunded mandate‘, a council may be created instead; haircut & a shave;
MGR out; leaving at 11:30A; why do people at the top like to be hated?; tuition increase for next year; Evelyn out; three hours of freedom, and a visit to Ta Lin; finished Rounds before 8A; empty AM R/R; for now, do not put deleted charges into Group Four; still a long, busy day;
‘debris fields’ in & around Mena, AR where three people died;
fourteen twisters in four states; SE US tornadoes, IN rain, KS snow; severe T’storms along parts of I-55 & I-65; in TN, KY, AR, MS, heading to GA & the Carolinas; looks ‘mean on the radar screen’; rain moving into DC, Baltimore & DC; temps from 30s to 80s; OK & TX wildfires, hundreds of homes going up in flames, firemen hampered by winds & big brush, students bussed to safety, interstates closed in several states, three deaths in TX; hail in VA; snow in CO, NV & UT; rain in S CA; 70s in ATL;
underwear cannot be exposed in FL, boy in court says it is a ‘fashion trend’, worn by both royalty & movie stars; a FL vending machine where you can buy handcuffs to luxury cars; civic ‘pothole brigade’ in Chicago; ‘if I only had a gun…’; cushioned pet bed for a dog in a car; man drove through a red light, killing an Angels baseball player, who had been raised in MD, and was now a good pitcher; DOW at its highest level in several months; McCain’s daughter will write her second book; Michelle Obama helped plant her ‘kitchen garden’; movie seats that move with the motions; number twenty-two: NC bank closed, costing the FDIC $131 million; the DOW went up, ended higher than 8K; Obama is good for DC tourism; malls of all kinds are losing businesses at a record pace, not since 1999; Wal-Mart removes shoes from shelves, heels could snap off while walking; FL woman watches home being burglarized, ‘thanks’ to the webcam she installed; two students killed in MI murder-suicide pact; build a better circle; more seizures from strobe effects in several video games; access your computer anywhere with $99 device; co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons have died; bad economy, more domestic violence?; 53 people killed in March mass murders; a ‘thaw in the credit market’, a ‘glimmer of hope’?; hundreds of IL residents exposed to patient with TB; blaming a stuck accelerator, PA priest struck several people, causing a woman’ leg to be severed;
more tremors are being felt; ceremonies of the various religions held for the dead, NATL day of mourning & mass funerals in Italy for quake victims, churches destroyed, so services held outside; one hostage & two pirates died in French yacht rescue; more money requested by Obama for the two wars; captain floating in a lifeboat in the Indian Ocean as another Navy ship heading to the E African Coast, tried to escaped, but failed when gunmen fired their weapons at him; Somali pirates will fight if attacked; $2 million ransom for captain, and he cannot speak to anyone on the US ships; pirate ‘mother ships’ are approaching that area, carrying other hostages; not enough vessels to guard freighters & tankers; PETA wants Pet Shop Boys to change their name; five US soldiers killed in Mosul; Eiffel Tower workers have been on strike for two days;

MGR out; leaving at 11:30A; why do people at the top like to be hated?; tuition increase for next year; Evelyn out; three hours of freedom, and a visit to Ta Lin; finished Rounds before 8A; empty AM R/R; for now, do not put deleted charges into Group Four; still a long, busy day;

underwear cannot be exposed in FL, boy in court says it is a ‘fashion trend’, worn by both royalty & movie stars; a FL vending machine where you can buy handcuffs to luxury cars; civic ‘pothole brigade’ in Chicago; ‘if I only had a gun…’; cushioned pet bed for a dog in a car; man drove through a red light, killing an Angels baseball player, who had been raised in MD, and was now a good pitcher; DOW at its highest level in several months; McCain’s daughter will write her second book; Michelle Obama helped plant her ‘kitchen garden’; movie seats that move with the motions; number twenty-two: NC bank closed, costing the FDIC $131 million; the DOW went up, ended higher than 8K; Obama is good for DC tourism; malls of all kinds are losing businesses at a record pace, not since 1999; Wal-Mart removes shoes from shelves, heels could snap off while walking; FL woman watches home being burglarized, ‘thanks’ to the webcam she installed; two students killed in MI murder-suicide pact; build a better circle; more seizures from strobe effects in several video games; access your computer anywhere with $99 device; co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons have died; bad economy, more domestic violence?; 53 people killed in March mass murders; a ‘thaw in the credit market’, a ‘glimmer of hope’?; hundreds of IL residents exposed to patient with TB; blaming a stuck accelerator, PA priest struck several people, causing a woman’ leg to be severed;

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