Saturday, April 4, 2009

…4/3-09: clean, coal technology

46º in ABQ; 34% humidity at 6A…blood work after Closing; GAQ; film industry training for those without jobs; tea & humidity; take showers before naps; families gather to share their grief about the W Mesa Murder Mysteries; windy & potential fire threat; Brandon Craig meets his new daughter for the first time; Bill signing bills; Fire Danger keeps expanding across NM; ‘on the cheap’ blogs across NM, the US & the world; did not sleep well last night; Curry CNTY homicide; one more YDC inmate caught; killer is not a ‘monster’, has no remorse; people are still complaining the Rail Runner is too noisy; Mesa del Sol construction has come to a halt because of the bad economy; another afternoon dust storm?; maybe an omen from lack of sleep, could not get blood drawn today; rabbit near Santa Fe diagnosed as having the plague; webcams in Aztec daycare CTR; salmonella threat from baby chicks; two more W Mesa bodies have been identified; very early to bed;

Hell Week, Day 2.5; people anxious to take the PM off after the Closing; UNM will build a series of telescopes near the VLA; a kinder, gentler crew; casting call for Coders; climbing for comics; UNM SE Heights Clinic officially opens today; too many people waiting to draw blood, will go on Monday; finished Rounds about 8A; very late Lomas, walk up Eubank, very little conversation at bookstore, quick pickup on Menaul, at home by 6P; ‘mandatory teamwork; only ate some pudding during the entire day; by the end of work, I was sleepy, and had a headache;

temps from 20s to 90s; downpours, dense fog & potential floods from ME to Cape Cod to NYC; Pittsburgh, WV & Shenandoah Valley downpours; AM twisters across Central FL; heavy rains from AL to GA, flooding in Louisiana; another N Plains blizzards; ID snow, windy across AZ, NV & ‘the’ Las Vegas; there were 11 twisters in four states yesterday; TX needs rain, fires across the state; Charlotte showers; Toledo thunder; TN tornadoes shut down airports; UT & CO snow; warm in DC;

call to cereal CO is directed to sex chat line; overhaul education & energy; not since 1983, jobless rate is 8.5%; new photos about MLK, just before his death; more productive at work when taking time to use YouTube & FaceBook, ‘zoning’ is good for your work health; IBM to buy Sun Microsystems; NJ men arrested for UFO prank; jobless rate will rise until 2010?; children should be taught how to swim; glasses make I-screens look like a 45 inch TV; Americans exercising their thumbs by texting; one person’s gain, at the expense of another person’s pain; $500K homes selling for less than $300K; IA is the next state to allow samesex weddings; ‘X-Men’ preview prematurely leaked to the public; we make the NATL news in the worst way: NM man can’t remember where he buried the body; MA mother stabbed her daughter 100 times, but the little girl may survive, since most cuts were superficial; because she had no family, and lived in a rural area, no one knew for eighteen months that a SC woman had died; how did a man ‘accidentally’ swallow a pair of scissors; the DOW slightly moved up, ended the week over 8K; deadly rampage at Binghamton, NY immigration CTR, at least twelve people dead, including the gunman, who had recently lost his job; unemployment rate the highest since 1983;

major agreements…to a point; everyone loves Michelle; media praises the G–20; the ‘touch’ vs. protocol, speaking about each other’s shoes; First Lady made headlines & front page photos, Michelle spoke to students at a N London girls’ school, spoke about her modest upbringing; successful summit?; foreign markets mixed; ‘the world has to change’; new country, new problems, new financial watchdogs; some agreements; NATL security will be discussed by Obama at NATO talks in France; Barack battling a head cold; ‘Iconic’ First Lady spoke of female empowerment; Michelle could wear rubbish, and look good in it; Madonna cannot adopt the Malawi girl, so says a judge; an etiquette minefield; herding cats for class photo?; the Queen, the Royal Teacher & Headmistress; the memoir camera; Obama will also visit Germany; New Zealand still retains ‘Lord of the Rings’ landscape; chunk of ice breaks apart from Antarctica; Obama would like a world without nuclear weapons; oil is $52.16 per barrel; gold is $896.70 per ounce;

1 comment:

Pat R said...

this goes to show ya, don't run or laugh with scissors... in your mouth