Friday, October 17, 2008

…10/16-08: you look the same, you smell the same

46º in ABQ; 76% humidity at 6A…GAQ; NM gun shop owner says Obama has terrorist ties to Osama bin Laden; Teepee pole taken from the Native American Community Academy during this past weekend; new restaurant guidelines, no longer just red or green; fog in parts of NM; replay of a Greek tragedy?: red pillowcases as placemats; Brad baked Biscuits; Manny Aragon, former NM state senator for thirty years, pleads guilty to mail fraud, could spend five years in jail, accused of stealing money [with others] from the METRO Courthouse project; Brad gave Nancy a list of repairs, but Chris doesn’t write them down; Palin will be in Roswell this Sunday; “I don’t approve that message”; political signs from both parties have been stolen in Rio Rancho;

area meeting cancelled; remember, two patients from yesterday’s Census, seen by Leslie & Aaron; “90 is good!”; Boss’ Day; people will be out for revenge, try to get me fired; only an error away; $100K UNM job given to son of college PRES?; finished Rounds about 9:30A; sent MGR rainbow card for ‘NATL Boss Day’; Jenny is behind in her TES edits, so JoAnn may have to help her…within an hour I was told that ‘everything was under control’; at 3:30P, finally got a response: delete the HEM/ONC edits, an E-mail was sent by my MGR to Susan & Candace; saw Linda & Debbie again; JoAnn should go on a vacation;

fog: parts of I-10, I-95, JAX, Savannah; wet along I-87, NY State Thruway, Houston, Pittsburgh, NYC; frost & freeze in SD, IA, NE, KS; Omar went between islands: 125 winds, moving NE at 25 mph, heading to Puerto Rico, now a CAT 3 storm; temps from 50s to 90s; E Coast T’storms; two Rocky MTN ski slopes have opened;

Glacier NATL Park is melting; germfree keyboard & mouse, sterilization by steam; the miracle of fish oil; a more fiery debate; kept referring to ‘Joe the plumber’, face of the OH middle-class worker, who was mentioned 24 times; Obama won, McCain tried to get under his opponent’s skin; Nancy Reagan will not need surgery; people have stopped buying anything, will struggle to stay in their homes; bailout is no longer a cure; Philly goes to the World Series; EBay may layoff more workers; link buyers with banks, no one wants to buy a car, or any vehicle; low prices for flat screen TVs; AIG is still spending lots of money on trips & luxuries; ‘disagree, without being disagreeable’; Hollywood ‘power couple’ split; Obama was on the offensive, but remained calm & confident; a tense, awkward debate, with candidates sitting feet apart; CA residents can return to their homes, fire fighters winning the battle against the fire; so far in October, stocks are down 21%; recession: a period of no bonuses & no raises; only a small amount of mercury in measles vaccine; people turning to community banks; medical helicopter crashed in Chicago suburb, killing four people; debut of GOOGLE phone next week; Edie Adams has died at the age of 81 from pneumonia & cancer; NYC homeless man killed student in APT; it was a night of heated & personal clashes; gone is Joe, Six-pack; is McCain getting desperate?; ‘he is not Bush’; Social Security benefits will increase in 2009; DOW is somewhat steady at noon, jumped up 400 points in the PM; 1973, NYC, before WTC; PA is a ‘racist’ state; gas is $3.084 per gallon; debate is in the rear view mirror; ‘spread the wealth’; each year, about 1,800 men great breast cancer; has inflation ‘flattened’?; the person who is not really a licensed plumber becomes a star in Australia; ‘Joe’ [or, Joseph] is not his real first name; people criticizing the new movie title, ‘Porno’; gas was $4.15 per gallon: now, is $3.11; man with a pipe bomb was arrested after attempting to board a plane in NYC ; TV Guide magazine sold for $1; quiz show host Jack Narz died from a stroke at the age of 85; explosion in parking garage shook building in stylish St. Louis suburb; 106 year old woman anxious to vote; shooting near Detroit school kills one person;

second highest Iraqi al Qaeda leader killed; Asian markets falling, a vulnerable area, there may be a worldwide recession, no one wants to buy; economic ripples across Europe & Asia; former Pope attacked by a knife in Portugal; Iraq thinks $100 per barrel is a fair price; oil had dropped to $68.57 per barrel; OPEC meeting will now take place on 10/24/08; oil was $145.29 per barrel: now, is $69.85; air temp is five degrees warmer in Greenland, 'thanks' to global warming; unmarried man & woman will spend three months in jail for having sex on a Dubai beach;

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