Saturday, January 31, 2009

…1/30-09: money can move mountains

30º in ABQ; 47% humidity at 6A…for better or worse: I ‘win’ one battle, just to ‘lose’ another; my life totally transformed on 9/1/06; GAQ; NM GOV cutting contingency fund; domestic partners bill to be discussed by the legislature; Ruidoso continues rebuilding after great floods this summer; ABQ housing prices have dropped by $10K, sales declined by 25%; Scorpions are for sale; NM has one of the lowest unemployment rate; bolo ties allowed in the Round House, can be worn by either men & women; more cuts in Duke City school budget; NM GOV closing his Las Cruces & Duke City offices; another restless night; man charged with child solicitation for sex; is there less traffic?; SWAT situation in La Luz; security force for Rail Runner; plutonium in LANL runoff?;

add Dr. Goens to the list of someone’s ‘not liked’ providers; and, not all good will between MGMT; finishing ‘revised Rounds’ by 7:30A; Coding class this AM, lasting until the PM, cancelled on 1/28/09, to be rescheduled in February; climb up for comics; MGR not feeling well; some people don’t have to turn in assignments on time; no one told me Deena Michaels [the F/P PICN Coder] had moved from NEH to Dermatology Clinic; JoAnn rooting for Steelers; the war between Kay & Dr. Goens continues; TES edits: problem with CPT codes 99460 & 99480, system says invalid, yet they both have dollar values, and are not determined by age: E-mailed MGR & J. Wilhelm…computer glitch, TES has to be shut down for one hour; Myrna’s granddaughter is not feeling well, went to Urgent Care Clinic; sign on empty room…”only three visitors per bedside’; beware of falling emesis!; mental stress is killing me; waited 25 minutes for Menaul bus, got home by 6P; this method of capturing all visits is not working; AM Central is ‘on time’; Myrna & Evelyn working tomorrow, flaws in both method to capture all I/P charges; some people can relax just before leaving work;

wet FL; PA, NY light snow; S FL fog, rain along I-4; OK cattle pulled from cracked ice; N Plains is below zero, before adding in the wind-chill factor; temps from 10s to 70s; icy from TX to DC; Ike was the fourth costliest hurricane; KY using fences & furniture to keep warm; no major storms today; Cleveland had a record amount of snow during January; warm in Los Angeles & Honolulu;
pole dancer, a good form of exercise; windfall whiplash; GDP shrunk in the fourth quarter of 2008; 100K job losses this week, in all industries; slashes & sacrifices; how much more can the common man sacrifice; two days without pay for CA state workers; new home sales are the lowest ever recorded; the prices keep dropping; had its best holiday season; create a ‘bad bank’ that contains only bad loans; the mother who gave birth to eight babies, she already had six children; US has had twelve months of consecutive job losses; prior to his dismissal, no one listened to IL GOV; quick end of an era, all his pictures removed; with Blagojevich out of office, many men are getting haircuts; Obama favors the Steelers; PRES has picked a new Commerce SECY; behavior issues: ‘time out’ is better than spanking or yelling at children, and more ‘educational; or, ‘do you want me to stop this car?’; AK volcano getting ready to erupt?; sexual abuse & torture at FL reform school; the Wall ST ‘idiots’; DOW is down; KODAK & Allstate cut workers; in spite of counseling, Ted Haggard still has ‘thoughts’ about men; worst stock market decline in decades; the biggest slowdown in 26 years; the biggest decline in ‘big ticket spending’ since 1987; in a nutshell, nobody wants to buy anything; Dallas carbon monoxide leak puts thirteen in the HOSP; schools of sharks along FL coast; sign of the times: decline in alcohol sales; EXXON reports $45 billion in 2008 profits; the DELL IPhone?; the country that came to a standstill; tour bus crash near Hoover Dam kills seven people; banks in MD, FL & UT fail; what is so hard about giving each American a lot of money to spend?; injuries are reported from a ferry accident after the ship crashed into a pier on the VT side of Lake Champlain; IN woman beats up her sister at the altar during the wedding ceremony; first black RNC chairman; ‘fundamentally true feelings’; CA is running out of money;

a statue for the Iraqi ‘shoe thrower’?; Japan facing tough economic times; start shifting soldiers from Iraq to AFG, many whose orders have changed to the new Middle East location; equipment being moved on dangerous roads; twice the size of Iraq, and mostly rural; gold is now $926.50 per ounce; Pet Shop Boys win BRIT award;

Friday, January 30, 2009

…1/29-09: come visit our community

29º in ABQ; 51% humidity at 6A…GAQ; restless night; domestic partnership overcomes another hurdle, by one vote: ‘right’ or ‘wrongrights?; more credits needed to graduate from ABQ high schools; beryllium could get into lungs, cause respiratory problems, this makes NATL news; one of the warmest January on record; water rates going up in Santa Fe; woman found in mesa had been died a year ago; hard to download pictures on my Blog: pictures too small; fewer drunk drivers on the road, staying home to get inebriated; gas is $1.79 per gallon; NM GOV has cut his security staff; 1K state jobs will remain vacant; 2% pay cut for exempt state workers; Brad made an Apple Pie; people worry about crematorium smoke; NM unemployment for Dec., 2008 was 4.9%; police ‘kidnapped’ woman who was a cult follower, and whose leader was in jail; dress code dilemma;

fear of a lifetime; risk not capturing info on patients who transfer from PICU to PSCU or PGPU; Internal Medicine should be doing their usual Rounds, in addition to the extra paperwork; Cardiology meeting at 10:30A, that other people knew about, but not me; get example of CHC chart note; don’t cut free rides for UNM students; specialists see patients in other parts of UNMH, such as NICU, PICN plus Labor & Delivery; some people don’t have to turn in reports on time; Myrna’s granddaughter was locked in a car, and quickly freed; actually, this was a training session for a CHC Nurse Practitioner, and how she should bill her services [via UNMH]; Val has also resigned from her duties in the PEDS DEPT; no Code Purple today; the day started with a search for baby powder, to soak up butter that had dropped on Myrna’s slacks;

Light flurries in Chicago & Pittsburgh; warm in Los Angeles; cold & windy from Boston to NYC, across the Great Plains; DC is icy; rains across FL, parts of SE US; KY & AR under ice, declared states of emergency; the largest power outage in KY history; Cleveland may reach record January snowfall; roofs collapsing in New England; thirty foot ice mountains in MI; hours of freezing precipitation, 1.33 million in the dark from OK – MD, power may not be restored until mid-February; temps from 10s to 70s;
doctor discussion guide?; billions in 2008 Wall ST bonuses, called ‘the height of irresponsibility’; AOL is cutting 700 workers; very few not accessing FaceBook; salmonella outbreak spreading to more products, dry & roasted peanuts, inspections found mold, insects & holes in the roof of the GA factory that produced the paste; TX electronic ‘zombie signs’, created by hackers; ship of state moving in the right direction; job losses at Best Buy; economic gurus want more money spent; IL GOV pleads his case; more money needs to be spent quickly; bargain high couture fashion, jets & golf courses; NYC hotel room, all decorated in Godiva chocolate; more child molestation cases in Los Angeles diocese; some body armor is flawed; AK mountain eruption imminent, ash & debris could reach Anchorage; Bush at basketball game; dead body found in the bottom of an elevator shaft; NJ woman abandoned on a rural road in freezing temps, because of an auto insurance lawsuit, the victim suffered frostbite; OH family of four, killed in a murder–suicide pact; house moved across MN frozen lake; the DOW dropped; equal pay law signed by PRES; Super Bowl ads: violence, sex & alcohol; small screen distractions; quake off S CA coast; how to tell you hate your work: even jobsite may have commercial; car on fire during ice storm when power lines ignite vehicle; homeless man dead in a Detroit warehouse, two days before police did anything, nobody cares; people are staying home, not traveling to Tampa; $100K a second for Super Bowl ads; cheating way to solve Rubik’s Cube; Happy Hour, last night at the White House; MA mailman attacked by turkey; more same-sex equality rights for WA state?; rice, as a means to feeding millions; vegetable ads too ‘hot’ for TV?; call centers returning to the US; the First Family must pay for its own groceries; the ‘one leg of a stool’ speech; there are 4.78 million unemployed, ‘all collar jobs’; the highest ever recorded, more collecting for longer periods of time; the NATL AVG is now 7.2%; Blagojevich has been ousted, impeached, barred from holding another public office…and that’s just for starters; SPAM, the favorite food in HI;

MX soccer team creating magic dolls, so they can beat American players; mixed foreign markets; AFG, no longer ‘the other war’; Russia & Cuba had trade talks; the Arctic thaw, making fossil fuels more accessible, and starting a global battle to claim once frozen land; Argentina faces drought; Blackwater is banned from Iraq; oil is $41.44 per barrel;

Thursday, January 29, 2009

…1/28-09: choices & flexibility

28º in ABQ; 29% humidity at 6A…Brad going to Social Security to apply for retirement benefits; GAQ; Wal-Mart wins…but there will be restrictions; Rio Rancho INTEL workers face unemployment, will know who is on the pink slip list in the next few days; $700 million would go from stimulus plan to NM for state projects; social work is paying off, leader gets paid lots of money; only one water company for the Duke City?; fourteen inches of snow fell in parts of N NM; about 2K LANL workers have been exposed to Beryllium during the past seven years; another virus on the loose, another comprehensive computer scan; domestic partnership law will be discussed today in the Round House; man faces 300 years in jail for fathering a child with his stepdaughter; one ABQ bank robbed twice in two days; Belen lumber yard fire; Brad now has an Social Security APPT for 2/10/09; Coldstone Creamery has closed on Gold, which will be widened, and buses will use another road [to be built]; Nob Hill Improvement Project?; PM crash in front of The Beach; former Rio Rancho mayor Kevin Jackson now in a PA jail;

JoAnn came to visit Myrna: so I asked about tomorrow’s meeting…and was told we have done nothing wrong, Dr. Goens is concerned about bundling codes, and fee schedules; actually they miss some surgical procedures that need to be included when they bill, this is determined by reviewing their PowerChart Surgical notes; is it time to stop the eternal worrying; and leave the Duke City; no one on my side; maybe it’s time to stop fooling myself, stop working so hard, and fighting a battle I cannot win, and join another group of Coders; time to take time off?; ‘if’ this has something to do with the ‘missing’ Green Cards; Code Purple by 6:30A, but not at the end of the day; getting too old for all this stress; how much is ‘truth’?; finished Rounds by 7:30A, MGMT still wants I/P Coders to do all their Rounds; JoAnn let me borrow a red envelope, I returned the favor; saw Stan on the PM R/R; PowerChart problems; give Jenny an overview of my I/P duties, which freaked her out: neither of us want to switch; similar problems faced by Internal Medicine;

twenty-three deaths, 334K people without power; school closed in KY, ice on the ground being measured in inches; some place are without any communication because of snapped power lines; snow to freezing rain to rain in DC [numerous crashes on the Beltway] to Philly to NYC to Boston; difficult day for driving; tricky traveling in TX; OK under state of emergency; AR, KY & OK in the dark; temps from the 0s to 80s; T’storms in SE US, but warm in FL; treacherous roads in OH, PA & KY; power outages in the millions across a huge section of the country; cell towers affected by storms; heavy snow still falling across OH; ice & snow across NW AR;

AK ‘mobile ferry’ to service drunk patrons, needs to get an alcohol license; man attacks lawyer & juror with feces, still found mentally competent; CA couple had both worked for Kaiser Permanente, and were both laid off; Obama will keep talking to Congress, but which plan [less taxes vs. more spending] will get people to spend more money; trying to get [R] support; renegotiate before foreclosures; where you use your credit card might lower your score; layoffs in TARGET & IBM; members of Congress just got an annual pay hike; it will be easier to sue for pay discrimination; Clinton made millions in ‘speaking fees’; billions of bonuses before being bought, top man forced to resign; babies weighed from 1.8 to 3.4 pounds; John Updike died in MA, life dedicated to the printed book; $155K cloned dog; cruise ship stuck on the Great Lakes; ID theft worries after personal documents blow out of office windows, land on NYC sidewalks; put politics aside, and please the American people; the revised digital date would be 6/12/09; will our country have the first Afro-American ATTY GEN; Apollo Theater in NYC is 75 years old; wrongful death lawsuits being filed by families for deaths by salmonella poisoning from peanut butter; automatic, robotic snow shovel; Obama is open to compromises from both sides; another Philly area fire; you can see where your money is being spent by accessing; US roads get a ‘D’ grade; there will be no NATL Mall improvements; $8K painting found in the trash; for sale: home in ATL that is a duplicate of the White House, with an asking price of $9.8 million; the DOW ending up; VP apologizes for comment made to Supreme Court Chief Judge Roberts; the country is looking to Washington for help: economists say the PRES ‘might not get it [the stimulus he wants] right the first time; the one second Super Bowl ad; Ted Haggard, the heterosexual, with ‘urges’: a sin to him’, is being gay; ‘not all spending is equal’; AIG spent $450 million for ‘retention bonuses’, or $1 million per person: the company received $152 billion in bailout bucks; ruin a company, keep your job, and get plenty of money for accomplishing that task’; the House rejects extending analog until 6/12/09; from $80K salary to unemployment to eviction; in a sober moment, Obama said “we don’t have a moment to spare”; PRES was surprised that DC schools were closed today, due to snow & ice; crisis is an understatement; Postmaster GEN wants to stop delivering mail on either Tuesday or Saturdays, to offset a $2.8 billion deficit; it will cost $2.2 trillion to improve the infrastructure; interest rates remain near 0%, economy not getting any better; have a personal mini-cell tower; Starbucks will be closing more stores; not one House [R] voted for the stimulus package; people knew the peanut butter was tainted;

UK cat stuck in a drain, paddled away as water came closer; provincial elections taking place in Iraq; more troops will head to AFG; ‘nobody stays clothed in my expensive sheets’: with that said, a CIA agent laced drinks with Xanax & Valium, then raped Muslim women in both Algeria & Egypt, the females were ‘physically paralyzed’; the next PM for Iceland may be a lesbian;

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

…1/27-09: there’s more to life than money

33º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Sustiva dream with Frank, Steve & Yana; $685K paid by ABQ Police for failing to respond in a timely manner, considered a low priority at the time: money paid from ‘risk MGMT fund’; cameras at legislative sessions?; another bank robbery yesterday, more than a dozen in the past three weeks; Rail Runner riders are reducing; NM artist creating paintings of cottage currently at the NATL Mall; protests for Wal-Mart being built in another part of ABQ; Duke City may see decline in city taxes; NMSU Job Fair in Carlsbad; film crew parked in Downtown lots at 6A, scene being filmed at Downtown Inn at 4P; electronic medical records being mandated by NM GOV, an era of health care reforms; very cold in E NM, below zero wind-chill; roadwork repairs on I-40 & San Mateo; 66K acre Melrose Air Force Range will get more use this year, helping Cannon AFB, as an air to ground combat training area; the end of EDO?; price of gas is $1.75 per gallon; have ‘sleeping weekends’, just serve me food between naps; windy evening; are we ‘outsourcing retirement’?: retired ABQ couple have moved to MX, where everything is cheaper, including assisted living centers;

O/T is irrelevant; hundreds of charges lost [how?]; the three I/P Coders are politely irritable; UNM PRES speaks to students & staff, stating ways to cut energy costs, starting by turning off lights, capping high salaries; finished revised Rounds by 7:30A; brought forms to PICN & PICU; all these people, have all this time, to have Frito Pie lunch sales; used Intelicode today; too many phone calls & E-mails today; everyone must E-mail Carolyn when arriving and leaving work, and when they take lunch; asked today about a meeting on Thursday that my other two ‘team’ members knew about, but no one had told me anything; I am still listed as a user on 3-M Coding software, have not heard that name in years; Code Purple by 11A, and the rest of the day;

20s on Nantucket; Winter Storm warnings across PA, NY, OH, New England, IN, caused by high pressures; dense fog in SE US & FL; temps from 10s to 80s; icy conditions: OK, N AR, TN, KY; already, five traffic deaths from the storm; power outages also reported; MO sleet; freezing mix in Dallas, flurries in other parts of TX; INDY needs snow; snow on I-64/I-77 in Charleston, WV; car slid into MO home: car is OK, house is destroyed; warm in Orlando & New Orleans; cell phones are useless during storms; TX under ice;

Etch–a–Sketch drawings of Obama & Las Vegas; one CA mother gave birth to eight babies: six boys, two girls, all born in ten minutes; ‘economic day is darkening’; the ‘point of NATL challenge’; when it comes to foreign affairs, Obama says: start by listening, not dictating; worst holiday shopping season in decades; NATL AVG price of gas is $1.84 per gallon; now, Fannie Mae wants more money; people are seeing videos, spending more time, and entertaining themselves at home; super safety before the Super Bowl; murder-suicide of seven people in a Los Angeles suburb; CA has $42 billion dollar budget; Blagojevich escaped IL; tapes don’t tell the entire story; suppose they debated an impeachment, and the main guest did not arrive; sign of the times: Brandeis selling its art collection?; video games outsell DVD & Blu-ray movies; reduce the growth & repairs of the French Quarter in New Orleans; John Updike has died from lung cancer at the age of 76; [R] creating its own surplus plan, focusing on tax cuts; Fed-Ex plane skids on TX runway, catches fire, injures two of its crew; ABQ ‘cheese sandwich’ debate makes CNN News; Sean Penn proud to portray Harvey Milk; Obama popularity slipping; record low consumer confidence; 11.5K people lost jobs today; the $4 trillion bank bailout; CEO bought a $35K commode, and an $87K rug for his executive office; another sold his million dollar house to his wife for $100; would cost stations millions of they did not ‘go analog’ on 2/17/09; Merrill Lynch saw billion dollar fourth quarter loss; although there will be no political catfight, the [R] are upset they were not asked to help create the current stimulus package; nine weeks early, and only the second time in US history has there been that many multiple births, and the mother will breastfeed all her children; OR nightclub killed has committed suicide; missing FL hedge MGR turned himself in; Citigroup nixed the jet purchase; another sign of the times: the end of some zoos & casinos; is $5 enough of a settlement for the US Airways passengers?; fifth CA family suicide in the past year; the DOW ends up;

in Berlin, car crashes, bounces into church roof; PRES says Americans are not Muslim enemies; 140º on Australian tennis court; mixed foreign markets; a reality Robocop?; the Israel–Gaza battles that will not end: roadside bombing in Palestine state; Arab TV station Al Arabia got the first Obama formal interview, Obama said that Israel was also an ally of the US: hopefully, this conversation will not lead to a ‘massive sense of letdown’;

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

…1/26-09: seize the senses

38º in ABQ; 46% humidity at 6A…Brad at the Food Bank; a Sustiva dream where I told someone: ‘I don’t know where I live anymore’; GAQ; wind advisories across NM; ABQ school lunch program under scrutiny; domestic violence in S Valley home; old & new scandals plague NM; blowing dust along I-10; ABQ failing in its recycling program; snow in N NM; cheese sandwich controversy; this was a weekend without food, or ‘rest’; APS not reporting items correctly, per audit, but problems have been fixed; try to consolidate INS plans & coverage in NM; gas is $1.79 per gallon; forgot to wear necklace today; people want to buy ‘green’ homes in ABQ;

man who walks the children’s wards, carrying a holy book; finished the revised Rounds by 7:30A; back to the coal mines; Code Purple at 6:30A, and all day; no ‘official’ lunch’ today; MGR has her own opinions of Intelicode; collision near Presbyterian HOSP; I have comments & concerns about the current UNMMG policies…I just won’t express my opinions out loud; did PDI that belongs to FAM PRAC MGR; Brent vs. MGR on paperwork & praise for their effort; several people who want you to drop everything you’re doing, and help them with their problem, which has nothing to do with Coding; JoAnn returned to work; explained ‘critical care’ in PICU to MGR; Myrna out today & tomorrow; get all the charges vs. get rid of the Coders; by end of workday, I am very tired; Dr. Alberta Kong talked about obesity in children;

winter storm watches, icy conditions for DC; this AM, 7º in Boston, –8º in Concord, NH; freezing rain & ice storms in Midwest, parts of I-44 & OK; temps from 0s to 70 [80s?]; very cold in MN & WI; more snow in SLC & S Rockies; MD, IN & MO need snow; dense fog along Gulf Coast & FL; TX & CA need moisture; rain in Richmond & Dallas;

many people have Medicare, and ‘other INS coverage’; Obama intent on fixing economy; tapping into religion during hard times?; 71K jobs lost in one day; AMEX earnings plummet; median home price is 15.3% lower than this same time, last year; MI man freezes to death in his own home; Citibank buying $50 million private jet, selling two older ones; the risk of ‘scheduling C-sections’, for the doctor or the baby, which is not fully developed, not the mother; Air Force One, a ‘status symbol’?; Obama has yet to fly the jet as PRES: complete with soundproof conference room, private bedroom area; menu of regular flyers stored in computer; Caterpillar & Pfizer also elimination workforce; Home Depot cutting 7K jobs; Blagojevich doing the NYC talk show circuit, calls trial a ‘sham’; GM trimming 2K jobs; McDonald’s will open 1K new restaurants; people want answers to PA arson cases; tough year for employment in 2009; PRES allows NM [and, thirteen other states] to enforce tougher auto emissions standards; most [R] do not approve the new stimulus bill, not spending money fast enough; but banks still refusing to give loans; FL prison staff used gunshots to break up riot where eight inmates were injured; Karl Rove subpoenaed; man killed in WI monster truck rally, he was promoter of the event; Pfizer & Wyeth drug merger?; should Obama stop picking on previous PRES?; free download of WINDOWS 7?; people still prefer Post-It note to PC message; Sean Penn won SAG award for ‘Milk’: Meryl Streep, for ‘Doubt’, Heath Ledger for ‘Dark Knight’; Biden does not want to be a ‘deputy PRES’, he says what’s on his mind, and cannot be quieted, has DC savvy; stimulus package needs ‘pork’ for [R] support; 39% of businesses surveyed say they will cut staff in this year; Treasury SECY sworn in; lose weight, gain memory?; American dreams being put on hold; SEN approved a four month digital TV delay; hiring freezes in some GA companies; job cuts at Boeing; White House E-mail service was down all day; ‘Ellen’ is 51 years old; fewer Girl Scouts cookies in a box; teenager posed as Chicago cop; high end home improvements, a thing of the past?; Oprah, as IL SEN?;

even Zsa Zsa Gabor lost millions by Madoff; Prince Harry dumped via FaceBook; gold has risen to $910.70 per ounce; ‘dancing eyebrows’ on UK Cadbury bar TV ad; Swat Valley in PAK, man injured after being dragged by a subway train in MX City; a Taliban haven;

Monday, January 26, 2009

…1/25-09: time for new universes

34º in ABQ; 82% humidity at 6A…woke up at 7A; Brad made scrambled Eggs; Second Chance ‘residents’ being transferred to Duke City jails, where they belong: owe back taxes, many there guilty of parole violations; hiker safely rescued from La Luz trail; Project Economy: new KOAT web section; both Brad & I had strange dreams, but not nightmares; Brad making dough for Pork Buns; Rio Rancho man arrested on child porn charges; no salmonella cases in NM, but state wants possible tainted items off supermarket shelves; looking for NM ‘Capital Outlay’ cuts; Santa Fe man dead after his vehicle rolled over, he was not wearing a seatbelt; major meth ring bust in the Duke City; Pathways, INC, a community mental health program, has also closed due to lack of funds; Brad making his ‘Pork Bun Babies’; Artesia residents who own historic properties may be available for financial aid; the number of people at ABQ gym decrease as the week progresses; one man broke into the ABQ Police Lot, took his time stealing $6K in equipment: was this an inside job?; Santa Fe resident part of movie crew in ‘The Wrestler; still no customers in Duke City car dealerships; the download library; the Duke City provides its police officers their uniforms for free; NM lobbyists have provided gifts, concert tickets, dinners & travel to legislators, incentives totaling in the millions of dollars; a unique Torrance CNTY Deputy was laid to rest; financial problems plague building of Duke City park; ‘gold key’ house sales; 90K NM children do not have health INS; film industry may lose financial incentives, and increase unemployment; lobbyists ‘donated’ $1.6 million to NM; this is the best snow pack in NM in 15 years; high property taxes for Extreme Makeover home in ABQ; CNM expansion is taking away open space, so a student resource CTR can be built; move some GITMO detainees to a privately owned jail in Otero CNTY?; dozed off during ‘Merlin’s Apprentice’;

two adults killed during KS funeral; Zima: the beverage with no flavor; snow showers in IL & IA; did anyone really think that ‘Dark Knight’ would be nominated for Academy Awards?; repetitive pictures of peanut paste can be sickening; no recess in current recession; 6,200 acres of grassland have burned in NW TX; Miss IN is Miss America; per Obama, the US should invest more in energy & education; five children infected with HIB; is Betty White immortal?; Screen Actors Guild Awards tonight; Americans are not concerned with the global warming threat; more Arctic air across N US; no quick or easy solutions to economic problems; financial worries based on size of the bank, and the amount in debt, just say ‘NO!’, kick start the economy by eliminating what is owed; Pelosi supports stimulus plan; UFO sighted during Inauguration?; FORD may not need bailout bucks; more fires in Philly; another Ponzi scheme, this time by an elderly man who lured victims by placing ads in a religious newspaper; money keeps getting lost in bureaucracies; Blagojevich says he is being unfairly judged; Staunton, VA woman makes a deathbed confession that she killed two co-workers decades ago…the reason: they teased her, because she was a Lesbian; ‘four million new jobs’ is just a ‘political number’; Underworld ‘prequel’ takes second place in weekend box office money makers; one man is injured after his Gloucester, MA home explodes; ‘unique uses & users’; more Starbucks may close in 2009; [R] rewrites rescue relief, [D] open for compromises: tax cuts vs. more money spent; more wrecks at the corner of Main ST & Wall ST; culture wars will never end; two young women killed near Portland, OR nightclub; ethics accusations force MA House Speaker to resign; in DC, smoke cause the evacuation of the Eisenhower Executive Office BLDG; dry weather, high prices for CA produce; OH man killed his adoptive father, and two other people; NATL AVG price of gas has risen to $1.86 per gallon; AK & MT have the highest & lowest prices;

AFG accuses the US of killing 16 citizens; thousands of Chinese dumplings filled with ox meat; MX cartel leader dissolved more than 300 bodies in acid, mainly people who did not make payments to drug lord; US global enemies will to give Obama ‘a chance’; Iceland on the brink of economic disaster, country’s business minister resigns, N Atlantic nation considered one big hedge fund; sixth case of bird flu reported in February, in China; avalanche in Turkey kills ten people; ‘manure hat’ for Chinese New Year; Obama was born in the Year of the Ox; fear fire & metal, rubbing hands may help; smoke in the cockpit forces a British Airways plane to make an emergency landing; ‘the world shared a moment, on all types of screens’ when Obama took the Oath of Office; Obama, and his radical approach to keep America safe vs. making it easier for terrorists attacks to take place; al Qaeda call him the ‘house negro’; another Holocaust denial, this time by religious leaders; midair chemical agent, containing phosphorus, released by Israel: not banned, just ‘controversial’; visit MT Obama in Antigua; the fourth bird flu death has been reported for 2009;

Sunday, January 25, 2009

…1/24-09: say it, and believe it

40º in ABQ; 67% humidity at 6A…I am very dehydrated; this is one of the warmest January on record, making it to the top ten; a special US Honor Flag that has traveled across America to remember those killed in the line of duty arrived at the SunPort to honor slain Valencia CNTY policeman, first time in NM; more NM residents are on food stamps: 268K people, or 13% of the state’s population; zoning code violations have increased in old, Duke City cul-de-sac; need a job?: go to Goodwill; time to add political pictures to my midweek blogs; could NM get $1 billion in FED aid?; during the next thirty years, SW US population will rise at a faster than AVG rate; 450 Powerball tickets incorrectly printed, sold in Santa Fe & ABQ; temporary layoffs for Mosaic Potash workers; Farmington sailor & medic received the Silver Star Award; I have never worked for someone I have not liked for so many years; woman’s body found at El Cerro Mission, could have been there for several months, might be recognized by clothing & jewelry; deadly rollover crash kills Roswell man, who was not wearing a seatbelt; Brad starting his next painting; ‘our’ Las Vegas woman accused in the dragging of an 83 year old by a vehicle, after he was mugged; last NM racing casino will be in Raton; flying at 110K feet, NMSU has launched the largest single cell, super pressure balloon for NASA, from Antarctica; Goodwill corporate office in ABQ, placed 700 people in jobs; FBI investigating recent Shiprock homicide, linked to alcohol; last night, only Yanni’s had many customers; NM GOV signs the first bill for 2009: feed money to pay for the legislative session; two shootings at Hobbs; Brent is upset over the increasing paperwork required by Coders; Red River is 8,750 feet high; more whooping cough cases in Four Corners area; SWAT situation in SW ABQ; fewer people going out to eat on a Friday night?; Vado dairy fire may have been caused by arsonist; Compass Bank cuts jobs in NM; Brad made Chow Mien; this has been a very dry January;

Freddie Mac says it needs another $35 billion; ‘weapons of mass consumption’, so obesity rules!; great marketing strategies on food that’s for you; simple solution: reduce portions; stop equating healthy food with tasting awful’; how to feel fuller, faster; two dead, seven injured in NW Miami residential area shooting; Hudson River hero honored in his home town; Obama vs. communism vs. ‘big’ China; another mutated flu strain, resistant to Tamiflu; – 13º in Bismarck this AM; Ted Haggard had a three year sex for money relationship, and an ‘affair’ with a man; eleventh salmonella death; Blagojevich lawyer withdraws from the impeachment case; Girl Scout cookies not at risk for peanut butter poisoning; less US rigs looking for oil; Southwest Airlines starting fares war, need more fliers; current flu season considered ‘mild’; 6.1 quake shakes Anchorage, AK; the Great NY Soap Opera; ‘don’t raise the price of comics, cancel those series with slumping sales’; fashion gurus question PRES wardrobe malfunction, regarding his tux taste; slave to a cigarette; 496 tainted peanut butter cases have been reported, affecting 31 million pounds of that product; Obama reverses NATL abortion policy, he addressed the nation, pushing his stimulus plan, urgent action needed for economy; First Daughter; First Photographer; PRES meets with his economic advisors; Obama wants to build 3K miles of electronic transmission power lines; the First Lady does not approve of the First Daughter dolls; another child, this time in TX, loses her leg when hit by a train while playing on tracks; PRES wants to protect health INS for 8 million Americans; there are twin planes, and five chefs on 24 hours call aboard Air Force One; our country needs a Food Safety System; reversed mortgage specialists; MRSA breeds in hotel rooms; new website, to be launched in February, will detail where & how the next stimulus package dollars will be spent; iWork software carries Trojan virus; AZ plumber retrieves $70K diamond ring;

Miss PAK is chosen in a pageant held in Canada; more Taliban members killed by US forces in AFG; after having all extremities amputated, former Brazilian model has died; this is the Year of the Ox in China; sports CTR in Spain collapsed, killing four people; construction crews unearthed hundreds of bombs when doing construction work at the US Embassy of Philippines; George Mitchell, Middle East Envoy; Venus, the planet of twisters; Abu Ghraib will reopen, and will be renamed ‘Baghdad’s Central Prison’; Tasmanian Devils threatened by cancer; fourth bird flu death of 2009 in China; four US bases could hold GITMO detainees; ‘Joker’ killer stalks Belgium; ‘Prohibition’ reaches Rome; Prince Harry & girlfriend part ways; there have been 700 ‘reformed’ terrorists; severe storms with hurricane winds put one million in France in the dark; Big China gives Little Taiwan panda bears; US drone missiles attack PAK tribal areas; Scotland avalanche kills three;

Saturday, January 24, 2009

…1/23-09: yes, we can: yes, he can?

43º in ABQ; 57% humidity at 6A…Brad’s AM doctor visit; GAQ; Mora CNTY father killed by his own son; all flags at half staff to honor police officer killed on I-40 during an accident in the line of duty, during a routine traffic stop, while he was outside his vehicle; former Rio Rancho mayor misappropriated funds during his political career; AZ rain may not reach NM; cyber robbers stole $204K from NM Tech during the holidays; NM issued Salmonella Advisory; three computers stolen from LANL employee’s home; ABQ firefighter charged with DUI: trust betrayed;

comics climb; reductions time on Rounds vs. time at work; nearly every day, some people can be seen at casinos; PM rainbow over the Sandias; finished modified Rounds before 7:45A, no longer going to sixth floor; as a favor, worked on a PDI for another DEPT; missed the AM Central by seconds, but the AM R/R arrived on time; Code Purple by 6:30A, and all day; R/R returns to I-40 route; Jenny reviewing duplicate GI charges, on green cards given to them, that should be forwarded to me; home by 6P;

Syracuse has received 110 inches of snow; chilly FL, frost & freeze warnings; Black Hills snow, winter returns to Dakotas, MI & WI; return of the Arctic front; the great NC snowball fight; fires in TX & OK; showers in ‘the’ Las Vegas; temps from –0s to 70s; ‘warm’ December in Barrow, AK: today is their first day of seeing sunshine;

get money, spend on vacation?; the PA Goth kittens with ear, neck & tail piercing: owner charged with animal cruelty; UNK, conservative Congresswoman becomes new NY SEN; three million more jobs may be lost during 2009; taped music using during inauguration recital; Obama: Salesman in Chief, still needs to learn how to handle the media; 589K filed for jobless benefits last week; worst year for home building, down 33% from 2007; nanny issues regarding Caroline Kennedy; Hillary likes ‘a good debate’; Patrick Swayze writing memoirs; Los Angeles man accused of burning homeless people; Merrill Lynch man fired for giving bonuses to himself & workers; Obama: the first person to use E-mail regularly; thousands of people stuck in the Inaugural ‘Purple tunnel of doom’ to the Capitol, stuck for hours, no toilets, no food & no police; a collage of pictures, displayed on one PRES; all eyes on Aretha, and her hat; Celtics beat Magic; Streep, the mistress of characters, nominated for the fifteenth time this year; Patrick Swayze has the common, deadly type of cancer; this is ‘your’ Internet; millions of computer being attacked; the ‘well hung holly’; MO man killed babies, put the bodies in the freezer; stimulus questions must be answered quickly; Obama: over promises, yet under delivers; the Top Twenty companies are hiring…but for what kind of positions?; the falling DOW; Harley–Davidson cutting 1,100 jobs; MS Wal-Mart employee did his own version of rolling back prices: charging $5.25, for items that were worth over $500; delay digital switch until June, 2009?; current rage for buffalo wings has caused more demand, less supply & higher prices; more same-sex liaisons by former megachurch pastor being revealed?;

twenty homeless hippies living in two empty London W End mansions; nine million PCs affected buy ‘super worm; monkey gets his own airline seat on Lufthansa, going to German Zoo; GITMO closed too soon; foreign markets falling, reached six week low; SONY first posted loss in forty years; sudden turbulence on Pacific flight, many suffered head injuries; ‘Mamma Mia’ has earned half a billion bucks, worldwide; man in Belgium attacks children in nursery school; old Nazi headlines make new news?; gold is $895.30 per ounce;