30º in ABQ; 75% humidity at 6A…GAQ; more winter weather for parts of NM; did Santa Fe police beat a handcuffed teen?; there is a lawsuit filed against all NM ‘corrupt officials’; NM company sending shoes to Haiti; a ‘celebration of faith’ will be held in Santa Fe; beware the ‘free grocery’ scam; Lovington wildfire has been extinguished; Duke City woman’s sister still reported as missing in Haiti; home robbed during estate sale; the Julia Child cookbook arrived; murder in NW ABQ home; someone referencing our Blog while traveling across America; Brad made Porcini Sauce & Mushroom Soup; ABQ neighbor sues over cigarette smoke; sixty month financing for jewelry!; whistle blower says bribery & kickbacks abound in NM; Duke City man ran over his 15 year old son after a domestic dispute;
work on specialist services; someone mistook me for a priest; no CTI Admits; collision at UNIV & Lomas; very cold AM R/R; Code Purple continues;
Midwest freezing rain & ice, from MN to IN; snow shuts down the I-5 ‘Grapevine’; flurries in SLC, the Twin Cities, Flagstaff & Billings; Four Corners snow mentioned on the Weather Channel; chance of twisters in GA, FL, AL, SC & Louisianan; fear of debris flows in S CA; SE US T’storms; rain for Roanoke, Columbus [OH], Tucson, San Diego, Long Beach, Phoenix, ATL & Los Angeles; bad driving along I-40 in AZ, and into NM, and parts of I-5 & I-15; S CA families facing flood, high surf & cold temps; heavy rain for TN & the Carolinas; CA averages 11 tornadoes each year; N AZ avalanche threat; people suffering from ‘evacuation fatigue’; blizzard warnings for CO & AZ; temps from the 20s to 80s;
new MA [R] SEN arrived in DC; the start of ‘transparent negotiations’ on a ‘less ambitious’ health reform bill; are children taking too many antidepressants?; White House party crashes keep pleading the Fifth; DOW dropped 213 points; Supreme Court gives the green light for companies to publicly endorse or not support a political candidate; John Edwards admits he fathered a child with another woman; flight delayed because Jewish boy was praying; 14 tons of pot confiscated from one man in CA; two San Fran APT complexes are teetering on the ocean’s edge; how to keep big banks from collapsing; even the property value of the White House has declined; more cases of sodomy occurring in the US; Air America Radio filing for bankruptcy; health care: the bill is gone?; high cholesterol levels on the rise in teenagers; CA courts will not set limits to the amount of medical marijuana that can be purchased; Cindy McCain ‘speaks out’ on same sex marriage;
US is not ‘invading’ or ‘taking over’ Haiti; there have been 40+ aftershocks, prevent aid & medical care to reach those who need it; three million Haitians will need assistance for six months; 250K injured Haitians; two million are homeless on that island nation, please help; the slow & painful road to recovery; the major port is open, aid is moving in, but 4.9 tremor shakes the capital; families fleeing for food; mass exodus from Mirebalais; 400K victims will resettle in camps; should tourists be allowed on the island while Haitians need help?; SECY Gates is in AFG; can family ties curb terrorism?; gold is $1,103.20 an ounce; oil is $76.08 per barrel; on British Airways, it is their policy that men cannot sit next to children that are not part of their family, for fear the male adults might be sex offenders; Greece facing a ‘social crisis’; rear of woman’s ski suit rips while on camera; Toyota recalls 2.3 million vehicles; the incredible ‘sleep talker’;
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