lunch with the MGR, and crew at the 66 Diner, the go get comics after work; I am a better person than they are; a ‘lighter’ flu season; finished Rounds by 7:45A; Central bus broke down at Atrisco, took AM R/R, saw Steve; patient ‘transferred because she needed to be admitted’; Lomas bus arrived early, and I arrived home about 5:30P; allergic to one’s own sweat; for now, talking has resumed; the Senior & the Senior Citizen Coders; UNMMG workers can get fired warning; Darrell & I talked about singing groups, tattoos, piercings & teat clamps; nothing else mentioned about testing the new TES system;
TX, OK heat; warm N Plains, Midwest; gusty Dallas; Boston showers; plane struck by lightning at BWI; temps from 30s to 90s; Myrtle Beach blazes from high heat, low humidity, 15K acres have burnt; 80s in FL; downpours & heavy snow in N Rockies & New England;
mortgage bailout talks run into a roadblock; beds deserve a rest; sparrow brought a lit cigarette to its nest, ignited a tree, and a business; peddle power to generate electricity; violation of parents’ rights?, abortion in a capsule; minors can buy the ‘morning after’, or ‘Plan B’ pill without a prescription; in order to protect the nation, Rice approved waterboarding; ‘happy, happy couple…in mucho, mucho debt; fire does not discriminate by race; lead oxide in computer monitors; PRES meeting at the White House, with leaders of credit card companies, do not charge high interest rates, prevent minors from getting plastic money; IPhone sales on the rise; 55K GM workers will be on unplanned vacation; most baseball teams have lost their franchise value, but not the Yankees & Red Sox; Hawks mascot flew during basketball game; Craigslist killer took items from his victims, kept them where he lived; old N Church in Boston has skeletons in its basement, buried in a better resting place; screen teens for depression, signs are failing grades & excessive sexual behavior; spy on your family & pets, in fifteen minute intervals; transgender court case is the first, considered a hate crime; pharmacy error the cause for the deaths of 21 FL polo horses; unemployment figures rose last week; booby traps in credit card agreements, such as arbitrary rate increases; seven cases of swine flu reported; the DOW ends up; beware Cubans who may rob you on FL highways; the ‘Obama waffle’?; a decline in Microsoft sales, revenue & profit, the first time in 23 years; Instant INTL Infamy: NY mother abandoning her children in the middle of a city, overnight she has become the global ‘Mommy Dearest‘ of 2009;
virgin UK man lands a job at a lap dance strip job…keeps it confidential; mixed foreign markets; Iran leader says jailed US prisoner will not be mistreated; more bombings, more killings across Iraq; oil is at $49.27 per barrel; gold is $908 an ounce; over forty million hits on Susan Boyle YouTube site, she has received possible singing contracts; parents abandon their three children at a pizzeria in NW Italy; gas blob found, dating back 800 million years, and 12.9 billion light years from Earth;
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