meeting at 2P, with Kay; finished Rounds before 7:45A; someone took Evelyn’s pens, turned off our monitors, ‘painted’, then threw my green smiley-face on the floor; JoAnn will only be on vacation for one week; fading out the Carrie Tingley HOSP Coding position; UNM allocating $800M for faculty hiring; empty AM R/R; Data Entry needs more charges; this existing problem is MGR’s “fault”, she complained about previous person in charge; at 8P, people are ‘winding up’?; they’re ‘just’ MGR’; diplomatically say what’s on my mind; empty AM R/R: less workers, less riders; no news about replacing Jenny; downloading FL trip guide onto CD;
SE US flooding; windy FL; Richmond rain; MO frost; S Dakota snow; N Dakota floods; weather news; New England & mid-Atlantic cool, wet & windy; early warning saved Mena; Richmond rain; temps from 30s to 80s; Los Angeles winds; rain in dry TX, and NYC, Philly & Detroit; Weather Channel Wind Advisory for NM; tornadoes swept across FL; two feet of snow from CO to MT; wind from CA to KS;
OR cat that looks like Donald Trump?; a ‘taxing’ day?; hope tempered by reality; more job losses expected; 89 year old former Nazi guard, who tortured many, has been ‘pardoned’ for his German war crimes, people still seek revenge; one person died when BLDG collapsed in TX; DOW closed below 8K; Bo, basking in the White House spotlight; YAHOO! will slash more workers; Michael Jackson can keep his ‘stuff’, still displayed at a museum; INTEL says economy is getting better; hackers stole 285 million personal records; more popular & friendly than some world leaders; alcohol increases hunger, ‘brain is behind your stomach’, avoid bread & desserts; Oscar de la Hoya retires; Blagojevich wants the ability to leave the US, and star on reality TV show; a new Wii?; website that promotes privacy; AT&T will help parents track their children; bedbug summit being held outside DC, more appearing in hotels & HOSP; Portuguese Water Dogs like tomatoes; shame celebrities into paying back taxes; teachers & students online: twenty-two states have virtual schools, also need learning coaches…how are instructors paid, or graded, and hired; is an ‘unmarried’ lesbian a spinster, a gay male, a ‘bachelor’?; Tax Enough Already; the Curse of the Chinese Drywall; rescued crew may meet Obama; tea party concept started on NYSE; is rightwing extremism growing in the US?; private businesses easier to evade paying taxes; Obamas earned $2.6 million, paid $855K in taxes; non-addiction drugs, to stop the craving; DOW gained during the last hour; White House assaulted with tea bags; not since 1955 have consumer prices dropped for twelve months; America…the richest, most powerful & most hated nation in the world; more delinquent, more tax deals; rewrite the tax code; don’t underestimate the
Russian surgeons find growing tree in his lung, must have swallowed a seed; Norwegian guilty of driving 83 mph, and having sex at the same time, driver ‘lost his self control'; another assault at sea; another US ship attacked with rocket powered grenades, media sees lifeboat; E-mail sent to parents in Chicago; foreign markets falling; the ‘God given voice’, judges had to judge themselves, four million online, eleven million TV viewers heard the Scottish spinster sing, judges got a ‘wakeup call’; gold is $894 per ounce; oil is $49.50 per barrel; French navy caught pirates; US crew heard bullets strike the ship; pirates took food, juice & captain; sail the seas in safety, with no ‘armed thugs’; drug wars: vicious violence in MX, Obama heading to that nation; Republic of Iran wants better ties with the US; Mel Gibson’s wife could receive $500 million from divorce; aboriginals suffered physical & sexual abuse at Catholic Canadian schools until the 1970s; MX & US must ‘solve a common problem’; is the ‘fence’ offensive, only serving as a wall between neighbors?; many freighters carrying for Africa, 30K ships similar routes off the coast of Africa;
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