per Weather Channel, wet in ABQ on Thanksgiving; temps from 30s to 70s; windy ATL; snow in higher elevations of VT, NH, ME MTN: Ashville, parts of MI, ME IN & WV; cold, blustery, rainy along MA Pike: parts of I-80, I-88, I-90 & I-95: New England, NYC, Boston [up to three inches of rain, and 50 mph gusts]: from Richmond to Baltimore; Los Angeles downpours may cause mudslides;
Sigma Chi reinstated at UNM; finished Rounds before 9A; Internal Medicine meeting with Upper MGMT; does the ‘sleepover’ policy at UNM also apply to hetero couples?; wakeup call from Kay, asking if I had any problems that needing to be addressed with Pulmonary providers; neither Candace or Jackie coded services correctly?; because of our teamwork, Susan & Candace have decided that ‘we three’ will be training a new Internal Medicine I/P Coder, starting 12/8/08; three strikes for Nora…and one more time: Lupe has stepped down from his Data Entry Supervisor position; the era of doing Rounds may be over; confinements will be ‘fed’ [by whom?] into Rupert, with the criteria for initial & subsequent visits; but what about specialists?; attending physicians will have seven days to write a note; this process is being tested by E/R Coders; what about the ‘exceptions’, such as consults [and their follow-up visits], PICC lines & the various types of sedations, and unplanned switching of attending provider, or signing on or off a patient to another doctor in another area, or emergency transfers; EEOC meeting held with UNMMG;
KS man pushed ATM down a hill, complete with his front end loader; OR man accidentally got shot by his dog; PRES Elect addressed as ‘Mr. Obama’; another press conference by him today; one in five homeowners owe more than their homes are worth, NV is in the worst ‘state’; gas is now $1.89 per gallon; NJ church killer arrested in GA; Houston has the seventh largest mall in the US; what they save fueling cars, will need to be used somewhere else; Bush pardoned fourteen people; Biden selects his SEN replacement; ‘no name brands allowed’ supermarket means lower prices, charge for carts, pay for bags, all items prepackaged, no credit cards allowed; home prices drop 16.6% for the third quarter this year; judge orders criminals to hear Barry Manilow songs for ‘punishment’; U MASS of Amherst female student told her teachers there was a death in the family…her abandoned car was found in NH, crashed into a tree: that was in 2004; TX Muslim charity group funneling money to Hamas; Phoenix industrial complex fire; dying boy’s wish was to feed the needy, he was too weak with leukemia to help himself, but the ripple effects of his cause spanned the country; man flew across deep CO canyon on a jetpack; FORD has the number one safest car; the most anemic economy since 2001; companies & retailers tip customers off to upcoming online holiday sales; dieting cannot completely be ‘cured’ by a pill; to save money, Tiger Woods will no longer star in GM ads; the massive memory card for video cameras; shoe shines fading in bad economy; is there a law preventing Hillary from accepting a Cabinet post?; roach ‘bug bomb’ causes GA APT to explode; math teachers lacking necessary skills; in WI, hit & run collision with pedestrian caught on camera; the DOW slightly gained; West Side Story, seen through the eyes of the deaf & the hearing; number of deaths from some types of cancer have declined, but those of skin & liver are on the rise; the personal data of 97K Starbucks workers were taken when a laptop was stolen; CA has some of the cleanest indoor air; 40 – 45 million people in America still smoke; $5 trillion has already been spent on the credit crisis, but what about all those people who don’t fall into any of those criteria?; there were slaves on both sides of the Obama family, a ‘tangled history story’ about the Negroes who built the White House; Robert Gates will remain as SECY of Defense; a new financial boost may become effective until February, 2009; CA pilot makes safe, emergency landing when the wheels in his nose gear fail; higher prices are perfectly legal during liquidation sales; FL judge does not approve ban on gays adopting children; who will win on ‘Dancing with the Stars’?: a gay, a girl or a guy; Obama meets Barbara Walters;
Germany has a lack of people who look like Santa Claus, would pay $75 per hour; Asian markets up, but Europe stocks are falling; the robotic orchestra?; the universal heart of hope; was the pirate ship actually a trawler?; explosion killed three at Russian subway station; has the astronaut’s toolkit reached Earth?; urine recycling device finally repaired; candidates from Hugo Chavez’s party won the majority of Venezuelan GOVT seats, but not considered an overwhelming amount; overcrowded Iraqi prisons, with no exercise areas, they are being renovated with US dollars: convicts wash once every three days, with pressures on the country’s judiciary system, a prisoner may wait months to have his day in court;
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