CPT meeting, accompanied by Myrna; I brought TES examples to Candace: JoAnn gave hers to Carolyn, who would present them to out top MGR; JoAnn is ‘swamped; her daughter has strep throat; why does everything have to be an argument between JoAnn & myself; need to get my ‘evidence’ from her; JoAnn = ‘Anita’, or Sanae; turn in billing sheet revisions today; Code Purple the entire day; informed Candace that I am not close to a copier; Jenny with ‘01/05/08’ TES edit DOS; more Newborn charges in envelopes addressed to me; I’ve served my purpose; Myrna’s mother still in HOSP, she cannot urinate; now, Brandi wants to stay home, not leave Linda alone;
FL frost & freeze warnings; fog across Louisiana & S TX; temps from 10s to 80s; more lake effect snow, along parts of I-80 in PA; OK drought & fires; NW US rain & snow; warm in SW US;
man writes rap song, saying he shot someone; wild cat cub adopted by dog family; ‘jet pooled’ to hearings, may not be bailed out; still make ‘same, stupid decisions’; The Big Three could come back for more money; original Old Glory back on display; landing luxury jets, at a cost of $20K, carrying tin cups to beg, would not fly commercial airlines biofuel used in airplanes; “I don’t have a position on that today”; “I’m OK where I am”; the million dollar comments, for billion dollar bailouts; unsold cars remain at piers, look like E & W Coast ‘port parking lots’; NYC bridge renamed after Robert F. Kennedy; ‘green’ powered NYC billboard; AZ GOV as Homeland Security SECY; SEN won’t vote to bailout, but a compromise plan in the works on Capitol Hill; ‘cry poor’!; closing plants, but having CEO wives fly in luxury, to travel ‘more efficiently & safely’; Congress will think about the Big Three Bailout; less people favor the [R] than they did one month ago; families with no jobs, falling behind in mortgage payments, and no one out there will help them; there was always some students who knew that shootings would, could or might take place before they happened; new runways open at Seattle, Chicago & DC [Dulles]; stay in shape, socialize to minimize Alzheimer’s; CA neighborhood has been overrun by rats; anyone in a 120 mile radius from DC should expect company just before Inauguration Day; Biden is 66 years old; DOW drops 445 points, to its lowest level since 1997; jobless claims reaches sixteen year high; let Honda & Toyota expand their American invasion; six year high in new unemployment claims; woman loses $400K to scam; commuter & freight train sideswipe each other in CA; The Big Three have twelve days…if they cannot show a plan, they cannot have the money; the DOW has lost 11% in two days: 19%, this month; 43%, in 2008…as it the last eleven years never happened; fear of economic ‘deflation’; a power vacuum is churning in DC; Stevens brought more money to AK, than any other senator, from any other state; Fannie & Freddie will halt foreclosures; Taco Bell is fifty years old; black widow spider found in grapes bought at Costco;
enter a Spanish disco contest to win a breast enlargement?; another oil tanker seized by Somali pirates; Japanese failed missile system test, with device ‘made in the US’; foreign markets falling; girls love hundred year old vampire in ‘Twilight’; Russian ships patrolling pirate waters; flight attendant lands plane after pilot has heart attack; the INTL Space Station is ten years old; oil falls to $49.62 per gallon; the $20 million opening of a hotel in Dubai, complete with fireworks that could be seen from space; too lavish display of luxury in these economic times?; are oil prices too low?; cargo ships carry no weapons; midgets in Ecuador have a genetic mutation that prevents them from getting cancer & diabetes, but also prevents them from getting tall; this same gene makes mice live twice as long;
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