67º in ABQ; 15% humidity at 6A…GAQ; will the correct A/C part arrive today?; local man raped one year old child, other children were in the house when this attack took place; SunPort wants more nonstop flights to the E & W Coast; should money be spent to build statues in Santa Fe; Valencia CNTY meth lab busted; will the Duke City be the next Silicon Valley; construction of houses in ABQ may not be completed by the BLDG CO, due to lack of revenue; more fires burning across the state; the A/C unit arrived when I arrived from work: but it cannot go up the stairs, so the company will return tomorrow, lift it with a crane, and hopefully install the part; plane crash near Ruidoso killed two people; another blaze in the Bosque, near Belen, again; triple stabbing in Rio Rancho; Harrison Ford got married at the GOV mansion in Santa Fe;
Keep working on GPU/CTI charges; an answer for how to bill services by CTI nurse…we don’t, for now; no PICU Admits;
ABQ temp mentioned on the ABC AM News; snow for parts of ID & MT; wet in: Miami, Omaha, San Antonio, Fargo, St. Louis, Louisville, Des Moines, the Twin Cities & Orlando; storm brewing off the MX coast; chance of tornadoes in MN, IA, & NE; floods in S China; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
The debate over Proposition Eight in CA continues; BP CEO vs. Capitol Hill; Americans insulted by his ‘small people’ comment; barges did not have the proper safety device, so they could not be sent to the oil spill; record number of IPhone sales; Harrison Ford was married in NM; the fines & penalties against BP will be paid from a separate account; wildfires across AZ; MA man killed family members at their home; Harry Potter theme park opened in Universal Studios Orlando; the DOW ended up; hackers attacked GOOGLE webpage; American Red Cross fined $16 million for poorly screening donated blood; waves are filled with oil, brown water is crashing onto 52 miles of beaches: but no one in BP ‘acted recklessly’; people who sell kitty litter scoops, portable toilets, and the lodging industry are making lots of money from the oil spill; as politicians apologize for apologizing; female Viagra drug does not have the same power as its male counterpart; UT man will be executed by firing squad, his choice of death;
Israel will lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip; dog swallowed five toys, all were surgically removed, and the canine is OK; a waxing session nearly cost a man his ‘crown jewels’; woman left $370K in her will to a British cab driver, who used to drive her on a regular basis; gold is $1,229.30 per ounce; oil is $76.65 per barrel;
…6/18–10: choose dreams
…6/18–10: choose dreams
67º in ABQ; 12% humidity at 6A…GAQ; will the A/C piece be hauled into place today?; 3½ weeks later, the part has been installed, and there is cooler air in the upper level; two year old left at a party, mother charged with abandonment; numerous blazes across NM, most are in rural areas; second Bosque fire in Belen started by truck exhaust; NATL Hispanic Cultural Art CTR reopens;
Left at 11:30, ate at the Owl Café; then to the comic book climb, then to Coronado, then Trader Joe’s…and home by 3:30P; MGR was out today;
ABQ weather mentioned on the Weather Channel; wet in: Chicago, Green Bay, Omaha, Detroit, KC, Des Moines, Tampa, Lincoln [NE], Great Falls [MT], INDY, JAX, Fargo & Madison; hot & humid in Orlando, with a chance of T’storms; bad weather along parts of I-10 & I-94; yesterday, tornadoes proved deadly in parts of MN, ND & IA; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
BP got grilled on Capitol Hill, no one in that company has been fired over this incident; LA Lakers won the series, and set fires in the Los Angeles streets; is methane escaping from the leak?; Campbell’s recalled some canned food items; one year old TX girl dies in an overheated parked car; the DOW was barely up; a whale has been the latest victim of the oil spill; is one of the BP executives soon to not have a job?; Louisiana postal workers were charged with opening mail, and stealing any money or gift cards;
US vs. Slovenia in the World Cup Games today; nine year old girl wrestles alligators;
…6/19–10: be colorful
66º in ABQ; 10% humidity at 6A…lunch at the Range Café with Nancy; ABQ wants to spend $11 million to change a church into a downtown performing arts CTR…at the same time the city is laying off school staff; 11K acre fire is burning near Espanola; man walked away from an uptown sports bar, with money that was being collected for charity in a jar, his actions were caught on security cameras; 34 Bernalillo CNTY inmates are ‘missing’; semi tipped over along I-25, spilling its contents of ceramic tiles across the highway, and blocking several lanes of the interstate; 6% humidity at 5P; an early to bed night tonight;
NV bank fails: the eighty third this year in the US; more oil is on fire in the Gulf of MX, controlled burns, but will the black smoke pose another health threat to those living in that area; red tape prevented foreign ships from helping in the skimming process, until now;
Turkish jets invade N Iraq; royal wedding for Sweden; is Japan drowning in debt; student’s picture removed from his yearbook because he said unkind things about his principal regarding how money had been spent;
…6/20–10: a smile can solve many problems
66º in ABQ; 14% humidity at 6A…ABQ Zoo break-in made NATL news, appearing on Facebook; four cyclists riding from PA to CA, their goal is to raise money for breast cancer awareness & treatment; twenty four hours without accessing my webpage; several Rail Runner crossings improved, more ‘safety lines added; stabbing in Santa Fe; suffered from dehydration yesterday, we have rediscovered how old we are, more rest today; Brad made Crab Cakes; woman killed while crossing a road in Santa Fe CNTY, she was wearing dark clothing, and may have been drinking; Naked Bike Ride in the City Different; there were ‘microburst’ storms across ABQ last night; Duke City man arrested twice in one week; strong winds blew across ABQ this PM; attorney Ron Bell arrested for DUI while driving his Mercedes on Tramway; local man arrested for masturbating in front of his window, which faced a pool, and was sighted by three female teenagers;
another deadly shooting at CA restaurant; more tar ball being found on more of FL beaches; LAX terminal evacuated for thirty minutes after man claimed he had a bomb; free picnic for the victims of the oil spill, hosted by local residents along the Gulf of MX: a ‘prayer day’ is being organized; as a worst case scenario, maybe 100K barrels a day are leaking into the Gulf of MX; Bellagio ads are everywhere; another stimulus plan being planned on Capitol Hill?; AZ wildfires are forcing people out of their homes; twelve injured in Chicago subway fire;

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