Sunday, June 13, 2010

…6/13–10: live in comfort

58º in ABQ; 26% humidity at 6Athe Bosque is burning in Valencia CNTY, fueled by plenty of dry brush; AM walk into Olde Towne; the economic recovery for NM will probably be in 2011; there are four fires burning in the Santa Fe NATL forest; a mud volleyball game was held to raise money for Carrie Tingley HOSP; WWII bomb found near Hobbs; Santa Fe bought a ranch, costing lots of money, but the city has no use for the structure; this was an “I’m homesick for the green” weekend; NM jail employee arrested on ID theft charges; fire near Belen is now threatening structures: inmates are being used to cut the brush, and build fire lines; another blaze is burning near Belen; $200K has been given to the NM film program; KOAT has gone widescreen;

BP told to speed up the cleaning proves; lung cancer is the deadliest form of that illness; Phoenix restaurant raided by police, illegal immigrants may have been working there;

6.1 quake shook Japan; Russian spaceship preparing to launch, heading for the INTL Space Station;

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