Wednesday, June 16, 2010

…6/16–10: counting down to love

67º in ABQ; 16% humidity at 6A…GAQ; A/C should now be repaired today; please replace the correct unit: wrong part, but one was found in ‘the’ Las Vegas, and should be here tomorrow; loophole in ABQ cell phone law allows people to text while at a red light; man accused of shocking children with a cattle prod; contract worker filmed the Duke City ‘prison rap’ video; more ABQ contractors accused of embezzlement; N NM Extreme Fire Danger, and strong winds this PM; small solar cells be Sandia labs will be used to generate energy; numerous guns recovered during an undercover sting; a break-in at the ABQ Zoo;

Will I meet with my MGR today?, yes, and I told her about taking Annual Leave; AM phone call from Myrna;

ABQ fire danger mentioned on ABC AM News; humid in the SE US; wet in: Rapid City, Boston, JAX, Orlando, DC, Missoula, Erie, Buffalo, Nashville, ATL, Charlotte, Baltimore, Roanoke, Philly & NYC; bad weather along sections of I-81 & I-95; ABQ weather conditions mentioned on the Weather Channel; flash floods in France, deluge along the Riviera; temps from the 60s to the 100s;

How will we make BP ‘pay’…if it ruins our water, our economy, and our lives?; the pipe is leaking 2.5 million gallons per day; the US is paying for BP mistakes; Obama’s speech was short on specifics; at some point, 90% of the oil should be contained; beaches smell like freshly paved roads; Louisiana is the ‘Ground Zero’ of this disaster; BP will set aside at least $20 billion to cover oil spill costs; oyster season has ended, much earlier than usual; people should add more plants to their diet; the DOW was slightly up; a recall of Benadryl & Tylenol; mothers, cocktails, painted on tans, all while watching their children; the Lakers beat the Celtics, so it’s on to the final of the finals: game seven; FL mother went to visit her boyfriend, left her children at home, alone, and with no food to eat;
N Korea will ‘smash aggressors’; I-Pad sent inside a bar of chocolate; a LEGO recreation of the soccer blunder made by the British player; solar activity & flares on the rise; several people killed in 7.0 Indonesia quake; an American, on his own, has been on a quest to kill Osama bin Laden; oil is $77.64 per barrel; gold is $1,229.30 an ounce;

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