Tuesday, July 21, 2009

…7/21-09: the essence of a state

67º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6ACode Yellow: Moderate Air Quality, for Ozone; today is Nancy’s B’day: we gave her a book of our favorite recipes; air smells like rain; various detour’ paths to take when leaving our APT; ‘Cookie Bandit’ may have killed two people in Canada; Rail Runner helps fight hunger; overnight rain at The Beach; Silver City Museum a ‘must see’, per Rand McNally; leaking water tower in Belen; B’day cake from Nancy; it has been confirmed that ABQ reached 100º this past Sunday; evening rain at The Beach; downtown Duke City bars may be able to remain open until 3:30A, but stop serving alcohol at 2A…what about other parts of ABQ?; explosives found in Carlsbad home; flash flood warning for the Duke City; the latest scam, letters telling people they own money from 1978, credit card past due payments; considering the current heat wave, a lower than expected utility bill; increasing drug traffic on NM interstates;finished Rounds by 7:30A; I have been selected to participate in a HOSP survey; could someone send somebody somewhere else in the world, except here?; I no longer receive E-mails indicating when a doctor will be trained;

temps from the 70s to 110s; wet & Cool in New England, NYC; I-95…the E Coast Main ST; Philly showers, Midwest twisters; ‘Haboob’: Arabic for ‘sandstorm’; T’storms in OK, TX, MO, KS, AR and the Twin Cities; wet along parts of I-44;Sotomayor vote may get delayed until next week; 55 year old FL man bikes wearing only a thong; solar eclipse this week; in Milwaukee, family rescued from burning SUV; for many, the ER is their primary care CTR; Defense SECY Gates asks for 22K more soldiers, bringing the total number to 569K; Obama speaks at the DC Children’s HOSP: now is the time for less talk, and more action; the’ Watergate goes on the auction block; a revival of the ‘boom box; Chicago bound plane made an emergency landing in Iceland when smoke filled the cabin; man & woman who are about to be married have the same first & last name; free AM coffee at Starbucks; has CA reached a budget compromise; the economy is getting better, but…; 40,617 US H1N1 cases, with 263 deaths; SEN Barbara Boxer accused of racism; TX woman finds part of a frog in a bag of frozen vegetables; Palin, and an ethics probe?; hill being destroyed in AL that once was a Native American religious site; will ATL run out of water in three years?; man burst into flames after being zapped by a taser; white supremacists & blacks clash over TX murder; KY dog drags baby out of home, and into an area of tall grass; Continental Airlines cuts 1,700 jobs; 240K accidents, 955 deaths by people who were driving and talking on a cell phone, handheld, or not; no takers for the DC landmark lodging; why is the SC GOV not wearing a wedding ring?; heated health care debate in the [D]; US dairy farmers are losing $1 million per day, living on borrowed time & money; the DOW reaches a six month high; the end of the F-22;more trouble stemming from Israelis possibly building in Palestinian territory; gold is $948.00 an ounce; oil is $63.75 a barrel; Australia is testing the swine flu vaccine on people; ‘scar’ on Jupiter caused by comet?; the longest solar eclipse this century; globally, there have been 700 H1N1 deaths; Romanian mayor wore Nazi uniform at recent fashion show; the INTL Space Shuttle’s toilet has been repaired; water fight in Madrid, Spain;

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