Saturday, July 11, 2009

…7/11-09: what’s new, and what’s normal

68º in ABQ; 48% humidity at 6A…phone call from Plus Four Credit Union states your debit card has been deactivated, and asks for personal information to reactivate it…this is a scam, as someone has hacked into the bank’s computer system; Milan, NM man survived after his house exploded when he attempted to light his stove; Sandia Labs trying to build a better wind turbine; the son of Dr. Ramo will be in NM to talk about his book which deals with our crumbling society; Santa Fe ranks #5 in cities that attract tourists; the Duke City reached 96º, the warmest temp for 2009; 7/3/2007: the last 100 degree day in ABQ, there were eight in 2003, and none from 2004 to 2006; Gallup teen sought in connection with thirty robberies; receive state & FED credit for installing solar panels; accident near Aztec proves fatal; $111 million collected by NM for child support payments; Brad prepared a Slow Baked Salmon, topped with Bread Crumbs, then placed under the broiler for a minute; the speedy SONIC ad; police car chase reached speeds of 120 mph, ended with a crash on Navajo Nation, the male driver escaped, but inside the wrecked vehicle was a woman & child; NM will use various websites to spread the news about the state; Los Lunas man struck and killed a two month old boy;flight from AZ to the UK was evacuated in Phoenix when fumes filled the cabin; HI hotel, which faced money problems, reopens; the ‘streamlined’ GM; Gary, IN pays tribute to Michael Jackson; Obama does not want a second stimulus package; CIA projects, known by Cheney, but not the general public…because of NATL Security; CO MTN town invaded by ladybugs; surgical technician in Denver injected herself, then washed the needed with saline solution and put them back to be reused: now others are testing positive for HEP C; chemical fire burning out of control in TX; more bones discovered that were dug up at IL cemetery, and tossed into sheds, or empty parts of the property; in today’s economic times, one needs to take a pay cut, to get a job; the ‘unprecedented collection activities’ by spy agencies under the Bush ADMIN, that went beyond the legal limit; Philly swim club apologizes for its racist actions;
Mother Nature delays shuttle launch: the next attempt will be tomorrow night; Tropical Storm, now Hurricane Carlos getting stronger in the Pacific, off the MX coast; 94K structures have been destroyed by quake in China; N Korea ‘seriously interested’ in releasing US journalists from their labor camp sentence; UK has the third highest H1N1 cases, following the US & MX; Obama has busy schedule in Ghana;

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