72º in ABQ; 46% humidity at 6A…Code Yellow for Ozone: Moderate Air Quality; Duke City mayor wants to extend bar hours until 3A, but stop serving alcohol at 2A; who was drinking in the hours prior to the fatal weekend crash; Cuba is the fastest growing city in NM; a squirrel in Santa Fe CNTY has tested positive for the plague; did not feel well this AM; $700K in pot confiscated at the Gallup P.O.E., vehicle heading from AZ to AR; holiday fireworks at Balloon Fiesta Park; time to change the diskette; NM will get $19 million for education purposes; this weekend, the Roswell UFO party; also this weekend, about 1K Native American youths will gather for the United NATL Indian Tribal Youth; people were eating dinner outdoors, in 90+ degree heat; biofuel company eyeing NM; another person wearing a ring on a necklace; stones thrown at Duke City ice cream truck; FED GOVT money to improve ABQ Ride;

Hell Week, Day Two; the argument that will not end; the war that will not end; six month old child ‘fell out of car’; patient overdosed on Prozac; I will transfer data from Nephrology spreadsheets to our specialty forms: no problem, MGR said ‘Awesome’; the olive branch that did not work: sent co-workers Smileys for Fourth of July; some responded, others did not; changed into a T-shirt before taking my PM bus ride; as usual, the Lomas bus was late, the Eubank bus never arrived [I was told it would be there in three minutes], and I got home around 6P; jealousy & envy because Jenny asked me questions…or was it a trap; I tried to walk away, and do not want to argue; jealousy & envy, and control; finished Rounds before 7:45A; climbing up for comics; Evelyn was out, but made a cameo appearance;
storms in Miami, Boston, NYC, Syracuse; flood watches & warnings in E CT; Cleveland showers; rain along I-81 & I-95; parts of TX are banning fireworks; heat indices will reach the 100s in parts of the Deep South; cool New England; temps from 60s to 100s; fires have shut down I-5 in S CA; 
New Orleans is the fastest growing big city; Michael Jackson says he leaves behind $500 million is assets, the singer left nothing for his father and ex-wife; woman designed a salami/bacon dress, meat placed over white material; Ruth Madoff escapes punishment due to lack of evidence; even animals can moonwalk; public ceremony for the King of Pop will be held in Los Angeles next week; he keeps making headlines, and is treated like royalty; same pier that NYC ferry crashed into several years ago, number of injuries rise to fifteen; June NATL jobless rate reached 9.5%; MD woman gave birth in portable toilet, then threw the baby away; domestic dispute continues into S CA dental office, leaving one person dead, and four wounded by gunman; INDY couple charged with setting a two year old girl on fire, then burying her in a concrete casket; TX daycare locks children in shed; computer glitch stalls flights at O’Hare; NM naked plane passenger makes NATL news; nearly 34K US H1N1 cases, most along the E Coast, and CA, with 170 deaths; wife of SC GOV will forgive, the family will celebrate the Fourth of July together; the DOW went down; Madoff’s wife is homeless?; actor Harve Presnell has died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 75; mistake in CA school, an X-rated video shown;

sole survivor of Yemeni air crash recovering, does not know her mother died; in AFG, US military forces have begun Operation Khanjar [strike of the sword]; N Korea has fired four short-range missiles; last month’s Air France flight did not break apart, but plummeted into the water; the price of oil is $66.94 per gallon; the price of gold is $931 an ounce; the number of H1N1 cases exceed 77K, in more than 100 countries;
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