66º in ABQ; 88% humidity at 6A…Code Yellow: Moderate Air Quality, for Ozone; 90% humidity at 4A; more electricity to Farmington when $900K in new power lines are fully installed by the end of 2009; the price of gas: NATL, $2.50; NM, $2.52; ABQ, $2.49; overnight rain at The Beach; fog in parts of NM; two UT men arrested for killing a NM resident; pipe bomb found in the back of a Duke City man’s truck; ID theft scam busted in Socorro; man tried to lure two children into his ABQ motel room; the upper level A/C is not working in our APT;
UNM is going smoke free; UNM bike thief arrested; took early bus; other sleep studies services are not being captured; another rattlesnake bite patient; finished Rounds by 7:15; PICN printer broken again; PEDS does not approve the use of ‘psycho codes’; would the ‘list’ include sedations & PICC line procedures?; Internal Medicine handles Sleep Studies with no problem…then why are there no entries on TES?; instead of entering ‘ZZZ’, MGR wanted to send back the entire batch of Sleep Study charges, also said I was using the wrong form, and location; I just felt like being quiet at work;
tornadoes reported in NY & FL; storms in OK & TX; MD, DE & ME; four people struck by lightning in NJ this past weekend; Weather Channel in Key West; rain from Boston to DC, Dallas to ATL; showers in Miami & the Twin Cities; temps from 80s to 110s;

OH resident shares same name as famous astronaut; MI cops help keep donut shop in business; the future is vague for Palin, but she is raising plenty of PAC $$; two OK police officers are killed, trying to resolve a domestic dispute; what is happening?…twelve people were injured by gunfire at a Baltimore picnic; Ten Kennedy still pursuing the ‘cause of his life’…health care reform: the MA SEN will try to be at Capitol Hill for the vote, because the [D] need ‘help from across the aisle’; read the fine print in the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program; new home sales rise 11% in June; how ‘healthy’ is the health reform bill; canary fighting ring busted in CT; turn FL ocean currents into energy, that state has 19 million people; consumer confidence on the decline again; two SEN received VIP treatment from mortgage CO; 'Armageddon’ had a second, or alternate ending, in which the comet struck Earth; 250K cars bought by turning in clunkers, buying existing inventory, that will not result in more jobs once everyone has a new vehicle; weird: two OH children found in a dumpster; TX mother sliced her child’s brain, ate parts of his body, then slashed herself, she is recovering in a HOSP: the wacky wedding…it’s amazing that people say the Powers That Be would both love & hate the musical entrance into the church; did Michael Jackson’s doctor administer the fatal dose?; Verizon is cutting 8K jobs; the largest monthly new housing sales in eleven years: it may be a spike in sales, but still 21% lower than this same time, last year; Americans tolerate taxes; Fall River, MA man wins $1 million lottery, after being the winner of $1K, and buying the ticket that won;
fifth & final spacewalk; Lance Armstrong came in third in the Tour de France; now N Korea says it is willing to talk about its nuclear arsenal; after sixty years, China & Taiwan exchange ‘direct messages’; 20K take to the streets to protest the closing of a Johnny Walker factory in Scotland, in operation since 1820; Biden vs. Obama on ‘successfully economic’ Russia; tensions rise between Haiti & the Dominican Republic; 5.2 quake rocks PAK; no rooms at the HOSP, so Australian woman gave birth at home;