Sunday, May 10, 2009

…5/10-09: live, learn, thrive

56º in ABQ; 40% humidity at 6AMother’s Day picnic at the ABQ Zoo; carnations' giveaway at Isotopes Park; zebra mussel can block water pipes, and kill wildlife & aquatic plants; $38 million in state funds have been frozen in money market fund, tied to stock markets, and its current losses; NM needs rain; ABQ rainfall is 1½ inches below AVG yearly amount; 140 acre Timberon blaze is 100% contained; graduates can ‘skip the shake’; all Rio Rancho Before & after school programs are full; man fell fifty feet from a paraglider, S Valley students built new wheelchair ramps; former political candidate comments about the recent YDDC riots, and how the sheriff was told by the state to mind his own business; the state does not back the staff; YDDC inmate struck an officer in the face, staff fears going to work; Duke City Hyatt Regency housekeeper found multiple credit cards, checks & driver’s licenses in a hotel room, called officials, the guest was arrested for identity theft; possible shooting in Santa Fe APT; H1N1 map is more current on KOAT than CNN; former Santa Fe municipal court judge arrested for not paying over $13K in child support; Wayne Bent’s son now is leader of The Lord of Righteousness Church, followers lead by community; many ABQ Police DEPT volunteers, one retired person created a computer program to track Internal Affairs info, these helpers must pass a background check; 700K of homes in the Duke City have swamp coolers; 31 ‘new flu’ cases in nine counties; fistfight kills Socorro teen; Roswell school still not completely free of mold that made one student sick; 3% humidity at 5P; my disco is getting itself together; GMA stopped at a Tucumcari motel on Rte. 66;three US deaths, the latest one in WA state, he had a heart condition, more cases of H1N1 in the US; also add OK, SD, Louisiana, PA & HI to the ‘sick states’, increasing the total to 43; five people killed in W NV plane crash; laugh at least once a day; the hypersensitivity to sound; six TX firefighters treated for chlorine exposure when battle a cemetery fire; Boston bans operators from using cell phones while driving trolleys & subway cars; RI driver struck a natural gas line, resulting in an APT home explosion; storms in the ‘heart of the homeland’, floods force WV to declare a state of emergency; ‘Star Trek’ made $31 million during its first 24 hours: more than $72 million for the weekend; Santa Barbara blaze is only 40% contained, over 9K acres have been blackened; sunspot cycle is increasing; racecar driver tested positive for performing enhancing drugs, used when driving at the Richmond INTL Speedway; CA fires moving out of the spotlight; doctor with swine flu still saw 22 patients; I don’t know how current the H1N1 data is that I include on my Blog: the two DC cases are college students; 2,873 confirmed flu cases in the US; Obama, the Comedian in Chief; the First Daughters are grounded for taking Air Force One on a joyride to Manhattan; Cheney & McCain disagree on keeping GITMO open; violating vows vs. celibacy; Michelle Obama has the right to bear, or bare arms;
Nancy Pelosi takes a ‘one day trip’ to Baghdad; Holy Father tries to heal religious wounds, spoke in a mosque; religion is manipulated by politics; Pope lifted a ban on religious figure who denounced the Holocaust; 53 global deaths from the ‘new flu; Spain has reported 132 H1N1 flu victims, add Argentina, Indonesia, Poland, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Egypt, India, Norway & Sweden to the list; this a war for Pakistan’s existence; Afghans against America;

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