lump our area as ‘the desert SW’; 8.9% NATL unemployment rate; the NATL AVG price of gas is $2.39; fuel has jumped twenty-five cents in one month; 96K lbs. of beef could contain E Coli; veterans, ‘at rest in final glory’ in Arlington NATL Cemetery; cigarette & suntan lotion ads are misleading; breaking another glass ceiling: an Afro-American woman will be leading a Fortune 500 CO, Xerox; six straight days of FL rain; there is no NATL WWI Memorial on the Mall; 32.4 million people will travel this holiday weekend; one million new cases of skin cases each year; New England showers; Fleet Week in NYC; missing boy with cancer may have left the US; Vortex2 is in S Dakota; Boston, from the 80s to the 60s; rain in the N Plains; Gulf Coast & MS Valley storms; AM ads for sleeping pills; temps from the 40s to the 100s; more road trips, more creative: cheap, but fun; Daytona 500 racetrack is underwater; Sunday school teacher furnishing ‘harmful substances’ to both an adult & child; no more ‘low tar’ in smoking ads; more money for GM, but it may still file for bankruptcy; in search of the perfect cell phone; amusement parks enter their second season of the bad economy; car steals, not deals; no see-through fashions at work where you can view the underwear; former astronaut, who is also Afro-American, will head NASA?; tax on health INS; 3–D Crayola crayons; the American flag was the first banner to symbolize the people, not their leader; the Supreme Court choice should both intellectual, yet have empathy: background checks for all candidates have been completed; the ‘fun five’ who must ‘kill the catwalk’; UT man also punched pregnant teen, so she would not have an abortion; AK rocked by 3.6 tremor; 4.7 quake shook central CA; 
Bimini: gateway to the Bahamas, another Hemingway hangout; travel by golf cart; children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo accused of being in league with the Black Arts, and exorcized; dark rum: more sugar, more strength; charter a luxury yacht, with servants & chef; informal, first-class meals, enjoy massages, flat screen TVs, complete with DVD & music libraries Jacuzzi with champagne on the side; king size beds, monogrammed bathrobes; wet weather means Atlantis landing called off; Chinese citizen helped suicide jumper, by pushing him off a bridge; former S Korean leader committed suicide; cancer threatens Tasmanian Devil; SW China earthquake; eleven dead from plane crash in Brazil; sun spots: the solar equivalent of road rage; the Taliban: isolated, but powerful; thanks to Hillary Clinton, gay American diplomats’ family members will get the same coverage as heterosexual couples; swine flu in Persian Gulf countries, infecting US soldiers;

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