67º in ABQ; 19% humidity at 6A…stationary front across the state; E NM fog; no final report from CDC about our probable causes, 97 ‘potential’ cases in NM; ABQ Trolley will start on Cinco de Mayo; NM GOV wants the College of Santa Fe to remain open; NM makes COMCAST news: drug dealers paying cash for homes in NM border towns, adding revenue to the economy: Lincoln & Cadillac can be seen on the main streets; Spaceport will have its first launch today: a rocket with payloads created by students, it did not reach its 62 mile goal; people evacuate subdivision S of Capitan due to the increasing threat of a fire; 100% humidity E of the Sandias; residents have 48 hours to stop wasting water, before they are fined; UNM employee could return to his old job & salary of $120K, if he is fired from his White House post for the Air Force One photo-op over NYC; NM does not have an illegal limit for narcotics, so a man high on Ecstasy & pot, who wanted to commit suicide, plus he struck & murdered two pedestrians, will not face DUI charges; 130 mph police chase along I-10 ends with the suspect killed after a spike strip was placed across the highway; two horses from NM are in the KY Derby; avoid water from your lawn flowing into the street; ABQ Bike Rodeo today; state on high alert for more H1N1 cases; NM Robo RAVE INTL at the ABQ CONV CTR, motorized devices following a black line, or blowing out candles; S NM could see a higher than AVG fire risk this year; Brad’s back is feeling better; Kenny Rogers performing in NM, so is Juice Newton; buses are one of the biggest locations for germs; I found the missing black sock, hidden inside the sleeve of a shirt; Brad prepared Scalloped Potatoes; slight AM panic attack; several showers during the PM; a horse from Bloomfield, that had 50 to 1 odds, won the KY Derby; a possible sinkhole could collapse, shuts down an Eddy CNTY business, and could affect a road shared by three routes [62, 180, and 285]; ‘Mine That Bird’ won the Run for the Roses, and shocked the other racers; three rapes over the past few days in ‘our’ Las Vegas; Rail Runner will promote itself when it travels to Las Cruces & El Paso; from pea to dime size hail fell across the Duke City; local contest to diagnose & repair an engine; ‘Mine That Bird’ never won a race in NM, had been bought for $9.5K, trained in Roswell; 

would someone make up their mind if we should, or should not panic?; 160 people in the US are infected, across 23 states; hand-shaking is prohibited in certain ceremonies; stores sold out of sanitizing equipment; a sanitizing travel wand; just wash hands often; a self sanitizing keyboard?; website for free items, and no strings attached; today is the KY Derby, mud will be an important factor; CDC did not get the initial NM swab samples; more rain across OH Valley; will people remain home, avoiding church services, plus changes in religious procedures; 2010 Census staff will not ask questions about citizenship; severe weather in OK; lightning can strike ten miles away from the actual storm; breast cancer is the most common form found in women; Judge Ginsberg is ‘lonely’ as the only female Supreme Court judge; David Souter does not like DC; NASA will layoff employees over the next few months; blind man fell to his death inside an elevator shaft at his Bronx APT complex; [D] starting to support same-sex weddings; ‘goofy looking bandit’, trying to look like a woman, is robbing Seattle banks; ‘economic carrots being dangled in front of our noses’; hyperbaric chamber explodes in FL, killing an Italian women, and critically injuring her grandson; Wal-Mart & TARGET stores are running out of sanitizing merchandise; top of truck too high, gets peeled off while going under Boston bridge; the start of ‘H1N1 hysteria’, and ‘social distancing’; outhouse cushions WA plane crash; in the comic world, who will be the next Batman; 4.4 quake shook Malibu, CA, and several other tremors have been felt this past week; the Sears Tower cost $150 million to build; banks in GA, NJ & UT fail; Warren Buffett worries about inflation; bankruptcies are still increasing in number; some FL counties have 40% unemployment rates; this has been the worst recession since 1958; $200K homes being auctioned for $15K; PA nurse shot in her car, while trying to get out of her driveway, by home invaders, who were not breaking into her house; add FL, CT, UT & MO to the list of ‘new flu’ states; the fewest number of people say they are [R] in twenty-five years; Dallas Cowboys’ training facility collapsed; recession, and infection; Dallas reported 70+ mph winds; bus crash on I-215 in S CA injures 28 passengers; a increase in homeless families;

'walking’ or ‘worried’ well flooding hospitals; S Korea has reported flu cases; Portuguese warship captured pirates near the Gulf of Aden, and confiscated their weapons, which included dynamite, when a Norwegian oil tanker was attacked; 658 people have been infected from the H1N1; 16 people killed by the disease; British Airlines failed to include Israel on their in-flight maps; add China to the list of H1N1 infected countries; sea bandits attack a British ship; a ‘possible pandemic’; when MX sneeze, the world gets the flu; add Italy & Ireland to the ‘sick nation’ list; 305 guests are quarantined at a Hong Kong hotel; most of those infected are younger than twenty years old, but age range is 1 to 81 years; add Denmark to the infected nations; gunman wearing an Iraqi uniform is killing US soldiers;

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