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…3/20-09: youth in a bottle
50º in ABQ; 48% humidity at 6A…GAQ; don’t avoid attorneys; paddlewheel on Pecos River; the
‘frightening lightning’; death penalty decision could be overturned, NM is only the second state to ban the killing of criminals; build a memorial park on the site of the W Mesa mysteries; missing Roswell woman’s body may have been found in Clovis; the fall season of the Duke City Downs will be cut by five days; Four Corners will relocate flock of turkeys; Second Chance owes money in back taxes & unpaid bills; in the past eighty days, only two of them had rain; ABQ has a pigeon problem; 100K signatures could petition to repeal the potential law; Native American HIV–AIDS Awareness Day; TX company moving its HQ to NM; can the College of Santa Fe last until the end of this semester?; undercover officer caught DUI; Myrna in CA; finished labeled Rounds by 8A; I will not say bad about other Coders, just smile, and shrug my shoulders, but others would; a test by Kay to determine if we know how to code: if not, we will be watched at our desk; how to cut staff, without cutting staff; minimal paper at work area: Upper MGMT will be ‘site checking’; three more roaches found in our office; complaining isn’t going to make the work go away; Myrna & Evelyn ‘in love’ with George Clooney; a ‘quality consultant’ for PEDS?; more charges are being captured; gave Evelyn a ‘cheat sheet’ to use when coding prolonged services; child could be ‘allergic’ to UNMH bed sheets; busy AM Central; PM IT problems, which were resolved; we already have checks & balance for PEDS specialists; arrived home by 6P; empty in many restaurants, except Kelly’s on Snob Hill; topic of talk at the comic book store was The Stand, a new comic by MARVEL based on Stephen King’s novel; First Day of Spring!; Carolina rain; NW US rain; temps from 30s to 80s; FL rip currents; warm in Los Angeles; Fargo floods, also in SE US, caused by snowmelt & down pours; fog in Houston, SE TX, plus parts of I-10 & I-45; Internet tsunami; ‘no hidden fees’; Obama appears on late night TV talk show [Jay Leno], the first for a PRES in office, goofed when comparing his bowling to those in Special Olympics, which was a faux pas, and warranted an apology; cover their butt on Capitol Hill; AIG: the start of a scandal; will names be revealed; Madoff, a ‘flight risk’?; Wal-Mart giving bonuses & benefits to hourly wages; the lights dimmed on Broadway for Natasha Richardson; auto part suppliers may get TARP aid; Buick & Jaguar are the top cars; home entertainment vs. a ‘night
out’; FORD has an electric car?; AIG protests across the country, will take place in DC today; Pomona school YouTube video got the attention of Obama; jury convicts AL father of throwing his four children off a bridge; the new $400 Touch Book; new GOOGLE ‘panic button’: a five second delay when sending E-mails; flatulence kicks FL student off school bus; teen caught huge shark while vacationing in FL;
the OR ‘elephant car wash’; costly IPhone, no contract; ‘pretty cool’ to fly in Air Force One; most people do not like FaceBook changes; Obama also appeared on ESPN; CA police chase took a twist when thieves threw money out their getaway vehicle; “I Am Omega”?; no one injured after a barge struck Biloxi bridge,
causing span to collapse; FBI has spies in US mosques; the DOW is down; hate your job…just keep smiling!; very deadly spider found in AZ supermarket inventory, the type of animal that stalks its prey, strikes, and death is twenty minutes later; everybody loves ‘Angus’; Harvey Milk was not killed because he was gay…Harvey Milk was at the wrong place at the wrong time; job cuts at the Postal Service; banks in GA, FL & KS closed their doors for the last time; US acquires two credit unions; MA married male couple cannot live together in that state [or the US], because one husband has been deported and has returned to his home country of Brazil: his application for asylum was denied; CA jobless rate is 10.5%; banks ‘lost’ over $32 billion during the fourth quarter of 2008;
JetBlue creating a Brazilian airline?; US should be committed to engage in diplomatic talks from Iran; innocent inmates at GITMO, hard to distinguish between friend or foe?; two Navy vessels collide near Iraq; foreign markets falling; did mother abandon newborn baby on New Zealand flight; a walk 220 miles above the Earth;
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