35º in ABQ; 54% humidity at 6A…Brad at Social Security; GAQ; glass recycling plant opens in ABQ; police on alert for man stalking several women; ENMU seeing increased enrollment; bad driving in N AZ; ‘significant snow’ in N NM; the storm has slowed down; NM GOV addresses the state, speaking about its budget; house burglarized, everything stolen, man serving in Iraq; increase in whooping cough cases; Santa Fe City Hall AM lockdown: only harmless white powder; light snow falling across the city; another year, another dead-end for the NM Domestic Partner bill; Brad took care of paperwork, should receive $800+ per month, starting in June; chic, expensive coffee shop inside the ATC; local pawn shops report a booming business during these hard times; $2.5 billion in renovations of the Rio Rancho INTEL plant, plus those in AZ & OR; so far, no salmonella cases in NM;
nine years of yelling, while others allow charges to fall into Group IV, and, déjà vu, ‘no one’ knows ‘anything’ about the changes; the ‘Senior Coder’ not speaking to me…and somehow, this is all my fault; so if one person can do things without telling our MGR, why can’t we all?; call me up, and chew me out; many did not know what to do when the sirens sounded; the whispers behind my back; finished Rounds by 7:45A; FaceBook smears Schmidley; the ‘vacation’ is over; UNM PRES taking a cut in pay?; Myrna’s granddaughter readmitted for bacteria in urine; Randy Knott on KOAT; off & on PM snow pellets; rode PM Central; asked to do other PDI requests;
record warmth for Roanoke; St. Louis twister, fifty years ago there was a similar outbreak; rain in Erie, Pittsburgh, Asheville, Memphis; storm from NM, stated on the Weather Channel, heads E towards AR; the Honolulu ‘hot spot’; storms from TX to OH; one of the worst snowstorms in AZ; temps from 20s to 80s; W Coast high surf; twisters touch ground in OK, destroying homes & power lines;
there is a free IRS website to do taxes; DE diapers filled with pot; another planned conference by bailed out bank moved from ‘the’ Las Vegas; hundreds more laid off by Fed-Ex; man driving Bentley led police on a Los Angeles interstate chase; steroids were everywhere; peanut butter sales declining; some of the CA woman’s six children are disabled, being aided by the GOVT with welfare checks; Obama in FL, pushing imperfect stimulus plan; donating kidneys do not harm either person’s health; Beverly Hills doctor helped mother give birth to eight babies;
Obama was brutally honest; put partisan politics aside; thirteen questions answered by Obama during his press conference; more victims of ID theft, but less money taken; release prisoners in CA jails, save money; we need better cyber security; Elkhart doubts stimulus success, except as a topless dancer; an IPod for books, very thin; the DOW is down; no more political games; GM to cut more jobs; Treasury SECY will discuss bailout plans; SEN passed stimulus bill; John Hancock Tower facing foreclosure; drunk falls down stairs, sues hotel; so far, the medical care for the octuplets has reached a price tag of $700K; peanut plant raided, peanut exec subpoenaed; man arrested near the Capitol, a possible threat to Obama, now called the ‘Great One in the White House’; the tainted peanut products; stop with the ‘vague specifics’; give Americans the ability to spend money freely; the price of stamps will increase to 44¢ in May; unhealthy banks will have to loan money given to them by the FED GOVT; MUZAK filing for bankruptcy; the ‘perfect storm’ political problem; no electricity or safety in AFG; in London, man nearly struck by train, got blown by its wind, then got arrested for ignoring the railroad warnings; UK man angry
that police took his rollerblades, took away his exercise, his way of staying in shape; mutual respect between US & Iran, perhaps a new direction in our relations?; Israeli elections being held; the first female leader after forty years?; SE Australia is still igniting, blast furnace heat burning the continent; people dove into any body of water; nine major
fires on the continent; French PRES travels to Iraq; fewer people want to immigrate to the US; fireworks were the cause of Chinese hotel fire, which killed a firemen, and injured several other people; oil has dropped to $37.55 per barrel; gold rose to $914.20 an ounce; satellites detected long range N Korean missiles being moved ‘into position’: if launched, they could strike AK; the ‘silent Rave’ shut down London rail station; the ‘Obama overtures’;
1 comment:
Wow! What an eclectic compilation of information! Thanks for coming my my blog--I'm off on yet more travels to the sunny South (avoiding the awful Erie weather, it's true!) Come back and visit again sometime!
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