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…1/22-09: it’s all about…you!
39º in ABQ; 37% humidity at 6A…Code Yellow: Moderate Air Quality; more color & pictures on blog during weekend; victims tell their side of the sodomized situation, and coach did nothing, they were ‘penetrated’; stricter sex offender registry; oldest bank robber caught yesterday; tax increase in 2010 to improve public schools; laptop stolen with personal pictures of her deceased brother; illegal strip-search in Hidalgo CNTY, pays settlement fee;
Farmington wants Red Light Cameras; more INTEL job cuts, but not in Rio Rancho; 4K Duke City public toilets must be replaced by 2014; amazing how many people ask for a cigarette, or a light; Countrywide Mortgage used deceptive tactics to get mortgage loans; ‘he would drill you into next week’; Brad finished his painting; minor attic fire in S Valley home; stabbing murder in an APT near Louisiana & Indian School; young boy attacked by large dog at Farmington daycare CTR; raise the cigarette tax in NM?; the case of the defective VHS tape;
a waste of time being upset; turned in Registration Reports to MGR; new Coding software training at 10A; need to use the new system because no one has applied for Compliance positions, or stayed in that DEPT; coding software vs. Medicare on leveling guidelines; used Intelicode system: printed results, E-mailed to MGR that it works; some Coders are overwhelmed, or pressing the panic button; JoAnn will be out until next Tuesday; buses not following the schedule; cut corners, get caught; too many watchers; took early Central, arrived at work about 6:15A; name kept as Trauma-Alert, with a ‘Do Not Announce’ status, so the father cannot visit the patient [parent was cause of injuries]; what will happens when the doctors notice a reduction in revenue; or Candace thinks the production is too low [more people know that she screams]; Code Purple at 6:30A, and all day; nobody had a Group Four forms, got them from MGR;
‘southern chill’ [20s & 30s] across FL; snow in Cascades; rain needed in SE US, TX, NM & CA; moisture for Los Angeles, San Fran and ‘the’ Las Vegas, parts of I-5; cold DC; ID: volcanic soil, great spuds; temps from – 0s to 80s;
the party is over: people anxious to leave DC; more Goodwill store ads seen on TV; man cut his 70 year eyebrows for charity; man did not cut his hair on his head until a [D] returned to office as PRES; LLEGO land created the Obama inauguration;
Obama is the third PRES to take the oath twice; cousin of Ty Pennington victim of hit-and-run; Caroline Kennedy not a good ‘speaker’; PRES not used to saying ‘be seated’; Barack & Hillary met yesterday, both in their new positions; EBay suffers losses; there are tanker trucks of peanut paste, found in ice cream; five quarterly losses for Citigroup; the Obama fashion site, featuring J Crew items; stranded dog rescued on thawing river; renewal of American dream: “yes, we can!”; fault line 100 miles E of Little Rock, could trigger a 7.0 quake; mixed review, but more positive comments on Michelle’s gown & inaugural outfit; bird found in left engine of Flight 1549; oath
repeated in White House map room; ‘flub heard around the world’; Academy Awards nominations announced today: maybe Batman & Heath?; era of secure ‘smart phone’; WINDOWS 7 has mixed reviews; a combo DVD & Blu-Ray player, due this spring; when virtual shopping becomes a reality; MD woman killed by truck tire while driving on the Beltway; patients forced to flee NYC HOSP fire; mother & child killed, found in river near KC, point to murder-suicide; VA Tech student decapitated last night; in NYC, one child killed, two others injured when van backs over them; Rush Limbaugh hopes Obama fails; the DOW is down again; huge layoffs in MICROSOFT, in spite of huge profits…reason: to maintain higher earnings; more children, elderly & physically challenged attended the inauguration; one year ago, Heath Ledger died; critics question Caroline Kennedy’s credentials;
highest number of new people filing for unemployment since 1982; most of the nominees went to the ‘Button’, and only the Joker got one; ‘Milk’ got two nods; Brad & Angelina, Best Actor and/or Actress?; jackets are no longer required in the Oval Office; with six year old software, the White House lacked FaceBook or IM capability; Caroline vs. the NY GOV?; Meryl Streep: two-time Oscar winner, fourteen time nominee; Obama gets a GOVT controlled Blackberry;
close all CIA ‘secret camps’ around the world; follow Geneva CONV rules; these people should be treated humanely: America trying to take the moral high ground vs. placing these people in jails in the US, posing a greater risk for ourselves; 248 people at GITMO; treatment & interrogation rules need to be revised, what types of trials could they receive?; children know about discrimination; people hope world peace by Obama; Fidel Castro called PRES ‘an honest man’; foreign markets rising; students across the world are focused & inspired on Obama ADMIN; Hamas must end firing rockets: Israel must remove its troops from Gaza; people in charge of contaminated milk factories in China put to death, or will spend life in prison; Cuban leader watched Obama inauguration; two AFG girls attacked on their way to school, acid thrown on their faces; Antarctica is greatly melting; UK banks are also weakening; even Communist countries have positive comments; oil is about $44 per barrel, but decline is hurting the Iraqi economy;
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