Tuesday, January 5, 2010

…1/5-10: I knew what you knew when you knew it

24º in ABQ; 68% humidity at 6A…GAQ; people in charge put worker’s jobs on the line, and don’t think about the consequences; two teen escape from YDDC; which is the right tax to increase in NM?; know your rights: NM has a renter’s guide; layoffs at local hospitals?; do not use Craigslist to apply for a job; Duke City man grew 54 marijuana plants in his APT closet; my tie acts as a scarf; I saw a man wearing shorts walking around downtown ABQ, at 6A!; ABQ has a large number of board certified teachers; Mesa Air Group files for bankruptcy; rare musical instruments returned to their owner; the S Valley votes: will it become a town or remain part of a CNTY; NE ABQ APT fire, caused by someone cooking; pirated videos were found inside a vehicle during a routine traffic stop;

Hell Week, Day Two; people need to control power; MGR out for several days; will consult codes be valid in 2010?; the male Lobos basketball team keeps on winning; Lucille is using blue forms to bill for her patients;

N Plains chill; record lows in S FL; flurries in MD & WV; chilly in ATL, Miami, JAX & New Orleans; cold in NYC, Erie, Albany, Asheville, Rapid City, Billings, INDY, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Bristol [both in TN & VA] & Roanoke; very cold in the FL panhandle & peninsula; snow & ice in Poland; temps from 0s to 70s;
Glendale, AZ lumber fire; 48 hours couch potato record; NV gunman opened fire prior to reaching the security checkpoint; Obama held a security meeting; is a pocketknife a weapon?; did someone threaten to shoot Obama when he was being sworn into office?; debut of the GOOGLE ‘Android’ phone; 45% of those polled are not satisfied with their job, the lowest in 22 years; HAZMAT situation shut down Bakersfield, CA airport for two hours, two people reported getting sick; being gay in the ‘big city’ is not as happy as one thinks; many large US cities have jobless rates higher than the NATL AVG; lotto is a big gamble; girl struck & killed by Amtrak train, just N of Baltimore; being a ‘loner’ has its good & bad points; cargo jet crashed in Chicago suburb; ESPN will start a 3–D channel; three terminals were shut down at the Twin Cities airport when the dog detected a suspicious bag; the DOW ended down; Americans eat the equivalent of 109 football fields of pizza, per day!; Obama says our INTEL is ‘imperfect’; ‘money can make a difference if it’s spent properly’; police removed explosives from WA APT complex; more young people do not like their jobs, and location is an important factor; did the FED GOVT fail to ‘protect’ airline passengers?; using warm well water to protect FL crops; elderly drugged at nursing homes across the US: chemical vs. physical restraint; fugitive on the run for killing a UT sheriff’s deputy; strange: woman drowned her grandson in a bathtub so he would not have to grow up in a divorced family; premium a key factor in health care reform; [R] congressman utters a racial slur; man who made PEZ a sensation has died at the age of 87; man has devil horns tattooed over his eyes;
US embassy reopens in Yemen; the $1.5 billion tower, takes two minutes to reach the top; a CIA double agent became a suicide–bomber, he was also a Jordanian doctor; gold is $1,123 per ounce; oil is $81.64 per barrel; not so good looking people being dropped from dating website, they gained weight during the holidays; more quakes rock the Solomon Islands; a crab that resembles a strawberry; is the US at war with Islam?; snow swamps Chinese train; there are 1,600 pandas in the world; do full body scans break child porn laws?;

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