23º in ABQ; 25% humidity at 6A…$33 million to be spent by power plants to reduce NM pollution; car crash in Rio Rancho killed two teens; Inn at the Anasazi accused of serving alcohol to minors, and/or intoxicated persons; Deming nurse stole a credit card from one of her patients; last night, gunfire inside a movie theater on the Pan Am Freeway near I-25, one woman was injured, after being shot in the leg; Duke City Middle School vandalized, seventeen computers taken; purse snatching in NW ABQ turns into a chase that ends at the Zia Pueblo; stabbing at Sidewinders; the theater staff was not trained for this type of emergency, and the police are looking for four suspects; man threatened to shoot patrons at the OKAY Casino; man beat girlfriend’s four year old son; frozen pipes bursting in Aztec homes; Days Inn in Gallup destroyed by fire; woman thrown out of a car by her boyfriend; Edgewood fire hydrants forced open, flooding roads & property; 

algae can be used to produce fuel to power vehicle; freeze warnings remain for FL; the Cowboys & the Jets won; E Boston cat called to jury duty; SEN Reid, and the racist rhetoric; CA wanted to reduce health care service to disabled people, the court said ‘No’; contact the FED GOVT if a census form has not been received by March, 2010; ‘Iron Chef’ secret ingredient was anything grown in the White House garden; yesterday, there was a 6.5 quake in N CA, near the OR border, causing power outages: no one was seriously injured, and damage was ‘minimal’; Molotov Cocktail thrown at WI cashier, she was saved by protective glass; the price of stock for US tobacco maker is going up; male prostitutes cannot service gays in NV brothels; Ar-nold calls health reform a ‘rip-off’; CA marijuana UNIV keeps growing in size; it may sound funny, but keep airplane passengers sober, so flights will not have to be escorted by military planes, and/or return to their departure point; the CA quake was centered in the Pacific, about ten miles down, and had several aftershocks, some registering as high as 4.5 on the Richter scale; ‘Smallville’ still going strong; Patriots, lost…bad, because it was their first home game less during playoffs in decades, but good, because they would have had to play INDY next week; emergency landing at Newark ARPT by United Airlines flight; [R] wants Reid to resign; all day power outage at Cleveland, OH airport; DC is ‘powered by gossip’; big bonuses by bailed out banks, some in the eight figure category, but much of it in stock options; today was ‘No Pants on Subway’ Day for NYC commuters; AZ Cardinals won; ‘Avatar’ & ‘Sherlock Holmes’ remain in first & second place for weekend box office revenue; pandas trying to mate at the NATL Zoo;
thirty people injured when a two bottles of acid were thrown into a crowd at a Hong Kong tourist spot; Yemen’s leader will open dialogue with al Qaeda; no US troops will be sent to Yemen?; workers’ tombs found in Egyptian pyramids; plenty of snow across Europe; Chinese are replacing lead in toys with the carcinogen cadmium; bomb explodes near the Greek Parliament BLDG in Athens; the ‘red bed’ in Milan hotel;

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