Thursday, December 3, 2009

…12/3-09: unwind

29º in ABQ; 63% humidity at 6A…GAQ; ‘Real ID’ stalled, will not be able to fly from NM, either on domestic or foreign flights; NM GOV wants to encourage state citizens to buy local; why do people want to hear 911 calls related to an accident, or attack?; father who shot & killed his baby attacked by another inmate at the METRO Detention CTR; Nob Hill Shop & Stroll tonight; Winter Weather Advisory for E NM; murder of Duke City infant has made NATL News; Nancy has been the property MGR at the Beach for twenty years; Brad will be preparing the food for the holiday Luminaria dinner at The Beach; AM flurries in ABQ; friendly, but no friends; local newspaper incorrectly identified a UNM student in a picture as an undocumented immigrant; former PBP worker Beth Lancy accessed my Blog;

Hell Week, Day 2.5; after eight years, I know so little about my MGR; UNM is hiring a PR firm to improve the university’s image; finished Rounds by 7:15A; the number of day to work during the Winter Break has been reduced to three;

ABQ winds, chill & temps mentioned on the Weather Channel; very warm in New England; floods in Charleston, SC & Houston, TX; more snow for Denver; wet from Miami to Boston; snow in the Twin Cities, Detroit, Rapid City & Erie…and possibly in San Antonio; heavy rain in NYC & New England; wet along parts of I-80 & I-90;
van collided with light rail train in Phoenix; NATL holiday tree gets lit tonight; White House party crashers will not speak on Capitol Hill, or testify at the DEPT of Homeland Security; transgressions that were not true to his values; shop online, get free air miles, Amtrak travel & Marriott lodgings; Asheville, NC is a gay friendly town; male cleavage is the latest fashion trend, the 70s look is back, open shirts and deep cut T-shirts; COMCAST will control NBC & Universal Studios?; more people favor isolationism; job forum held at White House today, give small businesses more loans [how about just giving more money to Americans?]; ‘Black Friday’ did not bring in the money to businesses; four children & one adult were injured when an SUV slammed into a daycare CTR; another weird: couple found dead inside their home in a small, rural ME town; daughter of SEN carjacked in DC; [R] man who wants Ted Kennedy’s senate position once posed in the nude for Cosmopolitan; ‘elf’ in GA mall told Santa that there were explosives in a bag, there wasn’t any dynamite, but the man was still arrested; economy & unemployment: the ups & downs of America; ‘ripples across the region’; home mortgage interest rate at 4.71%; an operational error: two planes came too close over the skies of Denver; neighbors complain that a flag pole belonging to a VA veteran disrupts the neighborhood; our recession has led to cleaner air; Alan Parsons Project co-founded has died from cancer at the age of 64; another weird: IN boy murdered his brother, dragged the body into his car, and dumped it in a river, all this before the killer visited his girlfriend; more children under 12 years old have high blood pressure; the DOW dropped; AK town slowly collapsing into the sea; girl nearly dies after being told her H1N1 test was negative;
Taliban will hold peace talks in AFG when all foreign troops have left that country; the tallest man in the world is 8’1” tall; gold dropped to $1,210.50 an ounce; oil will probably not reach $100 per barrel in the near future: as of now, it is $76.35 per barrel; Susan Boyle’s YouTube debut has eighty million hits: album has sold 700K copies in one week; she is the ‘digital discovery’;

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