MGR taking us out to lunch at the 66 Route; main elevators in the Pavilion are not working during the early AM; a nurse brought chicken pox into NICU; felt like I was part of the group; I walked and took the bus to the restaurant: JoAnn drove me back to work; how organized am I as a Coder?; production looks good; plenty of bottles of hot sauce;
Orlando T’storms; chill in the air in the Midwest, E Coast & New England; light snow for Buffalo, Erie, Pittsburgh, Albany & Cleveland; white weather in the Sierra Nevada range; getting cold from DC to Boston; floods in the SE US; rain in JAX, Corpus Christi, San Antonio & Boise; snow along parts of I-90; temps from the 10s to the 80s;
‘taped in the nude’; kill the bill on health care reform?; minimal chance of survival for the two Mt. Hood hikers, as whiteout conditions continued, unless they found or built some form of shelter; Obama has a 50% approval rate; McDonald’s will offer free Wi-Fi at most restaurants by 2010; stress can cause illnesses; hypothermia begins when the body temp reaches 95º; gay marriages in DC by March, 2010?; missing MA woman found alive in a snow bank; Miami lottery winner ends a couple’s marriage; will more Americans be traveling this holiday?; the DOW was slightly down; someone will die on ‘Smallville’?; no serious injuries were reported when a car collided with a horse drawn wagon in W VA; Tiger Woods has been voted the AP Athlete of the Year: Ben Bernanke was selected the Time magazine Person of the Year…otherwise known as ‘the important nerd on the planet; nearsightedness is on the rise; the PRES ‘commits kids to war’; Roy Disney has died from cancer at the age of 79; long hair keeps TX child from attending classes; are jobs returning to ‘the‘ Las Vegas?; weird: NC family charged with keep the corpse of a relative inside their home for months;

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