Thursday, January 8, 2009

…1/7-09: from classic to contemporary

28º in ABQ; 66% humidity at 6A…BIMBO bread from the Food Bank; a dream that told me it was time to get up; GAQ; HP can generate profit in bad times, which may mean good times for Rio Rancho, hire 1,800 people by the end of 2009, will have 200K sq. ft.; $500K police money belongs to the Duke City, find the rightful owners of the cash; Roswell grass fire destroyed 1,600 acres; lack of fire hydrants in Bernalillo?; QWEST still trying to restore Internet service to 5K customers; NM GOV will present his budget proposal at the end of the week; another water main broke in NE ABQ; no more Sunday Rail Runner train rides, but expanding into N NM?; gas is $1.69 per gallon; movie being filmed in downtown Duke City; slight pain at the top in the back of my L leg; the mystery & sensuality of Brad’s picture progresses; NM is all [D] on Capitol Hill;

Hell Week, Day Three; finished Rounds by 9A; Code Purple at 6:30A, and all day; ER is filled, so are most of the wards; DEPT of Health is at UNMH; got a green light from UNM staff; examined room while I was in it; Jenny is in today; crates are OK on the floor, but not cardboard boxes; two items labeled ‘Property of UNMH’ in newspaper stand; Maintenance says it may not be able to remove the pneumatic drive on our door; no extension cords are allowed; TES edit not worked on, filing limit reached, who is to be blamed [me, probably]; can’t get toner easy; Myrna suffering from insomnia; like Cyndee & Anita before, the TES edits that were not done, and I will probably be blamed, DOH at UNMH; CTI nurse thinks I’m “chipper” in the AM; the ward’s staff ‘loves’ me; early AM panic attack; the naked Baron Harkkonen;

Katrina: when everything went wrong; NM snowboarder made Weather Channel News; snow in N New England; Midwest snow; DC rain, Boston sleet; bad traveling on parts of I-81; Hudson River Valley & NY Thruway as ‘borders’ of rain & sleet; temps from 0s to 70s; record floods in Spokane; cold in the Twin Cities; SE US T’storms; 1971 was a very cold winter in ABQ, daily below zero temps during winter, three days below –17º; E Coast travel problems; W NC floods & mudslides; ice storm at Falling Water, PA, parts of CT & MA; Spokane snow weighs 25 lbs. per square foot;

doctor discussion guide; man got skis caught on lift, was upside down, and naked; Congress man wants to postpone votes so he can attend a football bowl game; six year old VA boy drove for ten miles, struck his utility pole, learned driving from video game, standing while driving; Obama breaks bread with current & former PRES; an intimate meal, a White House event not seen since 1981; ‘politics & theater’; SECY of the Senate removed Junior IL SEN; save $1500 per month for sleeping in congressional office, small storage space, shower is two flights down; Crawford ranch is out, Dallas neighborhood is in; the new, improved airfares, need to fill empty seats until June, 2009?; dine with Carter, Clinton & Bush the First; more tax relief for people who owe the IRS; Celtics are slipping; shoes with Obama portrait selling for $250; how to bar pork barrel spending; exercise: an outlet for stress, so is more sleep; Oprah should have less food shows; will people ever want to pay full price again?; Motorola & the eco-friendly phone, but no bells & whistles; Chicago real estate mogul killed himself while inside his Jaguar; prepare for the $1 trillion deficit; NATL AVG price of gas is now $1.727 per gallon; the US still has a huge surplus of oil; porn industry wants & needs help, tap the bailout bucks for buxom broads?; ‘criminality’?; he may have cancer, but Patrick Swayze still smokes; on inauguration day, all the bridges on the VA side of DC will be closed, including I-66 & I-395; over 166K jobs were lost this past December; CA may ban big screen TV sales; the DOW propped 245 points; wildfire near Boulder, CO; in Eureka Springs, AR, free health care for the uninsured: all the medical staff are volunteering their time, as second jobs; NM is one of the top states where cold weather has killed people; after all is said & done…Burris is the new Junior SEN from IL; the Oval Office transcends the individual; the largest deficit in US history; a Chief Performance Officer to prevent pork spending; Madoff sending boxes of jewelry & watches to his family & friend: and he should be sent to jail; Cesarean sections prevent the transmission of diabetes, but ‘could’ also harm the baby’s heart & brain; former HUD SECY Jack Kemp has cancer; UT woman stuck in floor vent for 30 hours, safely rescued; Jimmy Carter is 84 years old; salmonella food poisoning has sickened 388 people across America; MARTA map looks like tentacles; mixed foreign markets;

bird flu killed young woman in Beijing?; too much stress in the world; hope for peace in Middle East, short-term, limited ceasefire; have goals been met by Israel, in Gaza?; woman in Fancy videos is a man?; three hours of no rocket fire?; attack on girls’ school; clearly marked on GPS, BLDG had UN flag; oil has dropped to $42.58 per barrel; food brought into Gaza, via Israel; ‘Ping–Pong diplomacy’ with China began thirty years ago; gold is $845.20 per ounce;

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