Sunday, November 2, 2008

…11/1-08: today transforms into tomorrow

49º in ABQ; 41% humidity at 6A…fall back one hour today; last day for early voting in NM; 40% of those registered in Bernalillo CNTY have made their choice; absentee voters must turn in their ballots in person; about 240K votes have been cast; McCain will be in Roswell; Romney also visits Farmington; GEN Wesley Clark will visit two sites in S NM, Roswell & Las Cruces; new breast cancer license plate, money to help those who have that disease; sex offenders had to keep lights off on their porches last night; police arrested many drunk drivers; NM cult leader has said the end of the world has come [took place yesterday] & gone; the last weekend politicians will take over the airwaves; strange sounds found in the early hours at KAFB; driver has found spirituality after crash killed a male passenger; candidate was friends with a man who tried to sabotage a nuclear power plant; rims of car in chase across half of NM turned red from the heat, from driving over four sets of spike strips; ‘haunted house’ tackled topics of abortion & gun violence; on Thursday, I worked with Kay Kennedy & Terry Padilla from Compliance, and as best as possible, others saw JoAnn & I work as a team: enemies who joined forces when necessary; last year, Brad fell down the APT stairs, did a ‘triage’, then took him to the UNMH ER; the accusations of being an attempted murderer by two UPA employees; the changeover fro UPA to UNMMG; driving to ‘Ground Zero’; taking a trip on the Cumbres & Toltec RR, which was 50% great, and 50% dull; attending a wait, then cancelled Balloon Fiesta Event; discovered YouTube, saw ‘The Sinking of Japan’; in N NM, children learning how to analyze problems, via GUTS = ‘growing up thinking scientifically’; the tragic ups & downs of the Balloon Fiesta; sixteen sessions of CARS; being chewed out after arriving to work during a snowstorm, being told I picked E/M codes from the air; return to Chaco Canyon, a visit to Canyon moving to the GOC, and then an office in the old 3-E, with Evelyn & Myrna; last night, forgot my glass of orange juice in my bathroom, that’s how tired I was; Dia de Los Muertos, celebration the entire weekend; prisoner at Otero CNTY Detention CTR has escaped, is considered dangerous; I had Goth teenagers like what I was wearing; some UNMH females dressed as Sara Palin;

now, CA man arrested for the anthrax envelopes; Westfield, MA mother & costumed child were killed by a driver, both were wearing dark outfits; a merger of GM & Chrysler?; one TX quake shook near the Dallas Cowboys stadium; SC boy killed, father & brother injured by gunfire when they went trick or treating at a home; are motorcycles more deadly than war for Marines?; do we want four more years of the same?; “be strong, have courage”; not taking the low road to the highest office of the land; both are barnstorming the country; McCain will fool the pundits; should mentally challenged be allowed to vote?; Ar-nold supports McCain; cut taxes where he can; did media favor the IL SEN; COMCAST features NM as a swing state, supporting Obama; Halloween arsons in Detroit; Obama wants ‘green’ trade deals; Barack & Michelle took their two daughters trick or treating; DOW ended the month on a positive note; McCain running a ‘dirty campaign’; where will the AZ SEN take us…down the toilet; why should either win?;

largest mall in London opens; Brazil makes deal with Cuba to drill for oil around the island; piece of ‘space junk’, the size of a refrigerator, heading towards Earth, a 1,400 pound box of toxic ammonia, that will strike the planet tomorrow; millions fleeing the Congo; Iraqi soldiers are now the terrorist targets;

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