Saturday, November 1, 2008

…10/31-08: no one is whom they appear to be

49º in ABQ; 41% humidity at 6A…born not to be wild; Code: Yellow, Moderate Quality for Fine Particles; stay on the right side of safety; overnight shooting on Coors & Blake SW, one person sent to the HOSP; fifteen satellite voting areas across ABQ; Rudy Giuliani will be in NM this weekend; peanut harvest begins; Harry Teague cannot speak; cult leader in jail again; NM mother may lack nutrients in their breast milk; three bars could lose license for selling alcohol to drunk people; Eclipse loses funding for new factories; more multi-family homes are selling, than single family homes;

in olden days… is it worth the effort?; some items not worn in a decade; is someone dressed as Sara Palin?; went up in an elevator with The Cat in the Hat; more complaints from Hope; patient’s last name is ‘Batts’; finished Rounds at 9:30A; Code Purple at 3P; pill case opened when I took keys out on Lomas, medicine fell on the street: good news, they dropped on the left turn lane, and a car’s headlights lit the pavement; I smelled like I just came out of a closet; Hope sent me Newborn charges; both Anita & Jenny smoke, and were absent during their first six months; all alone during the PM, packed up my staff & worked; with the buses that don’t stay on a schedule, arrived home about 6P; a little devil for Evelyn; did my Rounds without glasses; Jedi Warrior showing off in front of his home on Menaul; movie being filmed on Girard & Lomas; Evelyn overslept;

temps from 40s to 80s; windy: Chicago, GA, N FL panhandle, complete with rip currents & beach erosion; rain in Yellowstone; twenty-five inches of snow fell in the Pocono MTN; rain: Los Angeles, San Fran, entire W Coast, parts of New England;

the ‘Halloween World News Polka’; GMAC, the bank to be; Wall ST first, Main ST last; who voted for the big profits, who will profit from the good & bad economic news; from NATL to Social Security; last minute news could cost elections; 17% of voters have cast ballots; candidates will appear separately on Monday Night Football; the golden parachutes have not been pierced; candidates have said banks have betrayed Capitol Hill, and the public; NY college has come down with ‘cruise ship’ virus; low fares for the holidays?; CA may face lower water allocations; help banks recoup some credit card debt owed to these institution; 20% of homeowner owe more than what houses are worth; MT vague victory, the GOV is [D], all three electoral votes are up for grabs; Palin support is waning; life is good, $1 billion surplus budget, housing market is strong; [IND] candidates do well in that state; huge state, with not too many people; Philly throws wild party for World Series winner; there is a phobia for Halloween; fire in missile silo not reported for five days; 73 people attired in 1980s vintage costumes, dancing to the ‘Thriller’ video, fit like a glove on Halloween; which is twenty-five years old; made Guinness Book of Records; is Obama ahead or behind McCain?; get the KISS Axe Guitar; the newest Nikon video camera; random bag search starts on DC METRO system; Michael Jackson will not rejoin the reborn Jackson 5; IRS has sent out billion of fraudulent checks; 7.5 million Americans are ‘underwater’; sexual action grounds Blue Angel flyers; we do earless than we did a decade ago; small quakes rock parts of TX & OK, no injuries or damage was reported; gunman arrested, held fifth graders hostage in ME school; gays rushing to get married before Election, or Law Amendment Day; school staff in several cities must hide tattoos; in terms of the stock market, the worst October in 21 years; NV Madam helping in PRES campaign; Gloucester, MA losing its claims as a fishing town; inflation is outside the FED ‘comfort zone’; the era of modified mortgages; who would children vote for PRES?; VT woman broke her newborn twins’ legs; NATL AVG price of gas is $2.547 per gallon;

foreign markets keep falling; where did the eight foot LEGO man come from, appeared on British beach; no US soldier has been killed in Baghdad, also the lowest across Iraq; over 300 deaths reported from PAK quake?; ‘harsh storm of reality’ spans the globe; the beautiful, cosmic, light-year pictures from Hubbell Telescope; smoking reduce cognitive thinking; are Russian nukes missing?; family cannot move to Australia because son has Down’s Syndrome; add Ireland as a country in recession;

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