Saturday, October 9, 2010

…10/9–10: the code of music

54º in ABQ; 38% humidity at 6A…Brad prepared Scrambled Eggs for Breakfast, then Shrimp with Lobster Sauce for lunch; walkway lights from Valencia CNTY cemetery are being stolen; sinkhole at the corner of Montgomery & Juan Tabo; this AM, we saw lots of balloons in the air; local woman stole a car during a test drive, then returned with another vehicle, which had been vandalized; more money spent on Duke City inmates, than on the city’s students; double shooting during home invasion in NW ABQ; the Gay & Lesbian Film Festival is being held this week in the Duke City; this weekend, the Taste of NM is being served at the ABQ Civic Plaza; this morning’s Balloon Glow was a go; the America’s Challenge Race started last night; Brad also made Corn Bread; one balloon did get stuck in a tree;
Ten people were injured when a CA rollercoaster rolled back into the waiting area, slamming into the next train at the platform; another school, another bullying, several deaths; anti-gay attacks in NYC; eight year old boy stabbed in NY restaurant several times, the victim will recover; ice cream brand m
ade in CA could cause people to become ill with typhoid fever;Four NATO service members were killed in AFG; after 66 days, ferry ablaze in the Baltic Sea; the 33 Chilean miners will be rescued; US has often thought about using a nuclear bomb against N Korea; 5.9 quake shook Costa Rica;

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