66º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…Obama will visit NM on 9/28/10; 19.3% of NM residents live in poverty; ABQ teacher had pot plants in her house; plenty of people at the NM State Fair yesterday; both Coal & Lead streets in the Duke City will be widened; there are eighteen breweries & brew pubs in NM; ‘peaceful protest’ will be held for the W Mesa murder victims; [R] spending lot of money on NM political races; local woman owes $12K in fraudulent Medicare charges; Urban Farm Fest in ABQ, this state has ‘unique’ food; a new UNMH will be completed in Rio Rancho by the end of 2011; 91º: record high temp for the day; Brad & Warren vs. Warren’s PC;
Two tornadoes, plus a 125 mph microburst, struck NYC this past Thursday; there will be a merger of United and Continental Airlines; MT wants to make it illegal to be a homosexual in that state; 40% of Americans carry a gene that causes celiac disease which could be triggered by gluten;
Igor has 110 mph winds, moving NW at 13 mph, with Bermuda in its sights; Chilean miners may be rescued sooner than originally expected;
…9/19–10: from tomorrow, to today
69º in ABQ; 50% humidity at 6A…some of the MX/US governors met in Santa Fe to discuss the increase in border violence; NM ads say not to vote for one candidate, but do not support the opponent; citizen CSI Academy will be held in the Duke City; abandoned cave in SE NM will become a new home for bats; drunk images of people appear in the restrooms of the UNM stadium; S CO fire warnings; NM Black Expo was held yesterday at the ABQ Civic CTR; record high temps yesterday in Gallup & Chama; Cooking Channel episode took place on the Santa Fe Plaza; fatal stabbing in NW ABQ; a diplomatic dinner will be held at the NM GOV mansion;
BP has officially stated that the Gulf oil well/spill has been capped, and the crisis is over…or, is it; laptops could be used to detect earthquakes; the ‘Jeep’ brand has been around since 1941; bus driver reading an E-book while behind the wheel, caught on a passenger’s cell phone camera; thirteen people of a CA cult may be planning a mass suicide; fewer Americans now have health INS coverage; the Tea Party may do more harm than good to the [R]; some OR crab meat products may contain Listeria; [R] wants to repeal Obama’s health care reform bill; TX father accused of killing his three children;
More car bomb attacks in Baghdad; Igor has 85 mph winds, moving N at 13 mph, and heading for Bermuda, where power outages have already been reported; also causing high waves from FL to Cape Cod; Iranian leader traveled to NYC;
…9/20–10: as life leisurely continues
67º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…GAQ; three people accused of stealing copper pipes at an ABQ store; a NM highway may be renamed for a Navajo Code Talker; bones of a mastodon-like animal have been found in S NM; W side residents wants weeds removed; saw Jean this PM; NM GOV meeting cost $200K, but did not cost the state taxpayers’ one penny; water main at Fourth & Griegos;
UNM grad students face budget cuts; more money going to UNM film industry courses; Brent is very sick; no weekend CTI Admits; printed, but did not rely on Census or Registration Reports;
Wet in: Corpus Christi, Fargo, San Antonio, Roswell, Seattle, Chicago & Houston; rainy across sections of I-35; Igor battered Bermuda with 93 mph gusts, and major beach erosion reported, there are boulders on the tarmacs have hindered people leaving the island via airplane, the storm’s peak winds were reported as WSW, at 60 mph; is there a TS Lisa in the Atlantic; SE US heat wave; temps from the 50s to the 100s;
The last light bulb has been produced at the Winchester, VA General Electric plant: the future is complete walls with LED bulbs; the era of genetically produced salmon has begun; UT wildfires burning near SLC; the DOW ended up; NYC railway bridge fire halts traffic; secret Motrin recall; the recession is over, lasted eighteen months, and came to a close in July, 2009; 79% say it has not ended; man claims ‘caffeine insanity’; the Gulf oil spill has cost BP $9.5 billion;
Train crash in India has killed ten people; tension rising between Japan & China; oil is $75.34 per barrel; gold is $1,279.00 an ounce;
…9/21–10: the ability of equality
66º in ABQ; 67% humidity at 6A…GAQ; overnight rain at The Beach; as of 11/1/10, VP Biden will also be visiting NM; 5K children will no longer have daycare, because of CYFD budget cuts; stabbing at a Motel 6 in NW ABQ; human remains found at a Carlsbad construction site; Carlsbad is one of the best communities in the US for youths; ABQ native was on the ‘Ellen’ show;
Director visiting the PEDS Coders, there is also a ‘surprise’ B’day party for her at the Bradbury; there are different procedures for various Coders; print, but don’t rely on Census or Registration reports;
Wet in: Chicago, Des Moines, Dallas, Tucson, Great Falls [MT], the Twin Cities, San Antonio, KC, Omaha, Houston, Corpus Christi and Des Moines; TS Lisa has 40 mph winds, moving N at 5 mph; rainy along areas of I-10 & I-80; frost & freeze warnings for New England; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Political ads say that global warming destroys our freedoms; when swallowed, Tinker Bell will get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; disk ‘button batteries’ can burn the esophagus; cyber bullying is worse than verbal or physical attacks; the 4K acre fire in UT was caused by the NATL Guard, who were practicing outside SLC; the DOW ended slightly up; using heat & cold to kill bedbugs; man has a worm inside his retina; huge fire in the Bronx; man threw bricks from the roof of a CO school; two people killed, another injured after shooting at Ft. Bliss; “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal rejected in the Senate; the 1K lb. WV pumpkin; more people support/favor the First Lady, than the PRES;
Jupiter is at its closest point to Earth; oil is $73.05 per barrel; oil is $1,272.40 an ounce; hackers invaded Twitter; at least 100 people were injured when bleachers collapsed during a Brazilian car race; money laundering at the Vatican; the next step, transparent airplanes; nine special ops forces died when their helicopter crashed in AFG; Bermuda cleans up after Igor leaves;
…9/22–10: love, laugh, live
72º in ABQ; 55% humidity at 6A…GAQ; man was arrested after he exposed himself to a mother & her children at a local park; pipe bomb exploded in an ABQ mailbox; man stabbed near a Duke City train station at First & Central in the downtown ABQ area; Flood Watch for W NM; a rise in heroin use among Duke City students; a man dressed like a ninja, and holding an ax, robbed a Santa Fe store of $4K in jewelry; Brad made Blackened Mahi; there is an auto museum in Rio Rancho; five men arrested for vandalizing cars in NW ABQ; more people are being stalked in the Duke City; NM leads the US in recovering from the recession;
People ask ‘what do I want’; to decrease classroom size, UNM will offer more online courses; can still use info from specialists; PM downpours at UNMH, leaks were appearing in the roof;
Wet in: Detroit, St. Louis, ABQ, Corpus Christi, Des Moines, El Paso, Sioux Falls, Houston, KC, Dallas, San Antonio St. Louis, INDY Buffalo, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, the Twin Cities & Green Bay; rain along sections of I-10, I-35, I-70 & I-90; Igor struck Canada, causing bridges to collapse; TD Georgette has 35 mph winds, moving NNW at 14 mph; severe weather struck Chicago last night; Lisa has 45 mph winds, moving ENE at 5 mph; NE US Fire Threat; temps from the 60s to the 90s;
Bitter battle in the White House, called the “Obama’s Wars”; a heightened terror threat in the US; the end of ‘child only’ INS policies; high altitudes may be linked to more suicide attempts; only 30% of those polled support the health care reform bill; the DOW ended down; three people died in Fairfax, VA house fire; a Baltimore house fire forced people to jump out of second story windows; FL courts struck down a ban on gays & lesbians adopting children;
Paris Hilton detained in Japan for possessing drugs in the US; bombs killed ten people in W Iran; oil is $74.33 per barrel; gold is $1,290.20 an ounce; people are angry about a proposed new road that would run through the Serengeti NATL Park in Tanzania; Russia will not sell weapons to Iran;
…9/23–10: the world class
60º in ABQ; 96% humidity at 6A…GAQ; overnight rain at The Beach; man swept away by arroyo waters has yet to be found; ABQ received 1.74” of rain yesterday, the most in 50+ years; parents upset over CYFD daycare cuts in coverage; does the Duke City need another bridge to cross the Rio Grande; semi burned on Jefferson; local photographer missing from ‘our’ Las Vegas; forum being held to help small businesses start in NM, and provide initial funding;
MGR out for two days; quarterly UNMMG meeting at 3P: dropped off at Central & UNIV, walked to the R/R bus stop, and arrived home before 5P; UNM professor accused of being a dominatrix;
Wet in: Twin Cities, KC, Billings, Des Moines, Wichita, Seattle, Green Bay, Omaha, Rapid City, Miami, ABQ, Amarillo, Duluth & Madison; Richmond may reach 100º; wet along sections of I-35 & I-90; for now, TD Lisa poses no threat; temps from the 50s to the 90s;
Obama addressed the UN today; more health care reform benefits go in effect today: the [R] have created a ‘Pledge to America’, or ‘Midterm Manifesto’, which includes vetoing that bill; the DOW ended down; cake that circled the entire New Orleans Superdome; five million cans of Similac being recalled because of beetle parts found in the formula; people with illnesses will have to pay more for INS; one man, one state [OK], one day, four robberies; computer coding problems shut down Facebook again;
Human error may have caused the Titanic to sink; union workers in France may go on strike; oil is $75.39 per barrel; gold is $1,294.30 an ounce; ‘live with pandas for a month’ contest; Iran leader says he respects both the Quran, and the Bible: was this said before or after the US walked out of his speech;
…9/24–10: respecting respect
57º in ABQ; 55% humidity at 6A…GAQ; teen slams into a gas meter, causing a gas leak; racial tensions at Volcano Vista High School; are chemicals or pesticides in the water causing deformed frogs; more police patrol around Olde Towne during the Balloon Fiesta;
Left at 12:30P: ate at Saggio’s; some people have worked thirty years at UNMMG; UNM police dog has retired;
MN & WI floods; TS Matthew may move into the Gulf of MX next week: currently, it has 50 mph winds, moving W at 16 mph and moving towards Central America; wet in: Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans, Tulsa, INDY, Seattle, Dallas, Portland [ME], Duluth, Miami & Tallahassee; storms along sections of I-90; new fires in CO & IN; temps from the 50s to the 100s;
Homes sales are flat; greed is still ‘good’ in the twenty-first century; Eddie Fisher has died at the age of 82; female inmate has been executed in VA; the DOW ended up; three credit unions shut down in TX, CT & IL for possessing toxic assets; another computer worm wormed its way through the business computer world; Seattle grandmother killed herself and three people; female sleepwalker found strolling in a swamp; fire destroyed Manassas, VA homes;
UK raised its terror threat level; undocking problem at the INTL Space Station; oil is $76.49 per barrel; gold is $1,296.00 an ounce;
Two tornadoes, plus a 125 mph microburst, struck NYC this past Thursday; there will be a merger of United and Continental Airlines; MT wants to make it illegal to be a homosexual in that state; 40% of Americans carry a gene that causes celiac disease which could be triggered by gluten;
Igor has 110 mph winds, moving NW at 13 mph, with Bermuda in its sights; Chilean miners may be rescued sooner than originally expected;
…9/19–10: from tomorrow, to today
69º in ABQ; 50% humidity at 6A…some of the MX/US governors met in Santa Fe to discuss the increase in border violence; NM ads say not to vote for one candidate, but do not support the opponent; citizen CSI Academy will be held in the Duke City; abandoned cave in SE NM will become a new home for bats; drunk images of people appear in the restrooms of the UNM stadium; S CO fire warnings; NM Black Expo was held yesterday at the ABQ Civic CTR; record high temps yesterday in Gallup & Chama; Cooking Channel episode took place on the Santa Fe Plaza; fatal stabbing in NW ABQ; a diplomatic dinner will be held at the NM GOV mansion;
BP has officially stated that the Gulf oil well/spill has been capped, and the crisis is over…or, is it; laptops could be used to detect earthquakes; the ‘Jeep’ brand has been around since 1941; bus driver reading an E-book while behind the wheel, caught on a passenger’s cell phone camera; thirteen people of a CA cult may be planning a mass suicide; fewer Americans now have health INS coverage; the Tea Party may do more harm than good to the [R]; some OR crab meat products may contain Listeria; [R] wants to repeal Obama’s health care reform bill; TX father accused of killing his three children;
More car bomb attacks in Baghdad; Igor has 85 mph winds, moving N at 13 mph, and heading for Bermuda, where power outages have already been reported; also causing high waves from FL to Cape Cod; Iranian leader traveled to NYC;
…9/20–10: as life leisurely continues
67º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…GAQ; three people accused of stealing copper pipes at an ABQ store; a NM highway may be renamed for a Navajo Code Talker; bones of a mastodon-like animal have been found in S NM; W side residents wants weeds removed; saw Jean this PM; NM GOV meeting cost $200K, but did not cost the state taxpayers’ one penny; water main at Fourth & Griegos;
UNM grad students face budget cuts; more money going to UNM film industry courses; Brent is very sick; no weekend CTI Admits; printed, but did not rely on Census or Registration Reports;
Wet in: Corpus Christi, Fargo, San Antonio, Roswell, Seattle, Chicago & Houston; rainy across sections of I-35; Igor battered Bermuda with 93 mph gusts, and major beach erosion reported, there are boulders on the tarmacs have hindered people leaving the island via airplane, the storm’s peak winds were reported as WSW, at 60 mph; is there a TS Lisa in the Atlantic; SE US heat wave; temps from the 50s to the 100s;
The last light bulb has been produced at the Winchester, VA General Electric plant: the future is complete walls with LED bulbs; the era of genetically produced salmon has begun; UT wildfires burning near SLC; the DOW ended up; NYC railway bridge fire halts traffic; secret Motrin recall; the recession is over, lasted eighteen months, and came to a close in July, 2009; 79% say it has not ended; man claims ‘caffeine insanity’; the Gulf oil spill has cost BP $9.5 billion;
Train crash in India has killed ten people; tension rising between Japan & China; oil is $75.34 per barrel; gold is $1,279.00 an ounce;
…9/21–10: the ability of equality
66º in ABQ; 67% humidity at 6A…GAQ; overnight rain at The Beach; as of 11/1/10, VP Biden will also be visiting NM; 5K children will no longer have daycare, because of CYFD budget cuts; stabbing at a Motel 6 in NW ABQ; human remains found at a Carlsbad construction site; Carlsbad is one of the best communities in the US for youths; ABQ native was on the ‘Ellen’ show;
Director visiting the PEDS Coders, there is also a ‘surprise’ B’day party for her at the Bradbury; there are different procedures for various Coders; print, but don’t rely on Census or Registration reports;
Wet in: Chicago, Des Moines, Dallas, Tucson, Great Falls [MT], the Twin Cities, San Antonio, KC, Omaha, Houston, Corpus Christi and Des Moines; TS Lisa has 40 mph winds, moving N at 5 mph; rainy along areas of I-10 & I-80; frost & freeze warnings for New England; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Political ads say that global warming destroys our freedoms; when swallowed, Tinker Bell will get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; disk ‘button batteries’ can burn the esophagus; cyber bullying is worse than verbal or physical attacks; the 4K acre fire in UT was caused by the NATL Guard, who were practicing outside SLC; the DOW ended slightly up; using heat & cold to kill bedbugs; man has a worm inside his retina; huge fire in the Bronx; man threw bricks from the roof of a CO school; two people killed, another injured after shooting at Ft. Bliss; “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal rejected in the Senate; the 1K lb. WV pumpkin; more people support/favor the First Lady, than the PRES;
Jupiter is at its closest point to Earth; oil is $73.05 per barrel; oil is $1,272.40 an ounce; hackers invaded Twitter; at least 100 people were injured when bleachers collapsed during a Brazilian car race; money laundering at the Vatican; the next step, transparent airplanes; nine special ops forces died when their helicopter crashed in AFG; Bermuda cleans up after Igor leaves;
…9/22–10: love, laugh, live
72º in ABQ; 55% humidity at 6A…GAQ; man was arrested after he exposed himself to a mother & her children at a local park; pipe bomb exploded in an ABQ mailbox; man stabbed near a Duke City train station at First & Central in the downtown ABQ area; Flood Watch for W NM; a rise in heroin use among Duke City students; a man dressed like a ninja, and holding an ax, robbed a Santa Fe store of $4K in jewelry; Brad made Blackened Mahi; there is an auto museum in Rio Rancho; five men arrested for vandalizing cars in NW ABQ; more people are being stalked in the Duke City; NM leads the US in recovering from the recession;
People ask ‘what do I want’; to decrease classroom size, UNM will offer more online courses; can still use info from specialists; PM downpours at UNMH, leaks were appearing in the roof;
Wet in: Detroit, St. Louis, ABQ, Corpus Christi, Des Moines, El Paso, Sioux Falls, Houston, KC, Dallas, San Antonio St. Louis, INDY Buffalo, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, the Twin Cities & Green Bay; rain along sections of I-10, I-35, I-70 & I-90; Igor struck Canada, causing bridges to collapse; TD Georgette has 35 mph winds, moving NNW at 14 mph; severe weather struck Chicago last night; Lisa has 45 mph winds, moving ENE at 5 mph; NE US Fire Threat; temps from the 60s to the 90s;
Bitter battle in the White House, called the “Obama’s Wars”; a heightened terror threat in the US; the end of ‘child only’ INS policies; high altitudes may be linked to more suicide attempts; only 30% of those polled support the health care reform bill; the DOW ended down; three people died in Fairfax, VA house fire; a Baltimore house fire forced people to jump out of second story windows; FL courts struck down a ban on gays & lesbians adopting children;
Paris Hilton detained in Japan for possessing drugs in the US; bombs killed ten people in W Iran; oil is $74.33 per barrel; gold is $1,290.20 an ounce; people are angry about a proposed new road that would run through the Serengeti NATL Park in Tanzania; Russia will not sell weapons to Iran;
…9/23–10: the world class
60º in ABQ; 96% humidity at 6A…GAQ; overnight rain at The Beach; man swept away by arroyo waters has yet to be found; ABQ received 1.74” of rain yesterday, the most in 50+ years; parents upset over CYFD daycare cuts in coverage; does the Duke City need another bridge to cross the Rio Grande; semi burned on Jefferson; local photographer missing from ‘our’ Las Vegas; forum being held to help small businesses start in NM, and provide initial funding;
MGR out for two days; quarterly UNMMG meeting at 3P: dropped off at Central & UNIV, walked to the R/R bus stop, and arrived home before 5P; UNM professor accused of being a dominatrix;
Wet in: Twin Cities, KC, Billings, Des Moines, Wichita, Seattle, Green Bay, Omaha, Rapid City, Miami, ABQ, Amarillo, Duluth & Madison; Richmond may reach 100º; wet along sections of I-35 & I-90; for now, TD Lisa poses no threat; temps from the 50s to the 90s;
Obama addressed the UN today; more health care reform benefits go in effect today: the [R] have created a ‘Pledge to America’, or ‘Midterm Manifesto’, which includes vetoing that bill; the DOW ended down; cake that circled the entire New Orleans Superdome; five million cans of Similac being recalled because of beetle parts found in the formula; people with illnesses will have to pay more for INS; one man, one state [OK], one day, four robberies; computer coding problems shut down Facebook again;
Human error may have caused the Titanic to sink; union workers in France may go on strike; oil is $75.39 per barrel; gold is $1,294.30 an ounce; ‘live with pandas for a month’ contest; Iran leader says he respects both the Quran, and the Bible: was this said before or after the US walked out of his speech;
…9/24–10: respecting respect
57º in ABQ; 55% humidity at 6A…GAQ; teen slams into a gas meter, causing a gas leak; racial tensions at Volcano Vista High School; are chemicals or pesticides in the water causing deformed frogs; more police patrol around Olde Towne during the Balloon Fiesta;
Left at 12:30P: ate at Saggio’s; some people have worked thirty years at UNMMG; UNM police dog has retired;
MN & WI floods; TS Matthew may move into the Gulf of MX next week: currently, it has 50 mph winds, moving W at 16 mph and moving towards Central America; wet in: Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, New Orleans, Tulsa, INDY, Seattle, Dallas, Portland [ME], Duluth, Miami & Tallahassee; storms along sections of I-90; new fires in CO & IN; temps from the 50s to the 100s;
Homes sales are flat; greed is still ‘good’ in the twenty-first century; Eddie Fisher has died at the age of 82; female inmate has been executed in VA; the DOW ended up; three credit unions shut down in TX, CT & IL for possessing toxic assets; another computer worm wormed its way through the business computer world; Seattle grandmother killed herself and three people; female sleepwalker found strolling in a swamp; fire destroyed Manassas, VA homes;

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