68º in ABQ; 75% humidity at 6A…GAQ; two people found dead in a burnt mobile home in SW ABQ; the Duke City is growing in population along its W side; solar panels will be installed on SunPort parking garages; someone stole a hot air balloon from a trailer; PM T’storm above The Beach; hit & run at Montgomery & Moon; Workforce Solutions will now use Wells Fargo as the bank to issue their debit cards; SCHOTT has developed the largest rooftop solar array panel;
Another day with key people on vacation; first day of school at UNM; very crowded PM R/R;
NM storms mentioned on ABC AM News; wet in: Boston, NYC, Tampa, Bismarck, ABQ, Denver, Flagstaff, Buffalo, Providence, Hartford, Miami, Albany, DC, Pittsburgh, Erie, New Orleans & Orlando; rainy weather for parts of I-10, I-90, I-93 & I-95; TS Danielle has 60 mph winds, moving WNW at 14 mph; floods in Philly; temps from the 60s to the 100s
The $578 million dollar school opens in CA; another plane crash in SW AK; FDA ‘scrambling’ for answers to the tainted egg crisis; airport security officers caught smuggling drugs & weapons; NYC dog fashion show, with canine clothing costing $3K; the Grand Canyon is deteriorating, thanks to pollution, caused by man; the DOW ended down; fire in a Long Island R/R switching station delayed commuters; sinkhole in GA swallowed a car wash & restaurant; teens send 3K texts per month; Americans own 610 million credit cards, carrying the highest interest rate in nearly a decade, 14.9%, football players coming down with Compartment Syndrome, some requiring surgery; judge has halted funds for embryonic stem cell research;
After being trapped for two weeks, thirty-three Chilean miners were located, but they may not be rescued until late 2010, or early 2011…they are trapped 2,258 feet below the surface, in a 600 sq. ft. room, with food supplies, 95º temps, and 95% humidity; Iran displayed its ‘ambassador of death’; Kudzu strain may cure alcohol or cocaine addiction; oil is $72.90 per barrel; gold is $1,226.90 an ounce; midriff exposure by Chinese men during hot days is making the country’s leaders upset, bad for ‘public image’;
…8/24–10: desires, and dreams
71º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…GAQ; local family of eight without power for weeks; NM ranks as the number one state per capita in lightning strike deaths; three NM stores are recalling tainted eggs; local child had to hold a rock as punishment: if he dropped it, he was slapped with a belt; no schedule yet from some S Valley students; overnight rain at The Beach;
The last day of my ‘vacation’; downtown detour on AM R/R; we are in Code Purple; very crowded PM R/R; no PSUP Admits; housekeeper was out for five weeks, she gave me a hug;
Wet in: Boston, Tampa, Philly, Raleigh, JAX, OKC, Houston, Tucson, Santa Fe, Des Moines, KC, Wichita, Twin Cities, Phoenix, DC & Richmond; Hurricane Danielle has 100 mph winds, moving W at 20 mph; microburst in TX yesterday; wet along sections of I-4, I-35, I-90 & I-95; temps from the 70s to the 110s;
Alligator seen swimming in the Chicago River; FDA is overwhelmed to inspect all farms; patients exposed to unnecessary radiation during diagnostic testing; today is NATL Waffle Day; Sea World faces a hefty $75K fine; salmonella can last four days on a clean counter; new homes sales have fallen; the median home price in America is $182,600; mouse virus linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; the DOW ended down; investigation of exploding fuel tanks in three million 1993-2004 Jeep Cherokees; 380K lbs. of Wal-Mart deli meat recalled;
Large hail, the size of Ping-Pong balls fell in Poland; Jimmy Carter on humanitarian mission in N Korea; 3–D mapping of the Titanic begins; plane crashed in the Katmandu region, near Mt. Everest; only 50K US troops remain in Iraq; artistic manhole covers across Japan; shock a potato to make it healthier; a sixty mile traffic backup in China that could last for weeks; there are survivors after a plane crashed in NE China; oil is $71.66 per gallon; gold is $1,231.80 an ounce;
…8/25–10: dreams, and destinies
63º in ABQ; 48% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Brad can now roll over on his surgery side; Rio Rancho sewage lines broke during recent rainfall, flooding roads; Lowe’s will not add a new store in SW ABQ; this past weekend, a robbery at the Range Café on Menaul; early AM stabbing at Duke City party; NM GOV in Cuba for ‘trade talks’; Farmington officials explode illegal drugs; I saw a roach in the APT this AM, told Nancy; I saw Jean this PM; 21 minute crime spree across ABQ: three people were robbed, two arrests were made; Farmington woman took a nap, while her children were locked in a hot vehicle; NM has run out of its stimulus money;
Not a typical summer, with Code Purple on a daily basis; no CTI Admits; no one from my ‘team’ has told me about a MGR leaving; we remain in Code People;
NM storms mentioned on ANC AM News, ABQ weather mentioned on the Weather Channel; wet in: Boston, Tampa, Cleveland, Dallas, Flagstaff, NYC, Providence, Erie, Miami & Savannah; chance of rain along areas of I-75, I-90 & I-95; floods in AZ & FL; wildfires in OR, CA, UT & AZ; Danielle now has 85 mph winds, moving WNW at 17 mph; San Fran heat wave; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Thief caught in the act at the US Capitol, thanks to a photo taken by a tourist; NYC cab driver had his throat slashed after a passenger asked if he was Muslim; 25K pot plants found on CA farm; credit card debt at its lowest in eight years; McCain won in AZ primary; a constitutional conservative won the AK primaries; the DOW ended up, but the economy is on shaky grounds; ‘retro soul’ music?;
Fire tornado sighted in Brazil; it make take three years to undo damage caused by PAK floods; man had a bullet in his head under the skin for five years; fat keyboards for Sumo wrestlers; fifty people survived plane crash in China; Asian markets fell, due to the US housing slump; Somalia is recruiting Americans to plan domestic terrorist attacks; Australian teacher gave an assignment to his student: plan a terrorist attack; oil is $72.20 per barrel; gold is $1,239.50 an ounce;
…8/26–10: is reality possible?
63º in ABQ; 48% humidity at 6A…GAQ; eleven children found in ABQ with little food, they have been attending school; may cost $2 million to repair Cumbres & Toltec trestle; two Red Light Cameras will be installed in Rio Rancho; waterline break in the S Valley has been repaired; today is Jean’s B’day; another AM downtown detour; NM jobless rate at 8.2%; picture of a praying mantis drawn by a NM child will appear on the cover of Highlights magazine;
Continue catching up; suddenly, no music; no CTI Admits; we remain in Code Purple; the HSC lost pre-2005 records in recent downtown blaze;
ABQ temp mentioned on ABC AM News; wet in: JAX, Raleigh, ATL, Miami, Orlando & DC; there is Hurricane Danielle with 105 mph winds, followed by TS Earl & Fiona following them; CA wildfires & heat wave; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Sex & controversy make money…not education; RNC chairman admits he is gay; homeless man started fire which destroyed several homes; hate crime charges against NYC cab driver attack; Buffalo killer turned himself in; the cost of ‘senior citizen medications’ keeps going up; man had to be pulled out of a CA construction hole; are MS oysters safe; tires of a JetBlue plane explode when landing; faith vs. fear: NYC cab driver vs. honor student, incident has been labeled as a ’hate crime’ many INS plans do not provide proper pediatric care; the DOW ended down; more teen nerds needed by the US GOVT to stop foreign computer hackers; parts of the Ninth Precinct in New Orleans are unchanged, home look like it has been only a day after Katrina struck, when it was actually five years ago this weekend; 52% of Americans polled support gay marriages;
Chilean miners have been told they will remain underground for several months; will US aid to PAK help tensions between the two countries; Iraqi insurgents attacking that country’s security forces; red alert issued for Columbian volcano; gold is $1,235.90 per barrel;
…8/27–10: place to place places
63º in ABQ; 39% humidity at 6A…Code Yellow: Moderate Air Quality; bear caught in Four Hills area; NM SECY of State accused of wrongdoings, questioned by the FBI; car crash on Central and San Pedro resulted in a water main burst; ten month old fell out of an SUV, was then struck & killed by his mother, who was driving the vehicle; EBT: electronic benefit cards which can be used at NM Farmers Markets; Rio Grande High does not need another new principal;
9:30 meeting; left at 12:30P…ate at Owl Café; then climb for comics; is the pseudo code method actually losing money; PEDS has the most duties; people not telling the whole truth to the people above them;
ABQ storms mentioned on ABC AM News; wet in: Orlando, New Orleans, SLC, Flagstaff, Mobile, Tampa, Tallahassee & Miami; five years ago, Katrina, the meteorological monster, rearranged the Gulf Coast, flooded 80% of New Orleans: it was the first time a mandatory evacuation had been issued, and the storm killed 18K people; Danielle has winds from 120–135 mph; Earl has 45 mph winds; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Blockbuster Video may file for bankruptcy; the DOW is at its lowest since early July; students who are bullied, a term which has taken on a more violent meaning, are usually ignored by teachers; the DOW ended up; double dip decline in the US economy, as progress starts to slow down, and prepares for a ‘unique & painful’ recovery; American Airlines has been fined $24 million dollars;
Jimmy Carter secured the release of an American in N Korea; the 3-D photos may reveal why the Titanic sunk; three Canadians arrested in that country on terrorist charges; message was broadcast by mistake onboard a British Airlines plane that it was about to crash in the sea; cameras show the trapped miners; artificial corneas can potentially grow eye cells;
…8/28–10: put a little fun in your life
68º in ABQ; 63% humidity at 6A…Santa Fe car thefts up 28%; an enrollment increase at the NM Military Academy; two people in NM have tested positive for the W Nile Virus; Volcano Vista student had an unloaded gun in his car, said he was going to shoot or stab someone; Rio Grande High students will not have a schedule until 9/7/10; gas explosion in N NM injured several people; Bernalillo CNTY workers will receive a 2% pay increase; CNM opens its Rio Rancho campus; started cleaning my closet: so far, it’s been manageable; severe T’storm, heavy downpours & leaks at The Beach; Duke City Rave party busted for having too many people;
NC killed by a real one, while waiting to see the ‘ghost train’; man stole more than $25K worth of eyeglass frames; E Coast may see rip tides from Hurricane Danielle; riots at Folsom State prison in CA; during the past year, many people polled have said they have admitted driving while drunk; the end of the ‘big home’ era; road rage turned deadly on CA highway;
Mexicana Airlines has shut down its operations, one of three that have done so today; baby tiger found in suitcase: its purpose was to be smuggled, and then sold; 5.9 earthquake shook Iran;
Another day with key people on vacation; first day of school at UNM; very crowded PM R/R;
NM storms mentioned on ABC AM News; wet in: Boston, NYC, Tampa, Bismarck, ABQ, Denver, Flagstaff, Buffalo, Providence, Hartford, Miami, Albany, DC, Pittsburgh, Erie, New Orleans & Orlando; rainy weather for parts of I-10, I-90, I-93 & I-95; TS Danielle has 60 mph winds, moving WNW at 14 mph; floods in Philly; temps from the 60s to the 100s
The $578 million dollar school opens in CA; another plane crash in SW AK; FDA ‘scrambling’ for answers to the tainted egg crisis; airport security officers caught smuggling drugs & weapons; NYC dog fashion show, with canine clothing costing $3K; the Grand Canyon is deteriorating, thanks to pollution, caused by man; the DOW ended down; fire in a Long Island R/R switching station delayed commuters; sinkhole in GA swallowed a car wash & restaurant; teens send 3K texts per month; Americans own 610 million credit cards, carrying the highest interest rate in nearly a decade, 14.9%, football players coming down with Compartment Syndrome, some requiring surgery; judge has halted funds for embryonic stem cell research;
After being trapped for two weeks, thirty-three Chilean miners were located, but they may not be rescued until late 2010, or early 2011…they are trapped 2,258 feet below the surface, in a 600 sq. ft. room, with food supplies, 95º temps, and 95% humidity; Iran displayed its ‘ambassador of death’; Kudzu strain may cure alcohol or cocaine addiction; oil is $72.90 per barrel; gold is $1,226.90 an ounce; midriff exposure by Chinese men during hot days is making the country’s leaders upset, bad for ‘public image’;
…8/24–10: desires, and dreams
71º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…GAQ; local family of eight without power for weeks; NM ranks as the number one state per capita in lightning strike deaths; three NM stores are recalling tainted eggs; local child had to hold a rock as punishment: if he dropped it, he was slapped with a belt; no schedule yet from some S Valley students; overnight rain at The Beach;
The last day of my ‘vacation’; downtown detour on AM R/R; we are in Code Purple; very crowded PM R/R; no PSUP Admits; housekeeper was out for five weeks, she gave me a hug;
Wet in: Boston, Tampa, Philly, Raleigh, JAX, OKC, Houston, Tucson, Santa Fe, Des Moines, KC, Wichita, Twin Cities, Phoenix, DC & Richmond; Hurricane Danielle has 100 mph winds, moving W at 20 mph; microburst in TX yesterday; wet along sections of I-4, I-35, I-90 & I-95; temps from the 70s to the 110s;
Alligator seen swimming in the Chicago River; FDA is overwhelmed to inspect all farms; patients exposed to unnecessary radiation during diagnostic testing; today is NATL Waffle Day; Sea World faces a hefty $75K fine; salmonella can last four days on a clean counter; new homes sales have fallen; the median home price in America is $182,600; mouse virus linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; the DOW ended down; investigation of exploding fuel tanks in three million 1993-2004 Jeep Cherokees; 380K lbs. of Wal-Mart deli meat recalled;
Large hail, the size of Ping-Pong balls fell in Poland; Jimmy Carter on humanitarian mission in N Korea; 3–D mapping of the Titanic begins; plane crashed in the Katmandu region, near Mt. Everest; only 50K US troops remain in Iraq; artistic manhole covers across Japan; shock a potato to make it healthier; a sixty mile traffic backup in China that could last for weeks; there are survivors after a plane crashed in NE China; oil is $71.66 per gallon; gold is $1,231.80 an ounce;
…8/25–10: dreams, and destinies
63º in ABQ; 48% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Brad can now roll over on his surgery side; Rio Rancho sewage lines broke during recent rainfall, flooding roads; Lowe’s will not add a new store in SW ABQ; this past weekend, a robbery at the Range Café on Menaul; early AM stabbing at Duke City party; NM GOV in Cuba for ‘trade talks’; Farmington officials explode illegal drugs; I saw a roach in the APT this AM, told Nancy; I saw Jean this PM; 21 minute crime spree across ABQ: three people were robbed, two arrests were made; Farmington woman took a nap, while her children were locked in a hot vehicle; NM has run out of its stimulus money;
Not a typical summer, with Code Purple on a daily basis; no CTI Admits; no one from my ‘team’ has told me about a MGR leaving; we remain in Code People;
NM storms mentioned on ANC AM News, ABQ weather mentioned on the Weather Channel; wet in: Boston, Tampa, Cleveland, Dallas, Flagstaff, NYC, Providence, Erie, Miami & Savannah; chance of rain along areas of I-75, I-90 & I-95; floods in AZ & FL; wildfires in OR, CA, UT & AZ; Danielle now has 85 mph winds, moving WNW at 17 mph; San Fran heat wave; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Thief caught in the act at the US Capitol, thanks to a photo taken by a tourist; NYC cab driver had his throat slashed after a passenger asked if he was Muslim; 25K pot plants found on CA farm; credit card debt at its lowest in eight years; McCain won in AZ primary; a constitutional conservative won the AK primaries; the DOW ended up, but the economy is on shaky grounds; ‘retro soul’ music?;
Fire tornado sighted in Brazil; it make take three years to undo damage caused by PAK floods; man had a bullet in his head under the skin for five years; fat keyboards for Sumo wrestlers; fifty people survived plane crash in China; Asian markets fell, due to the US housing slump; Somalia is recruiting Americans to plan domestic terrorist attacks; Australian teacher gave an assignment to his student: plan a terrorist attack; oil is $72.20 per barrel; gold is $1,239.50 an ounce;
…8/26–10: is reality possible?
63º in ABQ; 48% humidity at 6A…GAQ; eleven children found in ABQ with little food, they have been attending school; may cost $2 million to repair Cumbres & Toltec trestle; two Red Light Cameras will be installed in Rio Rancho; waterline break in the S Valley has been repaired; today is Jean’s B’day; another AM downtown detour; NM jobless rate at 8.2%; picture of a praying mantis drawn by a NM child will appear on the cover of Highlights magazine;
Continue catching up; suddenly, no music; no CTI Admits; we remain in Code Purple; the HSC lost pre-2005 records in recent downtown blaze;
ABQ temp mentioned on ABC AM News; wet in: JAX, Raleigh, ATL, Miami, Orlando & DC; there is Hurricane Danielle with 105 mph winds, followed by TS Earl & Fiona following them; CA wildfires & heat wave; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Sex & controversy make money…not education; RNC chairman admits he is gay; homeless man started fire which destroyed several homes; hate crime charges against NYC cab driver attack; Buffalo killer turned himself in; the cost of ‘senior citizen medications’ keeps going up; man had to be pulled out of a CA construction hole; are MS oysters safe; tires of a JetBlue plane explode when landing; faith vs. fear: NYC cab driver vs. honor student, incident has been labeled as a ’hate crime’ many INS plans do not provide proper pediatric care; the DOW ended down; more teen nerds needed by the US GOVT to stop foreign computer hackers; parts of the Ninth Precinct in New Orleans are unchanged, home look like it has been only a day after Katrina struck, when it was actually five years ago this weekend; 52% of Americans polled support gay marriages;
Chilean miners have been told they will remain underground for several months; will US aid to PAK help tensions between the two countries; Iraqi insurgents attacking that country’s security forces; red alert issued for Columbian volcano; gold is $1,235.90 per barrel;
…8/27–10: place to place places
63º in ABQ; 39% humidity at 6A…Code Yellow: Moderate Air Quality; bear caught in Four Hills area; NM SECY of State accused of wrongdoings, questioned by the FBI; car crash on Central and San Pedro resulted in a water main burst; ten month old fell out of an SUV, was then struck & killed by his mother, who was driving the vehicle; EBT: electronic benefit cards which can be used at NM Farmers Markets; Rio Grande High does not need another new principal;
9:30 meeting; left at 12:30P…ate at Owl Café; then climb for comics; is the pseudo code method actually losing money; PEDS has the most duties; people not telling the whole truth to the people above them;
ABQ storms mentioned on ABC AM News; wet in: Orlando, New Orleans, SLC, Flagstaff, Mobile, Tampa, Tallahassee & Miami; five years ago, Katrina, the meteorological monster, rearranged the Gulf Coast, flooded 80% of New Orleans: it was the first time a mandatory evacuation had been issued, and the storm killed 18K people; Danielle has winds from 120–135 mph; Earl has 45 mph winds; temps from the 60s to the 100s;
Blockbuster Video may file for bankruptcy; the DOW is at its lowest since early July; students who are bullied, a term which has taken on a more violent meaning, are usually ignored by teachers; the DOW ended up; double dip decline in the US economy, as progress starts to slow down, and prepares for a ‘unique & painful’ recovery; American Airlines has been fined $24 million dollars;
Jimmy Carter secured the release of an American in N Korea; the 3-D photos may reveal why the Titanic sunk; three Canadians arrested in that country on terrorist charges; message was broadcast by mistake onboard a British Airlines plane that it was about to crash in the sea; cameras show the trapped miners; artificial corneas can potentially grow eye cells;
…8/28–10: put a little fun in your life
68º in ABQ; 63% humidity at 6A…Santa Fe car thefts up 28%; an enrollment increase at the NM Military Academy; two people in NM have tested positive for the W Nile Virus; Volcano Vista student had an unloaded gun in his car, said he was going to shoot or stab someone; Rio Grande High students will not have a schedule until 9/7/10; gas explosion in N NM injured several people; Bernalillo CNTY workers will receive a 2% pay increase; CNM opens its Rio Rancho campus; started cleaning my closet: so far, it’s been manageable; severe T’storm, heavy downpours & leaks at The Beach; Duke City Rave party busted for having too many people;
NC killed by a real one, while waiting to see the ‘ghost train’; man stole more than $25K worth of eyeglass frames; E Coast may see rip tides from Hurricane Danielle; riots at Folsom State prison in CA; during the past year, many people polled have said they have admitted driving while drunk; the end of the ‘big home’ era; road rage turned deadly on CA highway;

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