Monday, April 5, 2010

…4/5-10: a meditation destination

47º in ABQ; 29% humidity at 6AGAQ; was nine year ABQ old student kicked by his teacher?; high wind & fire danger across NM; S NM does not have a trauma CTR; Brad made Swedish Meatballs; most NM traffic incidents are linked to DUI; only 47% of NM residents have mailed in their 2010 Census; NM is ‘voted’ the second most dangerous state…the first is NV; Bosque fire near Eighth ST, with Bridge BLVD shut down;

Hell Week, Day 2.5; another UNM tuition increase; very windy, dusty PM; no weekend PICU Admits;

wet in Albany, Erie, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Asheville, Rapid City, Casper, San Fran & Seattle; OH Valley T’storms; snow for SLC?; rain and/or snow across most of the W US; storms for Chicago, Omaha & Des Moines; temps from the 40s to the 80s;

Red Sox beat the Yankees, 9–7; the 4’3” rabbit; the Energizer Bunny will be auctioned; ‘Clash of the Titans’ was the number one revenue movie this weekend; WV mine explosion; 37% of those polled support the Tea Party?; one night, four shootings in Times SQ; another White House Easter Egg Hunt?; no extension of jobless benefits yet; 300K I-Pads sold in one day; US fined Toyota $16 million;

epicenter near the US/MX border; power out in MX towns; quake shook cities as far away as ‘the’ Las Vegas, a total of twenty million people felt the tremor; the ‘Easter Earthquake’, only six miles below the surface, caused many fissures & cracks; temporarily shut down the bridge over San Diego harbor; the worst in twenty years, broke glass, shook many structures; early AM liftoff for Discovery; it will take weeks to remove the Chinese ship that struck the Great Barrier Reef; supertanker has been hijacked by pirates; US Consulate was bombed in PAK; three women above the shuttle, three spacewalks will take place; oil at an 18 month high, having reached $86.62 per barrel; quake along the Laguna Salada Fault: the fourth 7.0+ quake in 2010; gold is $1,132.90 an ounce;

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