Sunday, February 7, 2010

…2/7-10: time is the most precious thing to give people

36º in ABQ; 75% humidity at 6A…snow across parts of NM, will that mean flurries for ABQ?; ‘our’ Las Vegas school system needs more students; Brad prepared a Sauce Brune, plus Biftech Haché à la Lyonnaise; ex-wife told stepson wrapped to wrap her husband’s body in plastic garbage bags: later the teen told his friends about the murder; a rave bust at a NE Duke City warehouse; power plants needs to curb gas emissions in order to help the environment; NM: a place where living & film making can cohabit well; Santa Fe woman attacked by a pit bull; Brad also prepared Baked Tomatoes; afternoon rain at The Beach;
the underdogs vs. the champions, either team could win: local prostitutes could also ‘score’; Amanda Waller, the Suicide Squad & Checkmate…all in one episode; Americans will consume more food today, except when they eat on Thanksgiving; watching the Super Bowl on 55” TV screens; the NATL Guard is helping dig out DC, while snowball fights take place in Dupont Circle; 32 inches of snow fell at Dulles Airport; in Waynesboro, people help a car stuck in the snow; the ‘solar glitter’ that can generate plenty of energy; even the White House is having a Super Bowl party; New Orleans has its first white mayor since 1979; the Boy Scouts are 100 years old; in New Orleans, its the Mardi Gras vs. the Super Bowl; filming for the ‘Towering Inferno’ ended on ‘9/11/74’?; Palin says it’s time for a revolution; several people killed & injured at CT natural gas plant construction site; as of now, 16 banks have failed in 2010; the FED will be closed tomorrow, and another snowstorm is predicted for midweek; the Tea Party CONV was held at the Gaylord Opryland; a second bridge is being built near the Hoover Dam; people assess the damage to both their homes & vehicles after the CA mudslides, some have lost everything; many on the E Coast are still in the dark; inmates used to dig out DC;
Endeavour launch delayed due to bad weather; dinosaur footprints found in China; 6.4 quake off the S Japanese coast: so far, no damage or injuries reported, but there was a tsunami watch: the tremor was also felt in Taiwan; Panasonic TV sets add more black while viewers watch a TV program, making everything look darker; homosexuality is illegal in some African nations; the color for 2010 is turquoise; permanent house for Haitian quake victims may take years to complete;

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