Sunday, February 28, 2010

…2/28-10: a big glass of ‘exactly what you want’

36º in ABQ; 56% humidity at 6A…NM GOV signs the Whistleblower Protection Act; an attempted hack into Brad’s computer last night; this weekend the ABQ Tea Party held a convention; Duke City man charged with tax evasion; state lawmakers have reached a tentative budget deal; Vaughn Realtors owes creditors $10 million; impersonator had NM state police equipment, and was going to add the necessary equipment to his car so it resembled a police car, but he failed to make payments on the upgrades; the hacker problem could not be solved, so Brad will get a new hard drive; a little rain at The Beach;
ice crashed through an atrium in a NYC BLDG, injuring ten people; bacon festival in Des Moines, IA; two teenage PA girls committed suicide by standing in the path of an Amtrak train; fight between two crew members cancels US flight; the ‘best’ Fast Food French Fries come from McDonald’s; killer whale at Sea World has become too ‘domesticated’; missing seventeen year old San Diego student; runway at JFK INTL Airport in NYC will be closed for reconstruction; Obama has yet to quit smoking, and lower his cholesterol; Pelosi thinks [D] will remain in control of Capitol Hill; Kroger pulls onion soup & onion dip mixes, possible salmonella contamination; PA man dialed 911 ten times, but no one came to bring him to a HOSP, and he died from abdominal pains;
Chile’s main airport is damaged; al Qaeda declares a jihad against Jordan; US leads in Olympic medals, but Canada has the most gold awards; tsunami waves have reached Japan & Russia, causing very little damage; violent storms across France, Spain & Portugal; a ‘nuclear Iran’ poses a threat to the entire world; a house in Portugal looks like it came from the ‘Flintstones’ TV show; get ready for Barbie, the politician; massive head of Amenhotep III has been found in Egypt, it could be 3,400 years old; 700+ people have been killed by the quake in Chile;

Saturday, February 27, 2010

…2/27-10: real world experience

31º in ABQ; 52% humidity at 6Atoday we dine on Buffalo, and that’s no bull; man tries to pass as a Bernalillo CNTY police officer; NM real estate mogul, and the unsecured promissory notes to many in this state; medical waste material found in Carlsbad dump; special NM legislative session will start this Monday; FEMA changes flood plain maps of the Duke City’s S Valley area, meaning some people will not have to buy flood INS, while others will; Robert Redford & the NM GOV will collaborate to teach aspiring Hispanic & Native American filming; toxic seepage from a Four Corners power plant is polluting NM water; there is hand sanitizer & tissues at my comic book store; today we also enjoyed Asparagus; many people have home paper shredding devices; the College of Santa Fe is the ‘economic anchor’ for the City Different; ‘our’ Las Vegas man killed his own grandmother; NATL Track & Field event in ABQ may generate millions in revenue; Fishing Fair today at Tingley Beach; suspicious WI fire kills mother & two of her children, but a third toddler survived the blaze; one million people in NY & New England are in the dark this AM; this month is the snowiest for NY, beating the 1869 record; WA & CA banks failed, bringing the total to 22 financial institutions in 2010; more rain means more CA mudslides; bad weather increases the number of unemployed; Gatorade drops Tiger Woods from its ads; Hawaii & CA have been hit by tsunami waves, but have caused little damage, AK may be next; tsunamis can travel at 500 mph, and be as high as thirty feet tall; the sixth winter storm has struck New England;Chile in a state of catastrophe after an 8.8 tremor shakes the S American country, with tsunamis threatening every nation in the Pacific rim, especially the state of HI; the fourth largest ever recorded, it was felt 900 miles away in Buenos Aires: in Santiago, modern structures have been built to withstand tremors; US has won the most Olympic medals, but Canada has achieved more gold; S Korean ‘Robot Park’ will open in 2012; an historic drought, plus an El Nino weather pattern, has caused a Venezuelan village to reappear; the Chilean quake’s epicenter was offshore, a 6.9 aftershock has been reported; our ‘angry Earth’; tsunami waves have reached S Pacific islands; so far, Chile has not asked for aid; the US Olympic team has won more medals than in any other Winter Games;

Friday, February 26, 2010

…2/26-10: long live layers!

33º in ABQ; 66% humidity at 6A…GAQ; real estate mogul accused of fraud, has not paid back creditors, plus people who have invested money in his business, totaling millions of dollars; the ABQ ID theft ring keeps getting bigger; special education substitute teacher accused of pulling a boy’s hooded sweater, causing bruises on the child’s neck; is projected NM revenue amounts for 2010 too optimistic?; how is the skull found in Farmington?; four ABQ schools fail in achievement;

comic book climb; we remain in Code Purple; even John thinks this state is weird; because of an accident on I-40 [which has yet to appear on local news stations], bus service was delayed, so I did not get home until 5:30P…which actually was earlier than I expected;

rain for Albany, Seattle, Dallas & San Fran; wet along the W Coast; the ‘Super Storm’ that will not go away; snow in Newark, NYC, the Pocono MTN, in Pittsburgh, Philly, Detroit, Cleveland and down to Richmond; hundreds of flights have been cancelled; 120 mph winds reported on Mt. Washington, NH; heavy rain for parts of New England; more power outages reported; temps from the 20s to the 70s;
teacher killed outside WA school; what was actually accomplished at yesterday’s health summit?; people want to buy INS across state lines; as of now, extension of unemployment benefits is up in the air; TN mother goes to school with a sword, after her child was involved in a spitting incident; the DOW ended the day slightly up; a hotel room in Beverly Hills for $175?; as different as [R] & [D]; NYC street vendors say they need more time to ‘pee’; did a breast implant save a woman from a bullet?; NY GOV will not seek re-election; student unrest in a ‘mostly white’ CA UNIV; ‘Harry Potter’ actor speaks out for gay suicide prevention; White House social SECY resigned, after several uninvited guests have entered that structure over the last few months; salmonella fears spread into more Trader Joe’s granola bars;
Taliban attacks in Kabul; three people are dead after an ocean liner slams into an Egyptian port; oil is $78.72 a barrel; US leads in Olympic medals, but ties with Germany & Russia for gold honors; an iceberg broke off, in an area of Antarctica where scientists believed an event would not occur…and not due to global warming; several people were reported injured but no serious damage after a 7.3 quake shook S Japan, the tremor itself was centered off the coast of Okinawa; gold is $1,118.90 an ounce;

Thursday, February 25, 2010

…2/25-10: look around at life

38º in ABQ; 67% humidity at 6A…GAQ; four month old Duke City baby died last week, and police suspect foul play, parents had been drinking; Vaughn Realty files for bankruptcy, one of the biggest in NM in terms of people that will be affected; the day another diskette died; snowboarder has been safely rescued; burnt human remains found near Ojo Caliente; ENMU will become the Gestapo for a student film; $7.7 million grant will be shared by CO & NM to improve health care coverage for children; we heard from Heidi!;

working towards this month’s Closing; we continue in Code Purple; UNM holds a ‘Take Back the Night’ walk tonight, to determine where more lighting & emergency phones are needed, as the person who slashed a woman has yet to be arrested; another PICU entry just as I was entering the ward; empty in PICN yesterday;

N Plains deep freeze; power outages across parts of NY & New England; more snow for Philly, Newark, Hartford, NYC, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Rapid City, WV, and parts of OK; some airlines are already allowing passengers to reschedule flights; N Rockies snow; coastal cities like Providence & Boston will have rain changing into snow; Long Island fog; blizzard warnings for VA, WV & NC; temps from the 10s to the 70s;
televised health care debate on C–SPAN will take place at Blair House: is it just ‘political theater’ and/or a photo op; the Patriot Act may be extended for another year; a woman’s “love handles” saved her from being injured by a bullet; headline: “Hooker gets Lay Person of the Year Award”; crash sensors to be replaced in 2005–6 Chrysler minivans by the end of 2010; $1 million in jewels stolen from a ½ ton vault in a CA BLDG; is Lasik eye surgery safe?; a grandfather downloaded the ten billionth I–Tune, and won $10K in free music; both parties discussed health care, around a square table, that originally was in the shape of a ‘U’: can common ground be reached, or achieved, today’s discussion lasted about 7½ hours…GOVT should protect people vs. too much GOVT control: health care reform has until March, 2010 to survive; mass firing of teachers also occurred in Houston; people think that democracy is not working in America…as compared to what?, that which the media tells us!; home prices still falling; the DOW went down; Bush visited Cheney today; jobless claims on the rise; can social networking be linked to an increase in burglaries?; MS hot tamales will help feed Iditarod competitors; NY GOV faces more scandals; Detective Comics #27, which contains the first appearance of Batman, sold for over $1 million; will Maryland be the next state to recognize same–sex marriages…that take place in other states?; jobs bill stalled on Capitol Hill; security cameras do not reduce crime, or help catch criminals;
US leads in total Olympic medals, but is tied with Germany for gold; oil is $77.69 per barrel; gold is $1,107.30 an ounce; India & APK resume peace talks; US men’s & women’s hockey teams are going for the gold; Susan Boyle suffering from exhaustion; Gaddafi wants a jihad against Switzerland, saying that European country is destroying mosques; flowing water from a leak in a Dubai aquarium soaked shoppers; AFG flag flew over Marjah;

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

…2/24-10: as you teach, so do you learn

28º in ABQ; 55% humidity at 6A…– 22º in Angel Fire this AM; GAQ; my home office clock will no longer work; KAFB to lose jobs; after taking a test, some tenth grade students may advance to college; missing snowboarder has been lost since last weekend in the Wolf Creek area; ABQ man sold gasoline from his home to pay for his drug addiction; public apology for crimes may be a scam, ad appeared in newspaper; do food, liquor & concealed guns go well together?; Brad found a cable to connect the VCR back to the TV set; Dona Ana CNTY woman accused of child abuse; we enjoyed lamb yesterday; could Duke City charter schools face closings?; the NM GOV has a 63% disapproval rate; Farmington woman set fire to a BLDG to cover up a robbery; fugitive hid inside a floor air duct of a Duke City motel; received a credit card application with the starting rate of 17.99%; ABQ will be featured on ESPN this weekend;

work on specialties; the wards are full, and more waiting in the E/R; cold AM R/R; we are in Code Purple; Jenny & I compared movies & books we have seen; one child admitted into PICU during my Rounds, bringing the total to twenty patients, and two more were scheduled for that ward;

snow in Albany, Worcester, Chicago, SLC, and N New England; fog for Detroit; rain & snow for parts of I-90 & I-95; rain for Boston, Providence, NYC, ATL, Charlotte, Hartford, Seattle & Los Angeles; temps from 0s to 80s;

scotch tape sculptures; Toyota PRES will talk to Congress; the sharpest decline in the number of bank loans since the 1940s; full body scanners coming to more US airports; students shot at CO school should recover; fire forced an evacuation at the NYC Macy’s store; new home sales to a record low; all teachers fired at a Central Falls, RI school; billions spent battling HOSP infections; FL Sea World trainer has died after being attacked by a killer whale; the end of Hummer; FL man arrested for wearing a clown mask?; the DOW ended up; 80% of the FL tomato crop has been ruined by bad weather; should there be an ignition interlock law for the entire US; the game Monopoly is 75 years old; SEN passed a jobs bill; Toyota knew of these defects years ago, and ‘humbly apologized’, a culture of corporate negligence’; cops & kids caught at a KY cockfight;

the US leads in Olympics medals, and is tied with Germany in gold; Canadian man invented ‘manly muffins’ which taste like beer or bacon; female convict dug out of jail by using a spoon; workers strike across Greece, the country is $400 billion in debt; oil is $79.57 per barrel; gold is $1,103 an ounce; the three wheel vehicle by Honda; “Canada’s daughter”: a 22 year old who skated in honor of her recently departed mother; killer whales are ‘top predators’; Hyundai recalls 47K Sonatas;

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

…2/23-10: the phantoms in paradise

25º in ABQ; 81% humidity at 6A…– 29º in Angel Fire this AM; my doctor visit this AM; GAQ; my home clock won’t stop blinking; porn film accidentally shown in Silver City class; the Party Patrol is back again in the Duke City; maybe it’s back to the VCR; Leo’s in ABQ: its renovations may be unsafe, and the bar owes the city back taxes; NM produces lots of pecans; man’s scuffle at SunPort will prevent him from flying home to CA; a special NM legislative session has been delayed; S Valley SWAT situation; Grant CNTY juvenile detention CTR is closing;

spent yesterday justifying my actions, the two against one; on 2/8/10 there was a ‘hack attack’ on the HSC computer system; patient’s first name is ‘True’; another multi-vehicle crash at Yale & Central; my BP is WNL; Daniel has long hair;

NM & TX snow, Glorietta, Santa Fe & ABQ mentioned on the Weather Channel & ABC AM News; Santa Fe chill; rain for NYC, Houston, Philly & Providence; fog in the Carolinas; bad weather along parts of I-10; snow for KC, Dallas, Milwaukee, Albany & Chicago; W Coast storms; temps from 0s to 80s;
the number of banks that could fail is in the hundreds; ‘bling’ damages floor during man’s twirls; cherry trees toppled in DC; Cheney had a mild heart attack, his fifth; today is NATL Pancake Day; GM rehiring; ice rescue near Taunton, MA; Charlie Sheen in rehab; Toyota execs on Capitol Hill; the DOW ended down; 5.2 million people ride the NYC subways every day, bombings would have taken place just after the 9–11 anniversary; conservatives do not like new [R] SEN vote; can golf survive without Tiger?; unruly passenger at Phoenix Sun Harbor Airport; paying toll with a $100 bill?; use medical marijuana to treat fibromyalgia; the ‘lavish’ pensions for Congress; students shot at Littleton, CO school; shooting at AZ military base; consumer confidence drops; more jobs predicted for the agriculture, energy & mining industries; DE pediatrician accused of molesting over 100 children;
landslides bury Indonesia tea plantation; Canadians won the gold in ice dancing; US leads in total won, but is tied for Germany for gold medals; the six foot wide home in England; dog in Germany leads police to his master; over 300 people sickened with stomach problems during Caribbean cruise; gold is $1,105.50 an ounce; oil is $80.25 per barrel; US issues travel warnings if going to MX; Britain may not show ‘Alice’ movie because of the shorter time span between the movie’s premier & the DVD release; more aftershocks in Haiti; attempted coup in Turkey?; earthquake near the MX–Guatemala border; the ice city of Harbin, China;

Monday, February 22, 2010

…2/22-10: find one, find all

40º in ABQ; 53% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Brad’s Chiro visit; Santa Fe man drowned while trying to rescue dogs that fallen through the ice, and into a frozen pond; more embezzlements in NM, this time in Hobbs & Deming; military recruiters will be allowed in Duke City schools; icy interstates today; meth lab found in storage facility; deep cuts in police budgets across NM; for some reason, I am jumpy/on edge today; does the Duke City have a snow repellant?; donate used fur coats to keeps baby animals warm; Brad found the necessary cable at Radio Shack; two children escaped a CYFD visitation room in Santa Fe, and were found in two separate homes; an animal with rabies has been found in Sierra CNTY; saw more 21012 NM Centennial license plates;

man who slashed a UNM student’s throat has yet to be found, more & better lighting is needed around the campus; patient’s first name is ‘Rain’: another, whose last name is ‘Horse–Dickie’; no more Coding for Family Practice;

Los Angeles rain; snow for Chicago, Detroit, ABQ, Santa Fe, Dallas, Buffalo & Green Bay; rain for Philly, Charlotte, Tallahassee, Cleveland & Miami; a mixture of weather along parts of I-70 & I-95; Four Corners snow mentioned on the Weather Channel; temps from 20s to 70s;
the day new credit card laws become effective; Ar-nold approves current stimulus package, citing new jobs for his state; health care reform will ban sharp premium hikes, pre-existing exclusion conditions or lifetime benefit caps; Toyota received a grand jury subpoena; try no electronics for a day, use music as the stimulus; thongs for dogs?; ‘Microsoft’ or ‘software’ should not be included in wedding vows; FL tour bus accident killed two people; the DOW ended down; SC man killed his mother with a sword; the first issue to include Superman, Action #1, has sold for over $1 million; an ABC reporter experienced the Toyota acceleration problem while driving one of their cars, he had to put it in neutral to stop the vehicle: the computer system did not detect any program errors; the 25 foot snowman in Pittsburgh; the GOVT takeover of health care still in the air; more senior citizens or ‘Baby Boomers’ are smoking marijuana; NE man stole police car, and was later caught; terrorist target was to be the NYC subway system, was going to commit suicide for his cause; credit card companies can raise their rates as high as they want; hot dogs can choke children; Bob Dole in the HOSP for pneumonia; MD mother killed her children, then put them in a freezer; to avoid foreclosure, an OH man leveled his home; taxes on ‘Extreme Makeover’ homes are too expensive to pay during hard times; Dick Cheney admitted for chest pains; CA family has not been seen since early February; Sears & Wal-Mart will be closing stores;roads collapse on Madeira, more people are missing; America still leads in medals & gold; the US hockey team donned the first uniforms they wore, and beat their Canadian rivals in the Winter Games; Endeavour safely landed during the night; British Airways cabin crews will be going on strike; Austrian mortuary placed a hearse with an advertisement on the side of a dangerous road; more NATO air strikes in AFG; oil is $80.11 per barrel; gold is $1,122 an ounce; now, Lufthansa strike is on hold; Iran looking for places to build uranium enrichment plants?; the Nazis decapitated more people than the French did; cruise ship worker found to have leprosy;

Sunday, February 21, 2010

…2/21-10: the luxury of trust

36º in ABQ; 64% humidity at 6A…snow for parts of NM; Brad linking the new DVD recorder to the TV; do not patronize prostitutes; Special Olympics will be held in the Duke City; Tatum magistrate court will permanently close this Friday; NM baseball team was victorious over their number one rival; money needed to buy protective vest for NM canine officers; Brad’s work came to a halt because we don’t have the correct cable to hook the device to the TV, but we can watch DVD movies; Valencia CNTY police now use ‘lapel cameras’, which can retain a picture for two hours; Brad made Marinara Sauce; ID thefts linked to drugs, using ‘dumpster diving’ to get credit card data;
three girls were killed in FL when they were struck by a train while crossing a bridge; a toxic cloud from a derailed train near Bakersfield, CA has forced evacuation of several homes; Cirque du Soleil tries to revive Elvis in their Las Vegas show; lawmakers push the military to remove the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban of gays in the military; yesterday, FaceBook faced online problems, complaints appeared on Twitter; time has been kind to Tom Cruise; when faced with a replicating virus, our leaders do not know how to handle a cyber attack; in CA, kill your lawn, earn some money; rainbow pancakes?; should Tiger Woods have apologized after the Winter Olympics; states faced with huge deficits for failing to contribute money into retirement pension funds & health benefits, both of which are guaranteed; harder to get credit if you are younger than 21 years old; people think our GOVT is ‘broken’; cell phones lack security protection; some people consider the IRS bomber as a ‘hero’; was the plane carrying extra barrels of fuel?; three year old FL boy accidentally shot by his brother; beware of credit card ‘inactivity fees’, higher minimum payments & interest rates; younger people are favoring the [R]; Ford Transit: the ‘urban box; turquoise is the new bathroom color; ‘Obama Care’ health reform revealed just before a bipartisan meeting;
no one was injured after a bomb was tossed into Cairo’s largest synagogue; it’s ‘Hurt Locker’ vs. ‘Avatar’ at the UK film Awards; Taliban do not want peace in AFG; Kit Kat candy is big in Japan; floods have injured hundreds on Portuguese island; déjà vu?: Chinese schools may be behind GOOGLE cyber attack?; Lufthansa strike may affect other airlines; most of American companies are controlled by foreign powers; American was removed from a Canadian airliner because of his body odor; an era of fewer, but stronger hurricanes?; one wrong photo, and a US Winter Olympian athlete can no longer participate in the games; America has won the most medals and the most in the gold category; now, Abbey Road Studios is not for sale;

…2/20-10: durable labels

36º in ABQ; 56% humidity at 6A…winter retreat for us; an attempted abduction of a female thirteen year old ABQ student; the number of NM oil rigs have increased; Brad made Kahlua Pudding; prostitutes propositioning Duke City students; Santa Fe jewel thieves have been arrested; largest ID theft ring in ABQ has been busted; a high power solid state laser system is being tested at White Sands; snow in our future forecast; recycle pots & pans at Whole Foods markets today; Brad prepared Beef Stroganoff; no more ‘double dipping’ into NM pensions & paychecks; no midnight madness tonight!; gas is $2.49 per gallon; evening showers at The Beach; ‘black silk’ coffee; will Tiger Woods return to golf?; no was injured when a US plane encountered turbulence over AK en route to Japan; is the era of gun laws disappearing?; INDY lottery winner had the ticket for six months, almost lost $2.5 million in winnings; banks in CA, IL, FL & TX have failed bringing the total number across the US in 2010 to twenty; former SECY of State Alexander Haig has died at the age of 85 from an infection; even physics teachers read comics!; golf is Alice Cooper’s hobby!; CO cuts higher education funding; Motel 6 wins ‘best large hotel’ award; living near a highway can be unhealthy for your heart; the value of copper has increased by 300% since January, 2009; conservatives want to ‘save America’; medical marijuana CONV being held in Los Angeles; missing three year old AZ girl safely found; governors see more economic problems in the near future;a chastity belt for camels?; military coup in Niger; the US Olympic team leads in both the number of medals & gold awards; Dutch GOVT in chaos; al Qaeda threat in central Asia?; this is PAK Fashion Week; Triumph Spitfire is also a classic car; after twenty years, Sade has a number one album; floods killing residents on the Portuguese island of Madeira; are there enough runways to safely land every airplane that is in the sky?;

Friday, February 19, 2010

…2/19-10: no shortage of Americans

37º in ABQ; 54% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Brad feeling much better; he has been testing the bottled waters; Pete Domenici JR admits to having used ‘recreational’ drugs; gunshots at a Rio Rancho barber shop; the ‘High Country Bandits’ have been hitting rural banks in AZ, CO & NM just as they close for the day; a Marine from the Navajo Nation, Window Rock, AZ, has been killed in duty in AFG; it is the first time in 26 years that the lawmakers have not finalized a budget; $198 flights from Farmington to ‘the’ Las Vegas; more unemployed workers are going back to college;

cold AM R/R; left at 11:30, to eat at the Owl Café; climbed for comics, went to Trader Joe’s, and arrived home slightly after 3P;

snow for Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Denver, Great Falls, Omaha & Des Moines; S TX rain; rain & snow for KC, and along parts of I-35; NE US flurries; rain along the CA coast; snow across the Rockies; temps from the 20s to the 70s;
two people have been reported killed in the Austin suicide flight which resulted in an explosion at an IRS BLDG; runaway zebra brings rush hour traffic to a halt in ATL; the head of Toyota will testify on Capitol Hill; too much zinc in some dental pastes?; more sweatshirts recalled because of drawstrings; CA frat party mocks Black History Month; FBI probing a PA school district that spied on students without their knowledge when they were at home; Tiger Woods gave a ‘small speech’, said he was sorry, will he return to rehab, where he was flirting with the females?; after IRS blast, more gaps found in air security; an increase in Medicare INS premiums; the DOW ended up; the PRES may reveal his health plan idea soon; three men in Miami accused of funding Hezbollah?; new jobs bill may come to a halt in the SEN; 30% of Americans do not use the Internet; guns will be allowed in NATL Parks?; KY man arrested for writing & posting a threatening note against PRES & Mrs. Obama; the end of the road for the rock band Who; choose your weapon: sex vs. smoking;the US leads in medals & gold awards in the Winter Olympics; woman had two heart attacks, was pronounced ‘dead’, but came to life just before the embalming fluid entered her body; foot long piece of surgical equipment was found inside the abdomen of a Czech woman; Russia is ‘very alarmed’ about Iran’s nuclear position; Obama renames the Iraqi war Operation: New Dawn; Endeavour undocks from the INTL Space Station; US Marines take Taliban HQ; PCB levels in dolphins on the rise; a 400 year old minaret collapsed in Morocco, killing at least thirty people; 1979-81 Fiat Spider models are considered classic cars; name a plane: get one million miles of flying; oil is $79.81 a barrel; gold is $1,122 an ounce;

Thursday, February 18, 2010

…2/18-10: déjà view

32º in ABQ; 58% humidity at 6A…GAQ; are local officers harassing students?; local prostitution ring busted; the last day of the NM legislature session?: elected officials up until after midnight, and will resume in the early AM, trying to avoid another special session; NM DEPT of Health will put ‘community health reports’ online; the man who wrote the Oscar nominated song, and the movie was filmed in NM, will perform his work when the session ends; Brad has started a new painting; he also made Guacamole yesterday; and he made Crème Fraiche; the budget was not balanced, so a special session may have to take place, which will cost NM $50K per day;

work on Nephrology today; learn how to pace one’s self, and read between the lines; man who attacked a UNM student has yet to be captured; the UNM men’s basketball team keeps winning;
some snow in Pittsburgh, SLC, Billings & Denver, plus parts of ME & W PA; S TX showers; N FL freeze warnings; N Rockies snow; temps from the 20s to 70s;
Bill Clinton says he will exercise more, and maintain a better diet; Obama will meet with the Dalai Lama, China disapproves this action, while Obama’s opponents feel they should not have met in the White House; people who are anti-Obama are not pro-[R]; one more hour of sleep at night can improve your health & help prevent heart problems & diabetes; actress/singer Kathryn Grayson has died at the age of 88; what will Tiger tell tomorrow?; puppies found in SC dumpster, still with their umbilical cords, have a new home and mother; squirrel & cat have become ‘bosom buddies’; babies are ‘flexible’ at birth, can be posed in unique positions; a cancer chemical in ME water?; HI may add gambling to its tourist attractions; plane deliberately crashed into Austin, TX IRS BLDG, about 200 people were inside at the time of the crash: pilot, who was a father, had set his house on fire before taking off, but this is not thought to be a terrorist attack, as a suicide note has been found, a diatribe against Mr. Big Brother IRS Man; a truck with ladders helped save people in the burning structure; during a two year period, the DEPT of Homeland Security lost 289 guns; everyone watches NCIS; the DOW ended up; PA school system spied on students while the children were at home…via their laptops!; man in OR has turned over his company to those who work for him; bomb threat forced a plane to make an emergency landing in SLC; cake balls’, the latest TX & LA dessert craze;6.7 quake shook an area near the Russia, China & N Korea borders: no injuries or damage has been reported; the organizers of the orphan ‘kidnap’ remain in Haiti; hackers invade European GOVT & business computers; Toyota: a great company learning from its mistakes, such as keyless ignitions that don’t work when needed; AM Mercedes Benz TV ads; 28K tickets have had to be cancelled for Olympic events because of the warm weather; as of this AM, the US leads in number of medals won, and gold awards; author JK Rowling accused of stealing ideas to create her Harry Potter character; oil is $78.15 per barrel; gold is $1,117.80 an ounce; more UFO files released by Britain; what is Iran’s next nuclear step?; one man killed in a shooting at a school in Germany; was is Toyota not telling us?; body fell from the wheel well of a plane bound from the Dominican Republic to the US;

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

…2/17-10: working with your body

31º in ABQ; 72% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Brad is feeling better; Duke City mayor getting tough on construction crooks; Santa Fe CNTY mapping crime areas; for NM, the state declares ‘Pluto is a Planet’ Day; man stabbed his wife, set their house on fire, then fled the scene, possibly to MX; SWAT situation yesterday in NE ABQ, Central was blocked off for several hours; this AM, it was – 6º in Angel Fire; our DVD recorder arrived; Santa Fe is littered with potholes; in local schools ,school bullying & harassment are on the rise; attacker killed, hostage safe in Alamogordo standoff; so far, the NM ‘food tax’ has failed; in one day, two YouTube requests to be friends;

the billing sheets keep on coming in & piling up; stumbling through PowerChart changes; there is definitely teamwork between the Hospitalist Coders; cold AM R/R; we are still in Code Purple; cold on AM R/R;

snow in Albany, Asheville & Rapid City; ABQ conditions mentioned on the Weather Channel; very cold in the N Plains; flurries for Pittsburgh & INDY; N FL frost & freeze warnings; snow in the N Rockies; still warm in Vancouver, but cold in the SE US & the E Coast; light snow for parts of I-70 & I-81; temps from 10s to 70s;
PA man built a luge course in his backyard; the stimulus package turns one year old: a concept filled with fraud, abuse & waste [the ingredients of politics]; what is really worse: being underpaid, or not having a job?; a real SONIC worker appears on TV ads; three people were killed when a plane smashed into several homes in E Palo Alto, CA, and started a fire; Scottish Terrier was the best of the canines; two people in OK were killed when a trench collapsed, burying them in dirt; carbon monoxide incident at CO school; a Volvo went out of control at a car auction, striking several people; the 2010 version of ‘We Are the World’ is on YouTube; as of 3/1/10, passports will be required to visit MX; sexual addiction is no longer a medical condition; the stimulus money is only slowly weatherizing homes; 92% of the US is now drought free; 47% of Americans take at least one prescription per day; in spite of its high unemployment, Holland. MI is the happiest city in the US; NATL highway improvement funds are nearly gone; 116K lbs. of salami & Italian sausage made in RI are being recalled, could contain salmonella; people placing fake bugs in food to get a free meal; the era of digital magazines; EGGO waffles could contain Listeria; the youth of America is less religious; YouTube limits categories to 200 entries; fake marijuana, AKA ‘K–2’, is just as bad as the real thing;Toyota Corolla may be recalled for power steering problems; girl born at 24K feet [inside a plane]; man used vacuum cleaner hose & pads to climb thirty feet up a wall; gold is $1,114,70 an ounce; oil is $76.79 per barrel; eight of the ten US missionaries have been released from Haiti; more Olympic events have been cancelled; Germany has the most medals, and the most gold awards, athletes from Israel & Iran are competing in the sports events; dangling from an Austrian ski lift, burning money saved a man from hypothermia; Lindsey Vonn wins the gold medal in downhill skiing competition; astronauts speak to PRES Obama;

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

…2/16-10: shadows on the sand

35º in ABQ; 69% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Brad is feeling better; domestic partnership bill has been tabled until 2011; man suspected in home invasion turns himself into police; five miles of I-25 N & S will be under construction; several arrested across ABQ, six people charged with operating meth labs; Frank still works at the NLP; hostage situation N of Alamogordo; embezzler could face forty years in prison; the next step: psytrance!;

had to use my diskette yesterday to make a copy of a document; woman was stabbed in the neck last night on the UNM campus; car drove through red light at 6A near Frontier Restaurant; the AM R/R kept breaking down;

windy across the SE US; cold from Dallas to ATL to Charlotte; snow from WV to ME, and MI to the Carolinas; flurries from Boston to NYC, Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh & INDY; seventeen states under winter storm warnings; no injuries from a pileup on I-71 in OH, but twenty miles of the interstate was closed; temps from the 20s to the 70s;
another [D] will retire; will colored carpets convince people to gamble in ‘the’ Las Vegas casinos; woman sues for breastfeeding the wrong baby; there is a medication that can stop heroin addiction, but it is an expensive prescription; Mardi Gras in New Orleans; previously unreleased film of JFK landing in Dallas the day of his assassination; male Olympic skater shed fur from his outfit; hiker was killed after he fell into the crater of Mt. St. Helens; ‘tough love’ as a way to cure drug addiction; dog & owner were reunited after both traveled fro NM to New Orleans; voter anger against both parties; even the 2010 Census project wastes money; forecasters predict a more severe tornado season for FL; the DOW went up; mock cyber attack showed America is not prepared for this kind of warfare; Obama will allocate over $8 billion to build nuclear power plants;
ice machines in Vancouver inside stadium break down; rain caused landslides in Italy; top Taliban leader captured in PAK; for sale: the ‘Abbey Road’ music studio; there has been a delay in releasing ten US missionaries in Haiti; gold is $1,119.20 an ounce; Iranian leader tells the world not to impose harsher sanctions against that country; oil is $76.95 per barrel; Hamas member killed in a Dubai hotel by a team of eleven assassins; third spacewalk took place yesterday; Toyota complaints keep climbing; quake off the Indonesia coast; did malaria kill King Tut?; no advertising on helmets of Olympic contenders; older athletes winning the medals;