46º in ABQ; 42% humidity at 6A…GAQ; Native American summit to be held at the Isleta Casino; Santa Fe Hilton evacuated after fireplace smoke filled the hotel; Zangara owner turned to gambling to win money, and pay off debts; weekend controlled burn near Silver City; I-40 & San Mateo roadwork is completed; during gang fight, pregnant woman stabbed in the stomach; Farmington has the highest rate of incidents in terms of pedestrians & vehicles; NM ranks above the NATL AVG; there are no extradition procedures between the Navajo Nation & the US; Santa Fe school employee exchanged sexual pictures with underage student;

changes in Human Resources policies after the Locksley incident; female soccer player’s actions make ABC AM News, she did publicly apologize for her bad behavior, but are her actions any different from Coach Locksley; finished Rounds by 7:30A; MGR here, mother in surgery; CTI has put a padlock on its refrigerator; Sleep Study system broke, need to recreate factsheets; Hem/Onc spreadsheet being created, directly entered by Data Entry; Martin Heinrich addressed UNM on health reform; patients with H1N1 returning to HOSP; Code Purple at 2:20P;
wet in Tampa, Mobile, New Orleans & KC; Seattle showers; states on emergency for Hurricane Ida, with 80 mph winds, moving NNW at 16 mp, high surf and flooding expected for the Gulf Coast, rip coast along the SE US, then into the mid-Atlantic; some roads & stores have already closed, the storms may weaken before making landfall, but up to six inches of rain could fall in AL, FL & GA; wet in some areas of I-10 & I-75; voluntary evacuations for areas along the Gulf Coast; ABQ sunshine per Weather Channel; WA & OR rain; damp along parts of I-5, I-80, I-90 & I-10; rain for OR & WA, parts of I-5, I-80 & I-90; temps from 50s to 80s;
deer jumps into lion exhibit at NATL Zoo in DC; one million baby strollers being recalled, could cut of children’s fingers; Obama will attend Ft. Hood funeral services; after six days, the Philly transit strike is over; the Supreme Court decides if juveniles should be jailed without any chance for parole; health bill has a public option; people have pythons as pets; man earns $80K a year walking around in T-shirts that display a company’s logo; sniper attended same mosque as 9–11 terrorists, should he be considered an ‘extremist’?; NM murder of father by his ten year old son makes CNN News; Ellen appears on the cover of ‘O’ magazine; is this billboard ad too sexy?: some NYC residents say ‘yes’; the DOW is way up: both for the day, and at a 52 week peak; the man who played a Vulcan on ‘Star Trek: Voyager’ could portray Obama; with fingers crossed, say the worst is behind us; and another weird: in a rural TX town, a man killed his girlfriend, her son & his mother; US energy output disrupted by Ida; Kraft to control Cadbury?; the age of ‘virtual religion’; McDonald’s sales in a slump; ‘extreme competition’: female NM soccer player’s actions are displayed on ABC Nightly News, and around the world; ‘Sesame ST’ has won 122 Emmy Awards; our GOVT is not talking to itself: when & what did the Army know about TX sniper’s link to al Qaeda, his being taught to kill; ABQ question asked to ‘V’ cast member; San Fran Bay Bridge is closed again, after a big rig plummeted over a railing: the driver was killed; TSA employee failing to be scanned ends in a hijack scare at FL airport; J. Crew saluted the ‘common man’; will DC sniper be executed in VA tomorrow?; the signs point to ‘yes’;
another typhoon stuck the Philippines; Hillary is in Germany to honor the ‘Fall of the Wall’ which took place twenty years ago today; Dalai Lama causes unrest while traveling in China; oil is $79.60 per barrel; gold is $1,101.40 an ounce; AIDS is the number one cause of death in women from 15 – 44, with unsafe sex the reason; Indonesia quake; three US hikers are charged with espionage by Iran; British woman dies after a firecracker thrown into her house caused the structure to ignite; 5K people tried to escape over & under the Berlin Wall; subway service links E with W Berlin; there is now a gymnasium & high-rises on that same site;

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