Hell Week, Day Two; into the Heights for comics; worked 93 Psych TES edits; Code Purple at 6:30A; overtime has returned for next week; lots of traffic on I-40W at 4P; finished Rounds by 7:45A; nobody cares about Closing; ran for buses, arrived at home by 5P;
snow in the Rockies, parts of I-70 closed in CO; TX saw 80 mph winds yesterday; heavy rain for the TN & MS Valleys, along some stretches of I-95 & I-20, from MI to the Gulf Coast; Red Flag warnings for NV & CA; severe weather in the Dakotas; wet in Pittsburgh, Miami & Chicago; showers in Houston, Seattle & Mobile; chance of tornadoes in MS & S Louisiana, and along parts of I-10; temps from 50s to 90s;
David Letterman was being blackmailed for $2 million for having sex with a female staff member, extortionist arrested; Sully soared again; two TX men want to get divorced; why are people surprised that auto sales are down in September: the Cash for Clunkers program is over; taxpayers may lose up to $200 billion in TARP loans; jobless rate is now 9.8%; personal bankruptcies reach a four-year high; 263K job cuts in September, unemployment losses for 21 months in a row; soldier who faked abduction get dishonorably discharged, reduced in rank to private, and spend three years in jail; the DOW ended down; Disney Museum opened in San Francisco; why should the H1N1 vaccine be mandatory for health care workers?: why not include hotel staff & all parents; MS cat survives after being shot in the head by an arrow;

Iran will ‘co-operate’, and allow inspectors; deadly mudslides in Italy; one last bid for Chicago to be the chosen city for 2016, some protest the use of money for campaigning, instead of more important reasons; Obama is a ‘faithful representative of the American people’; 6.3 earthquake shook Tonga; and the winner is…Rio!; Chicago was last, and Rio is ready!; is the Olympic committee anti-American; oil is $69.89 per barrel; gold is $1,005.20 an ounce; [I wrote that ‘one last bid’ comment hours before the decision was made];

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